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  1. Default Re: How was your day today? - DotA 2 Edition

    3.1k is still pretty good m80

    Above average for sure :P

  2. Default Re: How was your day today? - DotA 2 Edition

    That's pretty good after so long without playing. I had around the same when I calibrated mine and I was playing daily.

  3. Monster Truck Tire Straight Male
    IGN: Triggernometry
    Server: Supports
    Job: TeamSecret
    Guild: BigDaddy<3

    Default Re: How was your day today? - DotA 2 Edition

    Well to be honest I wasn't expecting much.
    Having to be the 4th and 5th position in 6/8 matches I had to play, having 1 quitter out of those 8 and 1 match lost because I couldn't reconnect I though I was gonna get something like 2.7k.
    I gotta LOT of room to improve as hard carry and offlaner, although I'm getting pretty good with ET solo off

    singinsgpls... you are breaking my heart :(

    20 plantains a second...
    Last edited by Chew; 2014-12-10 at 11:39 AM.

  4. Default Re: How was your day today? - DotA 2 Edition

    First game in a while where I feel like I made the difference. I'm playing Ogre, Witch Doctor and Jakiro so often that I''m sooo getting used last hitting with them better than with most carries too lol.

  5. Monster Truck Tire Straight Male
    IGN: Triggernometry
    Server: Supports
    Job: TeamSecret
    Guild: BigDaddy<3

    Default Re: How was your day today? - DotA 2 Edition

    This is how dota looks at 4k

    Well at least it's DSR :P

  6. Monster Truck Tire Straight Male
    IGN: Triggernometry
    Server: Supports
    Job: TeamSecret
    Guild: BigDaddy<3

    Default Re: How was your day today? - DotA 2 Edition

    I..I counter picked so hard
    Last edited by Chew; 2014-12-24 at 03:55 PM.

  7. Monster Truck Tire Straight Male
    IGN: Triggernometry
    Server: Supports
    Job: TeamSecret
    Guild: BigDaddy<3

    Default Re: How was your day today? - DotA 2 Edition

    So this was my gift Volvo gave me:

    KEWL even tho I don't even play carl

  8. Default Re: How was your day today? - DotA 2 Edition

    Man, my mechanics are really holding me back. So much wasted gold by missing last hits.

    I practice my last hits but I can't get above the 45-50 range free farming in a lobby. Is there something you guys look for when you practice?

  9. Monster Truck Tire Straight Male
    IGN: Triggernometry
    Server: Supports
    Job: TeamSecret
    Guild: BigDaddy<3

    Default Re: How was your day today? - DotA 2 Edition

    I got no problems LH in early stage,
    As offlaner:
    I mainly keep the creep wave out of tower's range. I rather just walk them around and put them back once my wave is outside the range so I can LH no problem or just plain make them dive.
    As mid:
    Well I don't play too much mid, but I always look for the high gound advantage.
    As safelane:
    I rely pretty much on my support to harrass the enemy while I get the LH/denies.

    My main problem is the mid-game, and even though I really enjoy midgame heroes sometimes I don't know when to farm or when to fight.
    This match is good example of my issue:
    I was playing as a safelane core mirana

  10. Default Re: How was your day today? - DotA 2 Edition

    Trying Bounty Hunter with Dagon Build

    This match was ridiculous, that ember bought 3 divines and lost the 3. And even after that, it took us 10 minutes to win . At least my ultimate made the difference. So far so good

  11. Monster Truck Tire Straight Male
    IGN: Triggernometry
    Server: Supports
    Job: TeamSecret
    Guild: BigDaddy<3

    Default Re: How was your day today? - DotA 2 Edition

    Sometimes I whish our community was big enough to run some in-house.

  12. Monster Truck Tire Straight Male
    IGN: Triggernometry
    Server: Supports
    Job: TeamSecret
    Guild: BigDaddy<3

    Default Re: How was your day today? - DotA 2 Edition

    Oh volvo what am I gonna do with you ?
    I waited for one long hour to play the event...
    Watch the last minute countdown...
    spam the"play" button...
    Searching for Dota 2 Network

  13. Default Re: How was your day today? - DotA 2 Edition

    Today I played in a smurf with no games because I convinced a friend to try it and holy pomegranate, there were at least 2 other smurfs while the rest were new and one of them flamed them to no end. It sucks if that's a common thing for new players to experience, learning heroes/items/the game and whatnot while having some jerk say you suck, quit dota at everything that might look like a terrible play for a more experienced player.

  14. Default Re: How was your day today? - DotA 2 Edition

    It was true of the games I've played.

  15. Default Re: How was your day today? - DotA 2 Edition

    Well, I'm not working at the moment and school won't start for a couple months more so if you'd like we can play together, I'm almost always nice to people in game so it might make it more enjoyable :).

  16. Monster Truck Tire Straight Male
    IGN: Triggernometry
    Server: Supports
    Job: TeamSecret
    Guild: BigDaddy<3

    Default Re: How was your day today? - DotA 2 Edition

    Man this pineappleing match
    I literally had to coach my whole team because they were totally lost at 20 minutes, only TA knew how to farm but no idea where or how to initiate.
    Goddamt @Salguod; your goddam dazzle was on point to disable my ult 60% of the times.

  17. Default Re: How was your day today? - DotA 2 Edition

    Oh haha. That was you? What a small world. I have regrets about our last push. Should've stayed with one of the other lanes instead of sniper and gotten a necrobook. Good game!

  18. Monster Truck Tire Straight Male
    IGN: Triggernometry
    Server: Supports
    Job: TeamSecret
    Guild: BigDaddy<3

    Default Re: How was your day today? - DotA 2 Edition

    You have no idea, at min 35 everyone gave up and starting to say "let em finish" etc etc.
    And I was like "no, we just need to win 3 fights to end this".
    It was a good game indeed, sadly my TA was salty with the guy picking up the phone call.

  19. Default Re: How was your day today? - DotA 2 Edition

    Got Zeus immortal :D! I think the only Immortal I still want but I'm missing is SF one, which I'll trade later or something.

  20. Default Re: How was your day today? - DotA 2 Edition

    So I got a third NS set from my compendium. Would anyone like 1? I plan to keep the other for trades or something so just giving away 1.



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