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  1. Default [Draft] 0 to 15 in 60 minutes

    Table of Contents
    1. Introduction
    2. You're doing it wrong
    3. Maple Island
    4. Victoria Island
    5. Outro

    Howdy everyone! Welcome to "0 to 15 in 60 minutes" where it's possible to create a great mule with very little effort.

    This guide assumes the following:

    • You are an experienced player and just want a mule as fast as possible.
    • You want a warrior, since warriors get 1 extra row of inventory.
    • You want to get to level 15 to avoid Nexon's 1m/day quota.

    You're doing it wrong
    If you do any of the following, you're doing it wrong.

    1. Allocate any of your AP.
    2. Allocate any points into the beginner skill "Recovery".
    3. Pick up any mesos or non-quest related drops (except for equips or monster cards, if you get that lucky)
    4. Equip any items or buy any new equipment.
    5. Use any attack other than "Three Snails".
    6. Have "Three Snails" at a lower level than 3 by the end of this guide.
    7. Fail to do all of the quests on Maple Island.
    8. Need to use any funding from any outside character.

    Trust me on these things and you will have a mule very fast.

    Maple Island
    In the first map, complete the first quest. In the second map, complete Nina and Sen's Dinner Menu quest. complete Roger's Apple quest. This will give you some extra MP that you will need later on. In the next screen, kill a Jr. Sentinel and bring it up to the dude at the top. Finish his quest, then go onto the next screen and complete his little quiz. Don't kill any snails yet. Talk to the guy on the right side of the map and take his challenge to kill 10 snails.

    Point Allocation : Allocate 1 point to Three Snails

    Travel all the way right to the person he designates while killing snails with "Three Snails". You should be able to meet the 10 snail quota by the time you reach the person. If you run out of MP, you will have the apples from Roger's quest to replenish your supply. Maria then tells you to go to Amherst to deliver a letter. Head right through the upper portal. Complete Yoona's quest on the way to Amherst, then head to town.

    Finish Rain's quiz for some extra EXP, then finish off Pio's Recycling quest. Pio's quest will give you 200 mesos that you'll need later on. Finally, head right to talk to Lucas. After delivering the letter, he'll recommend you talk to Mia for further training. Go ahead and talk to Mia, she'll request you to kill a few stumps and bring back some tree branches.

    Point Allocation : Max Three Snails

    By this point you should be able to 1HKO the stumps. Finish Mia's quests as quickly as possible. The stumps are in the two basins in the center bottom of the map. There's a decent spawn of red snails on the bottom right of the map. When she asks you to kill slimes, there are slimes at the top left of the map and pigs at the top right of the map. Use any MP pots that you've acquired along the way to suit your MP needs. You can also choose to allocate some points here to Nimble Feet if you'd like an extra speed boost.

    After you've finished Mia's training, head back to Lucas for another reward, and a letter to give to Shanks to ensure you won't have to pay the 150 mesos to go to Victoria Island. From here, your destination is to now head to Southperry. On your way to Southperry, you can choose to take the reply letter from Lucas back to Maria, but the quest reward isn't great - 10 EXP and a Skullcap. It's up to you on this one.

    On the way to Southperry, you'll meet Bari. He'll ask you to kill a few Orange Mushrooms. These orange mushrooms spawn on the platform above him, so continue changing channels until you can get a decent spawn on that platform. Take his EXP and head on over to Southperry.

    In Southperry, you'll meet Biggs who somehow wants to tell you his life story. Blah blah blah, get on with it! Next next next... okay, go see Olaf. Gotcha! Go talk to Shanks and head over to Victoria Island. By this point, you should be level 9.

    Victoria Island
    quickly head over to see Olaf. Complete his small quiz, and tell him you want to be a warrior. Head back to the taxi service in town and transport yourself over to Perion (this is what the 200 mesos from Pio's quest is for). Head up to Dances with Balrog and become a warrior, and start Balrog's first training quest.

