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  1. Default Does anyone here still play Age of Mythology, Gold edition? (Titans expansion)

    I was wondering if anyone still plays this.
    I still play this from time to time with friends online using GameRanger.
    I love making my own maps and play them with my friends.
    Have to say I suck at it, but fun nontheless. I wish there were two or three other people who could play this with me
    or against eachother, I would host the room and if you want I could give you my custom maps. (Ofcourse you can view the map yourself after I uploaded the file and recommend any changes. I could change almost anything within two minutes.

    So yeah.
    Btw, AOM beats AOE. :B

  2. Default Re: Does anyone here still play Age of Mythology, Gold edition? (Titans expansion)

    Omg this brings back memories. I haven't played that game in over 5 years. I dunno if I still even have the CD key for it

  3. Default Re: Does anyone here still play Age of Mythology, Gold edition? (Titans expansion)

    I used a cracked version and it works fine for me.
    Also, I bet you can find a key online. And yes this game is so nostalgic but I freaking LOVE it.
    Strategy + Mythology? Hell yes.

  4. Default Re: Does anyone here still play Age of Mythology, Gold edition? (Titans expansion)


  5. Default Re: Does anyone here still play Age of Mythology, Gold edition? (Titans expansion)

    I played when I was in my "use ALL the cheat codes" mode, so i used literally every cheat code in the game to play in the campaign. I loved the story lines and how epic the battles could be. I don't have it on my Win 7 machine tho cause i used to have a Virtual CD version of it (along with starcraft). Was too lazy to add to my new machine though :C Might do it when I get back over the summer just for lulz and for something i can play without internet (my internet cuts out every now and then).

  6. Default Re: Does anyone here still play Age of Mythology, Gold edition? (Titans expansion)

    Its a shame not to many people still play this.
    And yes the battles can be long and epic. Like I said I make my own custom maps and they are about 4 times as big as a regular ''large'' map.
    I also made my own Day and night cyclus since it didnt exist in the game. There are so many things you can edit/mod its fun!
    But yeah, I once played with 8 people at the same time and the battle took 4 hours long.
    So. Freaking. Fun.

    All this + being on skype ofcourse.
    Fun garantueed.

    EDIT: The cheats were fun especially with the titan expansion.
    barkbarkbarkbarkbark is fun. I love the description of the dog bella.

    Bonus damage: The living room.
    Use against: furniture.
    Counter with: Shock collar.
    Upgrade at: Food dish.

    Gotta love dem programmers.
    The flying hippo is even worse...

    Bonus damage: Animals.
    Use against: Animals.
    Counter with: Common sense.

  7. Default Re: Does anyone here still play Age of Mythology, Gold edition? (Titans expansion)

    Not 3 weeks ago I enjoy a runthrough the campain mode of AoM.



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