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Thread: U.R.F

  1. Default U.R.F

    How's everyone finding this mode?
    What are your fave champs?

    Mine is WuKong.

  2. Default Re: U.R.F

    I don't hate it, but i don't really like how after 2 games you just see all the same champions.

    I really liked my time on Poppy, just because if you were near a wall you weren't staying alive lol.

  3. Default Re: U.R.F


    Also Nid and Soraka bot lane is a kill lane ._. double heals + spam attacks = bullpomegranate.

  4. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: U.R.F

    I always ban Nidalee because well, it's Nidalee.

    I've only played Kha'Zix, Soraka, and Graves in this mode so far, but it's been fun. Can't wait to play more. I have fun laughing my ass off even though my teammates were quite OMG STOP FEEDING.

  5. Nuclear testing facility Straight Male
    IGN: VerrKol
    Server: Zenith
    Level: 204
    Job: Bowmaster
    Guild: LegacyReborn
    Farm: Kolville

    Default Re: U.R.F

    Cho'gath. Perma knock ups and silence w a 12s cd feast

  6. Default Re: U.R.F

    Yi and Lissandra are really fun, I keep playing them.

    I'm just going to permaban sona/ali @_@

  7. Default Re: U.R.F

    I've done the best on Draven out of the games I've played so far. Tri-force sheen proc + constant double axe + constant attack speed and movement speed on from W is crazy good.

  8. Default Re: U.R.F

    Urgot is just silly with all of his Q's.
    Hecarim is just silly in general.
    Morgana perma Q lockdown is silly.
    Alistar and his silly headbutts.
    Silliness all around for casters in general.
    30s or so cool down on Karthus ult is bogus, and his Q's.... Lordy.
    That's just the few games/champs I had time to play at least. Fun stuff for sure, but makes my hand hurt and cramp up after a while... Don't get old, it sucks.

  9. Default Re: U.R.F

    Having Sona's abilities on a 1.2 second cooldown is very fun and silly. Honestly anyone with a decent heal is pretty broken on the mode.

    I really like Heimerdinger too.

  10. AFK at Ch 18 Leafre Straight Male
    Nion's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: GreenTeaSip
    Server: Scania
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Symbolism
    Alliance: Lore
    Farm: Symbolism

    Default Re: U.R.F

    Urgot; Also got to play against famous people in this mode instead of rank.

    I feel so happy.

  11. the Immutable Neuter
    IGN: Stephen
    Server: U.S.A.
    Level: 25
    Job: Sailor
    Guild: USN
    Alliance: VAQ-141 Shadowhawks

    Default Re: U.R.F

    Brand's perma-lock is amazing.
    Jinx has endless Zaps.

  12. Default Re: U.R.F

    - No one's tried Jayce? He's probably one of the most OP champs in it. Even if you get pass the infinite poke of his Q+ accel gate, his W in cannon mode is so op and 100% spamable.
    - I've also tried Lulu, but I always end up being the support of the team redardless of my best efforts.
    - Lissandra is OP against any melee but since most people plays mages its harder than normally.

    I definitely despise Akali in this mode, she's like this cancer that wont get off you.... ever.

  13. Default Re: U.R.F

    Jayce was fun, almost 3 Qs per Gate, though when I played it I was against a Nocturne and Vi that wouldn't get off me.

    I played a Maokai & Yorick lane with my brother. The other guys couldn't even get near their tower.

    Nautilus was indestructible. Hurricane Jinx was fun. Most fun is probably Fiora, forever E and sticking with Q.

    I'ma try Syndra now. : D

  14. Default Re: U.R.F


    Morgana's perma Q is pineappleing obnoxious as hell though omg.

  15. Default Re: U.R.F

    Karma is my pomegranate. R+Q for dayyyyyys

  16. Default Re: U.R.F

    Support OP in this mode, LITERALLY.

    Soraka (AP)- (I've played Soraka mid a bit normally.)
    Alistar - cow can't die nor can you get away from
    Janna (AP)- knocked up/kited all day!
    Zilean - bomb spam & revives.

    Jayce - QE poke all day.
    Veigar - team-wide stun every 2-3 seconds.
    Fizz (AD Bruiser) - quite strong, especially once you get TriForce and Bork. (though not as bursty as AP)
    Nasus (AP) - pretty strong E harass (played him in a duo lane once on URF).

  17. AFK at Ch 18 Leafre Straight Male
    Nion's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: GreenTeaSip
    Server: Scania
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Symbolism
    Alliance: Lore
    Farm: Symbolism

    Default Re: U.R.F

    I finally found it.

    My little brother's blitz is too good if applied with dfg.

  18. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: U.R.F


  19. Default Re: U.R.F

    Ward nexus => proxy until the ends of time.

  20. Default Re: U.R.F

    I am having WAY TOO MUCH fun carrying as AP Nami at the moment... took about 3-4 pinning me down just to kill me.



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