    Point Allocation : 1 point into Improving HP recovery

    Head over to the local store and sell all of the non-traditional MP and HP pots you've gathered along the way. Buy four return to nearest town scrolls. Make sure you have 2400 mesos at this point. If you do not, sell off some more pots to make sure you have 2400 mesos.

    Use the local taxi service and transport yourself back to Lith Harbor. Talk to Captain Al (top left part of Lith Harbor) and listen to his long spiel about the Family System. He gives you a whopping 1500 EXP. Use the taxi service to go back to Perion.

    Talk to Ayan and start the "Stump Horror Story" quest. Head right and enter the portal. You might be tempted to fight stumps here, but there's better spawn in the next map over (East Rocky Mountain I). Head to Rocky Mountain I and jump down to the bottom of the map to fight the stumps. Only use a return scroll each time that you complete Dances with Balrog's quests. Do not use a return scroll to get Ayan's quest reward. Wait and get both Balrog's quest reward and Ayan's quest reward at the same time. Make sure to allocate your SP as a warrior should (because hey, you never know! You might want to start a warrior someday). Continue completing all of Balrog's quests.

    In the last training mission, Balrog will ask you to kill dark stumps. Head over to Rocky Road I (three maps east) and kill 20 dark stumps, then teleport back to Perion. Finish the quest, and Balrog will give you some return scrolls and pots as a reward.

    From this point, it's very easy to finish off levels 13 - 15 at East Rocky Mountain I. If other people have faster options on how to progress from 13 - 15, I'd love to hear it!

    I'm always willing to take options for creating a faster mule. I do know that there is a way to get a quick teleport from Lith Harbor to the job instructor of your choice, but for some reason I can't remember how to do that. If someone can remind me how to do this, please do so!

    Thanks for reading, and enjoy your FAST MULE.

  2. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A


    Why not allocate any of your AP?

  3. Default

    Myself personally, I use two computers for rep purposes and whatnot.

    Computer 1 starts at level 8 and jrs. computer 2 at level 2 (on the first snail map) and that character trains all the way up to 8. Then I train computer 1 to 10 and move it over. This way, I'll have 1k reps and a jr., which allows me to complete the next two rep quests too. If I remember correctly, with the current Exp curve, that gets me up to 13/14 almost instantly without much work.

    With that in mind, I'd say doing Ayan's quest + the beginner training quests should be enough to get to 15 without having to do any "actual" training.

  4. Default

    Because allocating AP wastes time. Three Snails does 40 damage regardless of how much AP you have in STR. A guaranteed 40 damage every hit is much better than power strike with no mastery at lower levels.

  5. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A


    True, but you could apply it to LUK or something for extra stats, or the extra STR might prove helpful for "finishing" off a mob.

    Plus, where are you getting all of the extra red snail shells?

  6. Default

    Silly you. Three Snails no longer requires snail shells. Also, why should you have to run up close when you can use Three Snails from afar with better damage? Three Snails basically makes you a mage with a stronger Energy Bolt at level 10.

    If you want to run up to a mob just to finish it off and save some MP, be my guest. But since you have 100 beginner MP pots (which give you 80 MP a pop) at this point, there's no reason to have to resort to regular attacks or power strike.

  7. Default

    The snail shell skill no longer consumes shells, just mp.

    Edit: got beaten to it.

    Curious, but is there any place for exchange quests still then?

  8. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A


    What ?

    Okay, maybe you should add the AP points onto...MP!?!? I dunno, but adding points (which only takes like, 3 seconds each level) is better than doing nothing with them...

  9. Default

    There's absolutely no reason to allocate the AP. If you allocate them into MP, you're saying that you'll never consider making this character into a warrior in the future. If you allocate them into STR, you're saying that it might be better to use a regular attack. It's pointless to allocate AP if you're just going to use it as a mule for the time being.

