Would like to know if there's any better permanent medal than this except the hot time medals so I can grab it.
Would like to know if there's any better permanent medal than this except the hot time medals so I can grab it.
I'm a lucky guy medal is the only one i can think of that would be within semi reasonable means. otherwise, that's a pretty damn good medal right there.
Only thing better would be Time Travelers medal, but that's not even obtainable.
I'm still waiting for that medal / event to come to GMS. It's been in our data for a few months now, but nothing so far :(
Well, I'll stick to this then, there's no Time Traveller's medal in SEA anyway.
Didn't you guys got the artifact hunting event already?
Or GMS nerfed the rewards?
7 days of no life, just for this medal, worth it or not, well, judge it yourselves.
Original, as in?
We get a glasses(all stat +2) for 30k points, a face paint(all stat +3) for 40k and a hat(all stat +7)for 50k, all of them last 7 days.
We also get to choose a perma version of them if you get more than 100k points(once per week).
The medal is a reward for being top 10 each week.
The reward list doesn't seems nice to me except the medal and GMS got an even crappier reward list?
Yeah happened once pre-BB if I remember right. Had a good reward or two, but, well, ultspam mages.
Was still definitely more fun then though, much less hacking going on in the common areas, less "lol legit" 200's...