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Ongoing Events
Welcome Back Gift
January 19 January 31
Requirement: Accounts that havent logged in since before December 8, 2011.
Reward: special 2x EXP coupon: four hours of 2x EXP every day for 10 days, from 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Pacific
A message will prompt you to collect your gift from the Cash Shop when you log in to a character.
If you want to receive it on another character, choose not to collect it when you receive a message in the Cash Shop.
Limit one coupon per world per account.
January 4 - January 31
All players who havent logged in since before the Legends update last December 8 and who have a pet which has expired will also receive Water of Life to revive the pet.
New Player Welcome Gifts
January 19 January 31
Requirement: Accounts created during the event period.
Reward for reaching Lv.10: 7-day Hyper Teleport Rock, 7-day tiger mount
Reward for reaching Lv.30: 14-day Penguin pet
The prizes can be collected from your Cash Shop inventory.
Limit one level 10 prize and one level 30 prize per new account created during the event period.
January 4 - January 17
Receive special equipment when you log in if you have an account created between December 8 through the end of the event period.
Grape Earrings: REQ LV: 13, Weapon/Magic ATT +3, 5 upgrade slot unhammered, time limited, untradeable
Grape Pendant: REQ LV: 13, STR/DEX/INT/LUK +5, Weapon/Magic DEF +50, time limited, untradeable
Grape Belt: REQ LV: 13, Weapon/Magic ATT +2, Weapon/Magic DEF +50, Max HP/MP +300, time limited, untradeable
Limit one set of items per world per account.
Legends Support Events
2x EXP Weekends
December 8 January 31
Earn 2x EXP from hunting monsters.
Saturday and Sunday, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Pacific
2x Drop
December 8 January 31
The drop rate of items from defeated monsters is doubled.
All day, each day
Equipment Support
December 8 January 31
All jobs
Receive free equipment every five levels from Lv.10-30 and every ten levels from Lv.30-70.
Click the icons on the left side of the screen when you reach an appropriate level for more information.
Legends Space Rock
December 8 January 31
Requirement: Lv.30 or higher
Repeatable once per day.
Talk to the Maple Administrator to receive a Legends Space Rock, which can teleport you to most major towns in Maple World.
The rock has a thirty minute cooldown until you can use it again, and it expires after one day.
The Legends Space Rock can teleport you to the following towns:
Kerning City
Lith Harbor
Nautilus Harbor Ereve
El Nath
Omega Sector
Korean Folk Town Aquarium
Mu Lung
Herb Town
Legends 1+1
December 8 January 31
Requirement: Cannoneer, Mercedes, Demon Slayer
When you reach Lv.30 and Lv.70, you can obtain a potion that contains the amount of EXP needed to reach that level.
After reaching the appropriate level, you can obtain the item by clicking on the mysterious potion icon on the left side of the game window.
Characters that are participating in the event can view the EXP+ gauge, which will fill up when EXP has been obtained.
A Cannoneer, Mercedes, and Demon Slayer can each participate 1 time, for a total of 3 participations.
Double-click the potion in your item inventory to receive EXP contained within it.
The total EXP and remaining EXP can be viewed by hovering your cursor over the potion in you item inventory. The item will disappear once the EXP has reached 0.
These items cannot be moved to another new job class character.
If you have not made the 1st job advancement before reaching Lv.30, then you may not be able to properly receive SP.
Legends Never Give Up!
December 8 January 31
Requirement: Previously existing job. Cannoneers, Mercedes, and the Demon Slayer cannot participate.
You can receive a Legends Never Give Up! buff when you reach levels 50, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, and 100.
Be sure to claim the buff when you reach the appropriate level; if you level up further, you won't be able to claim the reward for the level you passed.
You will need three slots open in the Use tab of your item inventory to receive the reward when you level up to a given level.
Double-click the buff in the Use tab of your item inventory to activate it. It will expire in three days if you don't use it.
Reward: Legends Never Give Up! x3: Double-click it to receive a 1.5x EXP buff for 1 hour. Untradeable
Legends Awards
December 8 January 31
You'll be able to acquire trophies by participating in the Legends Awards events, and you'll obtain a Legends Awards Chair if you collect all the trophies.
You can open the Legends Awards menu by clicking on the trophy icon on the left side of your game window.
Menu UI:
Coin Shop
Click the Coin Shop button to visit a shop where you can spend your Legends Awards Coins. Purchasable items include a wide selection of equipment with hidden potential, restorative items, recipes, scrolls, and special items such as SP Reset Scroll, AP Resets, Chaos Scrolls, Mystery Mastery Books, professions items, and a variety of Maple equipment.
More than 20 types of Legendary Maple items
More than 70 types of Lv.80-110 Legendary Weapons with hidden potential
More than 30 types of Legends Scrolls
Each character may purchase up to 10 Legends 1.3x EXP Coupons during the event.
Various recipes including the Crystal Heart Recipe, the EXP Accumulation Potion Recipe, the Cleansing Potion Recipe, and the Wealth Acquisition Potion Recipe have been added.
Trophy List
You can check the list of trophies that you've acquired and have yet to acquire. Hover your cursor over a trophy slot to see the basic requirement for that trophy.
My Trophies
Your character name and the achievement will be displayed in the notice window at the center whenever you acquire a trophy and when you complete the bonus missions in the Mission tab.
