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  1. Default Forum game: Guess that mob.

    I'm bored so I want to test people how good they are with the MapleStory mob.
    I will post a small detail or line about this mob and the first person who gets it wins.
    After that I will post a new one as soon as possible and update this post itself + the winners.
    (I'd offer some prize for the winner in the end but sadly I have nothing to offer)

    Note: Dont post one word posts like ''insert mob name here'' without anything else.
    Try to explain why you think its this or that mob. Try to elaborate!

    -First mob-

    Mob Name: Mr. Anchor.
    Won by: PirateIzzy.
    Monster number 1 hints

    Guessed mobs so far:
    Master goblins (Red/Blue/Green) Carries a mace so its not really pointless. Neither is it eternal.
    Bearwolves - Not eternal.
    Snail - Not eternal.
    Zakum - Doesnt carry anything?
    Peach Monkey - Not eternal.
    Mama Monkey - Not eternal. (Baby grows up lol)
    Homunculus - Its not a bother since the thing on its back actually carries the smaller one!
    Buffoon - Very close but not the one im looking for.
    Alishar - Doesnt carry anything.
    Deep buffoon - Again very close.
    Tick Tocks - Not eternal but the ''time aspect'' is a nice try
    Papulatus - Again the time thing but nope.
    Rexton - Nope not eternal.
    Gatekeeper - Very close. Axe is a weapon and a bother maybe + its eternal.
    (Grim) Phantom watch. - Close but the timer hes chained to isnt actually a weapon.
    Nest Golem - Again the thing on its back is not a weapon.
    Berzerker slime - Not eternal but yes a good weapon.
    Beetle slime - Again not eternal and not really a good weapon if you ask me.
    Mr. Achor - Yup.

    -Second mob-

    Mob name: Chimera.
    Won by: Chilly.
    Monster number 2 hints

    Guessed mobs so far:
    Bombing goby house - No quests involved here but the rest matches.
    Pirate Captain - I dont think he has a cannon, either way this isnt the one im looking for.
    Pinboom - Has no quests involved, or disguise.
    Training robot B - This place is more visited then ever. Since DS came out they all did the quests to kill these.
    Boomers - Again no quests involved. Or a disguise.
    High/Lower Darkstar - No disguise.
    Neo City bosses - Nope.
    Chimera - Yes.

    -Third mob-

    Mob name: Phantom Tree
    Won by: Marksman Bryan
    Monster number 3 hints

    Guessed mobs so far:
    Mirror Ghost - Nice try but people wont be flocking to the haunted mansion.
    Elder wraith - Pretty visable to me.
    Headless horseman - Nope also visable.
    Phantom tree - Yes

    -Fourth mob-

    Mob name: Baby typhoon
    Won by: Marksman Bryan.
    Monster number 4 hints

    Guessed mobs so far:
    Wolf underling - High up in the shy? How xD
    Flyeye - Good guess but nope. (Fits the critics though.
    Baby typhoon - Yesss

    -Fifth mob-

    Mob name: Bamboo Ninja.
    Won by: Marksman Bryan.
    Monster number 5 hints

    Guessed mobs so far:
    Dark eye from another dimension. - Nope
    Leprechaun - Again nope.
    Bamboo warrior - Yeep

    -Sixth mob-

    Mob name: ???
    Won by: ???
    Monster number 6 hints

    Guessed mobs so far:

    I will reply after a minimum of at least 5 posts regarding the mobs mentioned so far and tell you if its right or wrong.
    Last edited by ZeroGravity; 2012-02-02 at 05:20 PM.

  2. Helium Atom Straight Male
    IGN: iDkStuf
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 19x
    Job: Wind Archer
    Guild: N/A
    Farm: NyQuil

    Default Re: Forum game: Guess what mob.

    I know its one of the goblins, but which colored goblin i don't know.

  3. Default Re: Forum game: Guess what mob.

    Jen says its a snail.

  4. Donator Straight Female
    IGN: LadyJenJen
    Server: Bera
    Level: 200
    Job: Marksman
    Guild: TheSwift
    Alliance: Entwined
    Farm: Kaede

    Default Re: Forum game: Guess what mob.

    Yes, I said Snail 8o

  5. Default Re: Forum game: Guess what mob.

    Master goblins: Nope.
    Peach Monkey: Nope.
    Snail: Nope, but I have to say this was a good guess seeing their snail as a heavy burden. Nice try. (No sarcasm intended)

  6. Donator Straight Female
    IGN: LadyJenJen
    Server: Bera
    Level: 200
    Job: Marksman
    Guild: TheSwift
    Alliance: Entwined
    Farm: Kaede

    Default Re: Forum game: Guess what mob.

    Zakum.....he holds that block tomb thing for no reason. Idk xD This is fun and a bit tricky, I like the idea :3

  7. Donator Straight Female
    IGN: LadyJenJen
    Server: Bera
    Level: 200
    Job: Marksman
    Guild: TheSwift
    Alliance: Entwined
    Farm: Kaede

    Default Re: Forum game: Guess what mob.

    Zakum.....he holds that block tomb thing for no reason. Idk xD This is fun and a bit tricky, I like the idea :3

  8. Default Re: Forum game: Guess what mob.

    Bearwolf. Cuz the wolf thingie has to carry the fatass bear.

  9. Default Re: Forum game: Guess what mob.

    You have no idea how much this made me laugh. I swear.
    And also..
    Zakum: Nope.
    Ann rynd(?): Nope.
    Bearwolf: Nope. but yeah funny.

    I'll give another hint if 10 guesses were made.

  10. Donator Straight Female
    IGN: LadyJenJen
    Server: Bera
    Level: 200
    Job: Marksman
    Guild: TheSwift
    Alliance: Entwined
    Farm: Kaede

    Default Re: Forum game: Guess what mob.

    Mama Monkey......useless baby

  11. Default Re: Forum game: Guess what mob.


  12. Default Re: Forum game: Guess what mob.

    Homunculus, the ballooney top portion holds a beaker of useless chimera juice.


  13. Default Re: Forum game: Guess what mob.

    Oh! I didnt get the reference, but now I do haha.

    Mama monkey: Nope
    Homunculus: Also nope.

    Few more guesses for a new hint.

  14. Default Re: Forum game: Guess what mob.

    Buffoons? They carry that annoying ass clock.
    And they're ghosts, so there's the eternal part.

  15. Default Re: Forum game: Guess what mob.


  16. Donator Straight Female
    IGN: LadyJenJen
    Server: Bera
    Level: 200
    Job: Marksman
    Guild: TheSwift
    Alliance: Entwined
    Farm: Kaede

    Default Re: Forum game: Guess what mob.


  17. Interdimensional Rift Straight Male
    IGN: thewatch3r
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 204
    Job: Lolmaster
    Guild: Contagious

    Default Re: Forum game: Guess what mob.

    -Hime- since she has to carry Nexon's stupidity over to the fanbase. *troll face*

  18. Default Re: Forum game: Guess what mob.

    Buffoons: This guys getting warmer.
    Alishar: Nope, what does he carry anyway besides from a ridiculous huge clock on its head.
    -Hime-: You won! no ehmm nope. Had a good laugh though.

    New hint:
    Even though I have to carry this around all the time... it makes use of a good weapon though.



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