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  1. Default Blade and soul review

    I was browsing and my friend directed me to this website;

    For anyone who want's to know what they are expecting this thing covers it pretty goddamn well.


    Edit: Let me just post it so you aren't going through 6 pages.

    Author introduction, if you care

    World and story

    Video tour of the world/graphics and design

    Equipment/enhancment system/fashion system

    Gameplay and combat

    Tired of being a healing slave? WELL FU`CK YOU NO HEALING CLASS THEN


    For you PvP nuts & faction/guild

    Money and botter problems

    Bosses/Field bosses

    Classes and their current "place"
    Last edited by KhainiWest; 2012-09-21 at 09:13 AM.

  2. Donator Straight Female
    IGN: icephoenix21
    Server: Scania
    Level: 212
    Job: Bishop
    Guild: DremithCross
    Alliance: Evolution
    Farm: IcePhoenix

    Default Re: Blade and soul review

    It looks pretty enough to make me want to try it.

  3. Default Re: Blade and soul review

    I've got to say, I'm pretty hyped about this game now. All I need is a new computer, and I'll play the pomegranate out of this once it's out.

    > The Destroyer class is also one of the most boring classes once you hit the end game phase because all you do is stun and grab bosses all day.


  4. Default Re: Blade and soul review

    Ah, the old "doing the same thing over and over again builds character" argument.

    The combat certainly looks interesting enough to try, but the game systems are nothing special. And no structured PvP, hm. Also, the reviewer says in the conclusion that he ran out content to play after two months, so considering that the leveling was a huge grind, that means there is hardly any content at all at the moment.

  5. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: Blade and soul review

    Damm, no scythes *grumble grumble*.

  6. Default Re: Blade and soul review

    Destoryers use Scythe/axes

    Should probably watch the video as well to determine if you find them boring :P

    By the time it hits US itll have probably 6-7 months worth of content lol. THe private servers alone kept me entertained quite a bit lol

  7. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: Blade and soul review

    Crap. I saw axe, looked at some pictures, and thought that I wouldn't be getting it since I have sooo many other games to occupy my time. Guess I might give it a whirl...

  8. Default Re: Blade and soul review

    It's not coming out until next year, private server may reoopen by december which I'll PM to everyone interested.

  9. Default Re: Blade and soul review


    Yes, I saw that. It's glorious. I was just thinking out loud how much it would suck to level up a class, then later find out you're stuck to one role in endgame, which isn't dealing damage. Of course it's too early to make any proper judgments... I'll likely end up playing it anyway, because getting up close and personal with a huge weapon is my kind of class

  10. Default Re: Blade and soul review

    I suppose that's true, provided they don't have a delayed content release in NA like every other Korean MMO.

  11. Default Re: Blade and soul review

    Have not read the whole thing yet, but i was just wondering if it is free 2 play?

  12. Default Re: Blade and soul review

    No, it is pay 2 play. Monthly subscription model.

  13. Default Re: Blade and soul review

    Not in korea, business model for USA hasn't been supplied yet

  14. Default Re: Blade and soul review

    Two different answers Thanks anyways, i guess i wll have to wait and see anyways.

  15. Default Re: Blade and soul review

    I have to play this damn game.

    Been looking forward to it for the longest time.

  16. Default Re: Blade and soul review

    It's most likely going to be pay to play. However since NCsoft is the publisher they may do what they did with GW2 for the USA, would be a big surprise. At this point assume it's going to be $15 a month.

  17. Default Re: Blade and soul review

    Payment model is more of a developer decision, the publisher doesn't need to intervene unless they see any issues.

  18. Default Re: Blade and soul review

    I know, that's why I'm saying assume, but there's, mind you, highly unlikely chance the publisher may intervene because the subscription model is uncommonly used in the US (or last I checked).

  19. Default Re: Blade and soul review

    Huh? Almost all of the biggest MMOs in the US have been subscription-based.

  20. Default Re: Blade and soul review

    It's been decently common for ''larger MMOs'' for years, but it's starting to be phased out with F2P models.



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