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  1. ᗧ · · · ᗣ · · · ᗣ ᗣ Straight Male
    IGN: Helsinki
    Server: MYBCKN
    Level: 220
    Job: Aran
    Guild: Friends
    Alliance: Unbreakable

    Default Untradeable equips and inventory

    Pretty sure I'm not the only one having problems fitting stuff to their equip inv. Currently, my untradeable items take over half of my equip space and more if I unequip untradeable stuff. It wouldn't be a problem if you could store them somewhere, but you cant... (Not gonna play with re-buy)

    With untradeable maple items from legend shop (maple umbrella, maple face acc etc.) and total of 7 Maple Legend Items, how is Nexon expecting us to have the space for all that untradeable pomegranade? Or maybe this is their plan to force us to buy more slots with nx?

  2. Euro Minicar Straight Male
    IGN: ZekkenAdele
    Server: Scania
    Level: 246
    Job: Adele
    Guild: DarkLily
    Alliance: Arcane
    Farm: HarvestxMoon

    Default Re: Untradeable equips and inventory

    toss out useless ones?

  3. Interdimensional Rift Straight Male
    IGN: thewatch3r
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 204
    Job: Lolmaster
    Guild: Contagious

    Default Re: Untradeable equips and inventory

    This? Maybe store some stuff in the cs?

  4. Default Re: Untradeable equips and inventory

    That's Nexon's Plan. Give out so many good Untradables you have to buy more equip space with NX


  5. Neon Atom Gay Male
    IGN: VVindswept
    Server: Mardia
    Level: 210
    Job: Wind Archer
    Guild: Memento
    Alliance: Christmas

    Default Re: Untradeable equips and inventory

    You answered your own question lol...not to mention that you have a choice whether to get them or not, and also whether to keep them in your inventory or not...if you don't have the intention of using the item then there really is no reason to keep it in there if you're that strapped for space. Prioritize.

  6. Spirit of the Arrow Bi Female
    IGN: MariettaRC
    Server: Windia
    Level: 200
    Job: Bowmistress
    Guild: KoopaForce
    Alliance: KoopaEmpire

    Default Re: Untradeable equips and inventory

    Some people prefer to keep their event items for either aesthetic purposes or for the sake of collecting them. And you can't store untradeable equips in the MTS (don't know why you said CS).

    I have this exact problem, best I could do is toss out medals I never use that I know I can reclaim. Thankfully the extra slots from compensation helped solve this a bit.

  7. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: SaptaZapta
    Server: Kradia
    Level: 275
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Matriarchy
    Alliance: Peaceful

    Default Re: Untradeable equips and inventory

    Same, except my Equip inventory is already maxed. So many memorabilia...

    And then there's Use, and a whole bunch of useful untradeables, because Nexon's cure for abuse/exploit/dupe is to make any and all event rewards untradeable. So I have all sorts of event scrolls that might come in handy some day and would normally be stored on a mule or in MTS, but noooo...

  8. Default Re: Untradeable equips and inventory

    They are better off just revamping the item storage system. Even with max slots I'm sure people like you and sapta would have problems eventually, the older the character gets, the more that gets packed into it.

  9. Default Re: Untradeable equips and inventory

    I was really glad for the compensation slots, it put me back at half open slots and half untradeable slots for equips. I was just about getting to the point where I wanted to break down and buy some more slots.

    I also got rid of a few select items that I couldn't justify holding onto anymore.

    The sad part is I know I won't use half this stuff but the time it took to make some of it (android set) or just the uniqueness of it makes me hesitant to get rid of it. I probably should just get rid of all of it tbh.

  10. Default Re: Untradeable equips and inventory

    Wow. I just realized that I can only deposit a total of 3 things from my full inventory...

    That's a pirate's inventory + expanded slots from compensation, which isn't saying much.

  11. Default Re: Untradeable equips and inventory

    I've always been a packrat, which is why i used to have close to 30 mules. I loved to collect all the event equips like surfboards, tubes, christmas lights, etc., until Nexon had the bright idea to start making them untradeable. Now I'm forced to part with a couple things each time a new event comes by. To top it off, at least in my case, medals help make this worse. I don't know why Nexon doesn't give them a separate UI where they are stored and you can choose which to equip.

  12. Can of Soup Male
    IGN: LunaMimosa
    Server: El Nido
    Level: 134
    Job: OP Elf Queen
    Guild: Some no-name guild
    Alliance: Read above.

    Default Re: Untradeable equips and inventory

    I don't think its about Nexon trying to bum extra NX off of us.

    I'm pretty sure it was to avoid these items from being DUPED to high hell.

