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  2. Default Re: Blade and Soul anime in April

    Oh wow that snuck right past me, DAMNIT USA RELEASE DO NOT FAIL ME.

  3. Default Re: Blade and Soul anime in April

    Nothing really has been revealed, but I don't think a US release is likely yet. I guess we will have to wait and see. I'm sure some group will fansub it though. I don't know much about B&S' plot, could you really make an anime about it? Or would it have to have it's own original plot?

  4. Default Re: Blade and Soul anime in April

    Japanese release is more likely. I honestly believe the USA will get an open beta by the first quarter of '15. I still feel like wild star is the cause of this whole sudden slow down.

    EDIT: As for the plot, as far as I know they are heavil influenced by eastern lore, I feel as though it be kind of how inuyasha was to an exent. From what I remember, there was a clan of warriors who sealed away a very powerful weapon, they split, and some of them went rogue and went to reclaim it. Which is really what the intro is about.

    So through ghosts of these people backstabbed the guide you and grow you to become a legendary hero to fight back. The powere starts turning these rogues into demon like monsters that you have to slay. There's TONS of side quest stories though and for people who are native to the language have been impressed by the story thus far from my understanding.

  5. Default Re: Blade and Soul anime in April

    And now it has a site. Not much new yet, looks like something will happen March 23?

  6. Neon Atom Male
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    Default Re: Blade and Soul anime in April


  7. Default Re: Blade and Soul anime in April

    I see the anime has been released, not sure how closely it relates to the game since I know nothing of it though.

  8. Default Re: Blade and Soul anime in April


  9. Default Re: Blade and Soul anime in April

    Animation is pretty pineappleing ass from what i hear. Going to give it a watch myself and if it's too bad i'll drop it.

  10. Default Re: Blade and Soul anime in April

    Okay, so I just watched the first episode. The animation is okay, not the best but not horrible. Looks like it is a revenge story, against an evil empire. The sword sound effects are annoying.

  11. Default Re: Blade and Soul anime in April

    Then the anime is at least roughly based off the game as of right now, I'll watch it to make sure.

    Maybe I have low standards but it seems pretty "full metal alchemist/code geass" level to me, although the fight scenes aren't on par. It is only the first episode though so it's hard to tell.

    Most of the area's that are introduced are accessible in game, and the in game music is in the actual anime. I thought that was pretty neat. As for the storyline, it's pretty much the same. The "dark characters" introduced are a clan that in the actual game. Essentially your leader of your clan holds a very powerful sword, that his "raid" or "party" decided to entrust to him. However one of the raid members went rogue and made the clan you were introduced too to take use the sword themselves

    Vague remembering of it but I'll double check when I get home.

    Now that I watched the whole thing, I can see why people are disappointed by the animation it seemed kind of I don't know how to describe it, fast but not smooth essentially. But it seems this character is an assassin class that is kind of adaption of her story specifically, but it's much like the actual MMO in the regards of revenge and stuff.

  12. Default Re: Blade and Soul anime in April

    @KhainiWest; Was that village getting destroyed in the game story? It seems like the village chief's daughter will join the revenge crew.

    Also seems like a majority of characters will be female and there will be fanservice.

  13. Default Re: Blade and Soul anime in April

    Yes it is, I think it's the 4th map you're introduced too although none of the revenge crew seem to be in the game. But now that I look at the map they based off it, I would say it was based on it not necessarily it.

  14. Default Re: Blade and Soul anime in April

    Stole from reddit thread, but sums it up:


  15. Default Re: Blade and Soul anime in April

    I do also like how they actually based it off a class that is useable in game, all the skills are actually possible. It's a quirky anime that is loyal to the game, but it's not something I'm willing to stay up for either

  16. Default Re: Blade and Soul anime in April

    I'll give it the 3 episode rule. The first episode was not bad, and the action was interesting if brief. I wonder how much they will relate to the game and if they will explain anything through the games terms. It obviously is not SAO or LH where they are people in a game.

  17. Default Re: Blade and Soul anime in April

    The sword sound effects are getting annoying. Its the same one over and over, and it does not fit well. The 3D dancing stands out quite a bit. I wonder why they decided to use CG for it.



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