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  1. Default Strange objects found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea create a stir

    Apparently it's the Millennium Falcon from star wars.

    I'm not sure of the websites reputation, I just googled the title and picked the one with a video

    Interesting to say the least although I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation such as OMG STAR WARS IS REALL

  2. Default Re: Strange objects found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea create a stir

    Saw posted earlier on fb, thought it was some sort of fishing/spam crap...
    Also, reasonable explanations aren't as fun as OMG STARWARS IS REAL.

  3. Default Re: Strange objects found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea create a stir

  4. Default Re: Strange objects found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea create a stir

    Its a snork dragon!

  5. Interdimensional Rift Straight Male
    IGN: thewatch3r
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 204
    Job: Lolmaster
    Guild: Contagious

    Default Re: Strange objects found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea create a stir

    Looks like a pokemon to me.

  6. Default Re: Strange objects found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea create a stir

    Looks like an oval slab of rock leaning against a rock wall.

  7. Interdimensional Rift Straight Male
    IGN: thewatch3r
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 204
    Job: Lolmaster
    Guild: Contagious

    Default Re: Strange objects found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea create a stir

  8. Default Re: Strange objects found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea create a stir

    Missing a head, sure.

  9. Default Re: Strange objects found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea create a stir

    Kind of looks like......

    A ordinary rock you find everyday in the world called nature.

  10. Default Re: Strange objects found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea create a stir

    Lochness monster relocation?

  11. Default Re: Strange objects found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea create a stir

    Did we finally find Kabuto?

  12. Default Re: Strange objects found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea create a stir

    Who's that Pokémon?!

  13. Default Re: Strange objects found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea create a stir

    ITS PIKACHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Default Re: Strange objects found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea create a stir

    iiiiiit's koffing!


  15. Default Re: Strange objects found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea create a stir

    Shape reminds me of columnar joints which in turn reminds me of Devil's Tower.

    But then, I doubt the "Ocean Explorer" comp. would be unable to tell apart rock from steel or whatever.

    Holy mother of God, what was that? An endless stream of Touhou MMD videos dancing to the tune "Everybody" by the Backstreet Boys?

    My precious hour! Where have thy gone thoo?

    /damn you youtube suggestions

  16. Default Re: Strange objects found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea create a stir

    Reminds me of the face on Mars.



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