  13. Default Re: Untradeable equips and inventory

    I still have tons of worthless crap that are on my chars or on my mules. Honestly, I don't care about them much anymore because even though they're collectible, I'm probably never going to equip them ever again. If you think about it that way, you'll probably find a lot of stuff you can part with.

    Some examples of that crap are

    - Wish tickets
    - Maple Claws 1-of-a-kind presents from every year, roughly 10~15
    - Nevermeltice
    - Maple BBQ (13 att)
    - Red envelopes
    - All the old haunted mansion stuff, including loki box key and such

    - Secret agent set
    - Both hats from terra forest quest
    - Cloud overall
    - Rolling pin
    - Anniversary hat
    - Kerning square earring
    - Mushking glove

    There's probably a lot more that I can't think of at the moment, but in the span of 1 year, I doubt I'd even put on 1 of those equips once to show to people.

  14. ᗧ · · · ᗣ · · · ᗣ ᗣ Straight Male
    IGN: Helsinki
    Server: MYBCKN
    Level: 220
    Job: Aran
    Guild: Friends
    Alliance: Unbreakable

    Default Re: Untradeable equips and inventory

    The thing is I don't really have nx, except for few perma equips bought with compensation/event maple points, and I henehoe all the time. Not dropping my exclusive items D:

  15. Default Re: Untradeable equips and inventory

    Lol... don't forget the Alcadno/Jenumist capes, and of course all the untradeable weapons the Balrog, Dragon Rider and Neo City bosses drop.

    All 24 are untradeable. All the equips my Paladin's wearing except the gloves are untradeable too, so add in another 4 I don't train with, 4 I do (crit ring, 2% exp ring, weapon, MoN) - my training gear's on my Demon Slayer atm, which frees up the Paladin's equip space considerably.

    The Neo Dark Arund in particular is a very stupid item to keep around, given that I can't equip it and don't have a PSoK for it, nor expect to get one (how many attack is 10% crit worth to a Bowmaster, anyway?).

  16. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: SaptaZapta
    Server: Kradia
    Level: 275
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Matriarchy
    Alliance: Peaceful

    Default Re: Untradeable equips and inventory

    An idea for a solution:

    The Attic
    The Attic is a type of storage, large but not easily accessible, meant for memorabilia and other items that a player wants to keep, are not regularly in use, and cannot be stored on mules, in MTS, or even in regular Storage, due to being Untradeable.
    Each character has their own Attic, not shared with others on the account.
    Only true untradeable items (i.e., not SoK/PSoK/SharingTag) may be placed in the Attic.
    The Attic may not be used to circumvent the "one-of-a-kind" tag. The character will not be able to acquire a one-of-a-kind item that is already in the Attic.

    Limitation and/or costs may be placed on the Attic to discourage players from using it as simple additional inventory or storage:
    - Charging considerable meso fees to access it, or to store/remove items
    - Limited access (number of times a day it can be accessed), or Cooldown

  17. Default Re: Untradeable equips and inventory

    lol we just have to face it, we're hoarders, when I have too many untradeables I just drop the ones from quests, they're not rare nor hard to get so why keep them? But one thing I do hate from gMS why the heck can't you ask korea to add the excluvise medals to the medal thingy?

    Also like your idea Sapta and I guess it has to be infinite or at least let you pay mesos to enlarge it how many times you like since we know there are more to come.

  18. Neutron
    IGN: DarkXDaisuke
    Server: Scania
    Level: 172
    Job: NightLord
    Guild: Conundrum
    Alliance: Noble

    Default Re: Untradeable equips and inventory

    I just tossed the useless items I don't care about or are no longer useful, just now I tossed that strawberry shoulder pad and the lvl 70 maple helmet.

  19. Orbital Bee Cannon Straight Male
    IGN: Musiphe
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 277
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Epic
    Alliance: Fatal

    Default Re: Untradeable equips and inventory

    Same situation with my BM sister. She only has around 3-5 slots of open space, because everything else is taken up by past events over the years and for nostalgia reasons.

    My Paladin still has the "Artifact Top 10 Hunt" medal, from 3 years ago, even though it gives absolutely nothing, along with a few other things.

  20. ᗧ · · · ᗣ · · · ᗣ ᗣ Straight Male
    IGN: Helsinki
    Server: MYBCKN
    Level: 220
    Job: Aran
    Guild: Friends
    Alliance: Unbreakable

    Default Re: Untradeable equips and inventory

    Gotta add here... they should make it so that after dropping old medals you can get them back from the title npc if the character has those titles registered. Not sure if this is possible already.



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