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Thread: [Notice] Scheduled Server Maintenance

  1. Default Scheduled Server Maintenance

  2. Won't Be Coming Back

    IGN: Septher
    Server: vengeance
    Level: 172
    Job: ShAHHHdower


    Wonder why they've been holding server checks at 3 AM EST lately instead of their normal 1 AM. No complaining here, though; got a 2x card that goes until 2 AM.

  3. Sassy Stranger Male
    IGN: SlayerZach
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: YES
    Job: Paladin
    Guild: Phoenix
    Farm: SlayerZach


    Do they even fix s'hit anymore in Server Maintenances?

  4. Default

    No, they add cash shop items.

  5. Default

    Server Maintenance=checking out the server and fixing anything wrong. So if nothing is wrong, they just add cash shop pomegranate.

  6. Default

    Think of a server maintenance as a weekly or biweekly reboot and defrag.

    It's purely for the health of the machine - The only game related tasks that occur are moving players and renaming players and activation of "new" cash shop plans.

  7. Default

    Is it possible to translate unadded data during a server maintenance?

  8. ~Thrust Into It~ Straight Male
    IGN: Sn1perel1te
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 152
    Job: Old School BM
    Guild: EbonSol
    Alliance: In One


    Arent the Cygnus prequests suppose to start on th 7th?

  9. Default

    They are mixing up the times of the SC now, 12am start this time. 5pm-10pm for me, my playing time gone. lol

  10. Default

    Possibly, and we may see surfboards/tubes dropping soon.

  11. ~Thrust Into It~ Straight Male
    IGN: Sn1perel1te
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 152
    Job: Old School BM
    Guild: EbonSol
    Alliance: In One


    I see you may be dieing for that to happen

  12. Default

    Quite the contrary my good chum, I am will die if it does not. I have amassed myself quite the bit of funding, and have been clinging dearly to the hope of a certain surfboard to explode...

  13. Default

    No, that would require a patch.
    Nop, they start on the 15th.
    Last edited by Kortestanov; 2009-07-07 at 03:03 AM.

  14. Default

    Omg....purple! You un-puced a word! I'm so going to make this out to be more than it needs to be made out.

    On topic: What quests do they activate that involve KoC?

  15. Default

    Finished 10 minutes early.



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