So it turns out I've been a lurker on Southperry for quite some time now so I figured I might as well make an account and "participate" in discussions instead of just seeing what other people have to say.
I'm not a fan of automated formats, so I will just make this introduction my own way.
Hey, my name is Kody, I am 19 years old and a Sophomore in college transferring to FSU in the Fall. I currently live in Florida which is where I have lived all my life for the most part.
I wanna say I started playing Maplestory back in 2008 sometime around the release of Leafre I believe. I am originally from Bellocan, but then started over new in Mardia and now I am back and forth between Mardia, Windia, and El Nido. Only because I like the bossing in Mardia, the activeness/economy of Windia and the friendliness of the people in El Nido.
As far as other games, I don't really play any other games other than Maplestory, because honestly most games bore me, or I haven't found another one that I have quite enjoyed.
Let's see, I can't really think of anything particularly interesting about me, because well, everything about me I find interesting, and yeah that's about it!
Oh, my favorite animal are squirrels!
Edit: I figured I'd used the username "Kohdy" since the username "Kody" was already taken D: