"imgspoiler" is a convenience BBCode that combines the best features of images and spoilers, and it also makes pure image topics a lot easier to wade through.
This is why I'm hot
"imgspoiler" is a convenience BBCode that combines the best features of images and spoilers, and it also makes pure image topics a lot easier to wade through.
This is why I'm hot
I don't exactly.. get it, what is the difference between normal ones and imgspoilers?
Yup. Like I said, it's a convenience function.
Oh thats how you do it, thanks Fiel :P
For those of whom are too lazy to quote Fiel to see what he's talking about, it's like this:
This leads me to wondering if you can put other text in there Mr. Fiel.Code:Taking [spoiler] and [img] and putting them into one thing. So instead of going... [spoiler][img]http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/1399/maple0088z.jpg[img][spoiler] You go [spoilerimg]http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/1399/maple0088z.jpg[spoilerimg]
if i may test?
You tube test? EDIT: fail'd
you tube embed test? EDIT: fail'd
image within a image...
Ew spoilerimg failed on me. =(
Last edited by WillDaSnail; 2009-08-28 at 01:44 AM.
Thanks! A lot more convinient; though looks like we'll still need the old way to put more than one photo in the same spoiler as others.
Well, testing using a picture I already worked with in another thread just for the heck of it:
Last edited by Smooth Criminal; 2009-08-28 at 03:19 AM. Reason: To post my success, of course.
Tinypic > choose the "forum" link > paste > type [spoiler] twice (or click the spoiler toolbutton, if using advanced reply / quote)
Tinypic > choose the raw link > paste > type [imgspoiler] twice.
Not a huge difference, though I realize there's no point debating this. Having it won't hurt; one can still do it the old fashioned way. I know I won't ever remember this exists.