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  1. Default Unused AP will dissapear?

    I'm not sure but I read somewhere sometime a long time ago that if you leave your AP alone
    for a certain amount of time it simply dissapears? Is this true or false? I'm really not sure
    why I am thinking this but I could have sworn it was here on Southperry.

    Thanks in advance~

  2. Default Re: Unused AP will dissapear?

    wasn't there a cap a while ago

    where if you had over 255 unused AP it would get deleted

  3. Default Re: Unused AP will dissapear?

    But if I reset i'll have over 800. So if I leave it for a while it'll just dissapear? Wow..

  4. Default Re: Unused AP will dissapear?

    So don't leave it for a while?
    Regardless, bro, I said "a while ago"

    the fact that the client can display values over 255 in that field is proof enough that they fixed whatever it was that was causing it.

  5. Default Re: Unused AP will dissapear?

    Oh, so it was glitch? I guess I shouldn't worry about it then.

  6. Default Re: Unused AP will dissapear?

    I don't think it was a glitch, but they did change the max AP before giving anyone full-AP resets, so it's now possible to get more than 255 stored.

    And they've never disappeared if you can see them in your status window.

  7. Default Re: Unused AP will dissapear?

    Ah alright, thank you for clearing that up for me.



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