    And you could send yourself to Orbis for exchange questing, but that requires mesos, outside funding, it's faster just to level him on Vic since you can 1HKO stumps, and it breaks the 1 hour time limit here.

  10. Flatpanel TV
    IGN: Leonage
    Server: Scania
    Level: 128
    Job: Arch Mage
    Guild: LouisVuitton
    Alliance: .


    Yeah, you could just get to level 7 or 8 and run to Orbis with exchange items... and spam until your level 15 than get your job advancement since this is your mule* (you won't be using it).

    It's a great guild, but I think my idea is better

  11. Default

    It doesn't take any time to allocate AP. You'd have to be really bad at multi-tasking if you can't hold the walk button while you click the screen a few times.

    I just exchange quest my characters to 20. 15 would be even easier.

    Also, you can get extra EXP from Olaf by telling him you want to be a Pirate before choosing the Warrior option. Visit Kyrin, then ditch her and go immediately to Perion. And it helps to pick up squishy liquids because the level 10 Amoria hair quest gives 500 exp for 25 squishy liquids.

  12. Sassy Stranger Male
    IGN: SlayerZach
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: YES
    Job: Paladin
    Guild: Phoenix
    Farm: SlayerZach


    The Pirate quest at the same time as the other jobs' was fixed. I tried it on my newest chars.

  13. Default

    It will automatically allocate at your job advancement, plus 3 shells is better dmg

  14. Won't Be Coming Back

    IGN: Septher
    Server: vengeance
    Level: 172
    Job: ShAHHHdower


    I am now tempted to take advantage of this extra one week of curved EXP by creating multiple fame mule accounts.

  15. Sassy Stranger Male
    IGN: SlayerZach
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: YES
    Job: Paladin
    Guild: Phoenix
    Farm: SlayerZach


    EXP Curve only affects lvls 10-30 and 31+

  16. Default

    I decided to give this a try. Here's some things I found out:

    Maria no longer has a quest that you go back to her for. The guy before her gives you a skullcap.

    I left Maple Island with all quests done at level 9, but at level 8 I got a quest from the Maple Admin and she asks a bunch of questions and depending on how you answer them, she gives you a recommendation for a class.

    Now once you're off maple island and talk to Olaf and become level 10. Remember the Maple Admin quest that recommended you a job? Well depending on which one she recommended, she'll take you to that job instructor when you level up to 10 (so someone should figure out the answers to make sure she recommends warrior). Warp to Perion and become a Warrior. Taxi back to Lith. Talk to Al and get 1500 exp. Taxi back to Perion to finish off Dances with Balrogs and Ayans quest. (btw it's 15 dark stumps, not 20. They take 7 maxed snail hits each.)

    Once you did all those, you should be level 13. You get lots of HP pots you wont need from the quests, so sell them and use the taxi back to Lith Harbor. Taxi to Nautilus and talk to the potion seller and grab a mana elixer. On the bottom floor, talk to Sharyl. Give him the mana elixer for 400 exp, then go to the generator room, click the rock, and back to him for another 400 exp. By this time I am level 14.

    Now I taxi'd to kerning and went two maps east. I fought tons of orange mushrooms, slimes, and octopi until I leveled up.
    Last edited by whybanme; 2009-06-16 at 12:15 PM.

  17. Default

    does Al's quest require that you have a job?
    i dont see the point in going to and from lith when nexon decided a long time ago that lvl 11's get 4 skill points when they get a job. itd save a lot of mesos.

  18. Default

    I thought you had to be level 16 to avoid that.

    On another note, I just hpqed my mules from level 11-16. Considering you have (level 1) slash blast makes it easier (unless you strictly do increasing max hp first).
    Last edited by ShadyPriest; 2009-06-16 at 01:27 PM.

  19. Default

    I guess it wouldn't matter if you still get all your SP.

  20. Won't Be Coming Back

    IGN: Septher
    Server: vengeance
    Level: 172
    Job: ShAHHHdower


    That's a third of the job made easier, bro.



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