You can view a list of bonus missions available for the Legends Awards.
A message will automatically display when you meet the mission completion requirements, and you'll be able to receive the reward(s), which include Potential Scrolls, Equip Enhancement Scrolls, a special Chaos Scroll, and more
A slot that was grayed out will become blue when you complete the corresponding content and receive its bonus rewards.
Hero of the Legends: New Class Creation Event
December 8 January 31
Requirement: Cannoneer, Mercedes, or Demon Slayer
Accept the quest from the icons on the left side of the screen.
When you make the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th job advancements, you will receive Legends Awards Coins.
2nd job advancement: 1 coin
3rd job advancement: 3 coins
4th job advancement: 6 coins
When you have reached Level 50 with a new Legends character, you can get a Legends Ring.
Legends Ring: A legendary ring that grows when you grow stronger. It can be shared with other characters on the same account.
The Legendary Ring can be equipped along with the following: Lilin's Ring, Explorer's Ring, and Resistance Ring.
Once you have equipped a Legendary Ring, you cannot receive any more additional Legendary Rings.
When you have reached Level 70, you can get a Special Mastery Book, which has a 100% chance to raise a corresponding 4th job skill's Master Level to its max if you meet the requirements.
Only 1 character per job class can participate.
Legendary Black Dragon
January 18 January 31
Accept the quest from Cassandra.
Collect 50 Legendary Black Dragon Wings from monster drops to receive a Legendary Black Dragon Gift Box.
Double-click the gift box to receive a reward, which include restorative items, scrolls, Legends Awards Coins, traits items, and a Legendary Black Dragon Ring
Legendary Black Dragon Ring: STR/DEX/INT/LUK +1, Weapon/Magic ATT +1, Weapon/Magic DEF +10, Max HP/MP +20, one upgrade slot unhammered, can only equipped by Warrior classes, one-of-a-kind item, movement is only possible within the account.
January 19 January 31
Requirement: Lv.13 or higher
Accept the quest from Gaga.
Collect 20 each of Rock, Paper, and Scissor cards dropped by monsters.
Play against Gaga and win two out of three matches.
One day of attendance will be checked off when you win more than twice.
A match will end when you play eight times.
Day 1: Legends Awards Coins
Day 2: Secret Recipe
Day 3: Legends Awards Coins
Day 4: Advanced Equip Enhancement Scroll
Day 5: Legends Awards Coins
Day 6: Potential Scroll
Day 7: Legends Awards Coins
Day 8: Rock-Paper-Scissors Trophy
Can You Resist?
January 19 January 31
Requirement: Lv.13 or higher
Accept the quest from the notification icons on the left side of the game window to receive a Golden Statue.
Stay logged in for 30 consecutive minutes and turn in the Golden Statue to receive a reward.
Gachapon Update
Gachapon Grand Prize
January 18 - January 31: Super Pink Adventurer Cape: REQ LEV: 50, STR/DEX/INT/LUK + 7, Weapon/Magic ATT +20, Weapon/Magic DEF +20, 1 upgrade slot unhammered. Tradable only within your account.
Chair King
January 12 January 31: Obtain the Stork Swing and speak to Dalair to obtain a Chair King medal.
Cash Shop Update
Random Meso Sacks
January 19 - January 31
Rare Meso Sack: Double-click it for up to 54 million mesos!
Epic Meso Sack: Double-click it for up to 208 million mesos!
Unique Meso Sack: Double-click it for up to 750 million mesos!
Chair Gachapon Tickets
January 19 - January 31
Double click a ticket to receive a chair. The chairs will be 30 day, 90 day, or permanent. You might even win a former Chair King chair or another super rare chair!
Available in singularly or in bundles of ten.
Vega's Spell
January 19 - January 31
Use Vega's Spell (10%) to have your 10% scroll's success increase to 30%, or you can put a Vega's Spell (60%) to work raising a 60% scroll's success rate to 90%!
Vega's Spell can only be used with 10% and 60% scrolls that say they can be used with it in their item description.
Scissors of Karma Sale
January 19 - January 31
Scissors of Karma can be used on certain untradeable items to make them tradeable one time, so you can give, trade, or sell the items to another character.
Scissors of Karma can only be used on items that say they can be used with them in their item description, and each Scissors of Karma can only be used once.
Available in singularly or in bundles of three or five.
2x EXP Coupons Sale - Extended!
December 8 January 31
The 2x EXP Coupons sale has been extended to January 31!
A coupon's timer will be activated immediately upon purchase, so be ready to move it into your item inventory and start hunting as soon as you buy one!
4 hour and 1 day coupons available.
Known Issues
The portal leading inside Crimsonwood Keep has been removed while some issues with the Crimsonwood Keep party quest are looked at.
A party play bonus is in effect for the Knights' Stronghold, but the enemies therein have yet to be returned to their original stats.
The Starling Face with purple eyes appears as the Crow Face.
Certain event quests cannot be accepted by clicking "Available" next to them in the Event List menu.
The description for Cannon Strike (Cannoneer 1st job skill) says it has a knockback effect, even though to skill does not perform one.
Craw's Pirate Hat is mislabeled as "Craw's Telescope."
There is untranslated text when hovering your cursor over Crossroads of Ereve and The Town of Ariant while on the world map.
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