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  1. Default SP Dota 2 Players

    I figure it'd be helpful to have a list of the people that play Dota 2 on SP and a bit of info about them.

    I'll start.

    Steam name: Otaia
    Best server: US East
    Been playing since: late 2009
    Preferred role(s): Roaming support, Jungle
    Best heroes: Chen, Witch Doctor, Nyx Assassin
    Favorite hero: Enchantress

    Feel free to add any additional information you think would be useful for if we wanted to play together or something.

  2. Default Re: SP Dota 2 Players

    Steam name: Janggos Goes With Everything
    Best server(s): Any europe server and i can play on US east just fine as well.
    Been playing since: 2007(Dota) Late 2011(Dota2)
    Preferred role(s): Mid, Off-laner and generally a solo-lane. Also enjoy playing junglers and support when playing with people on voice-chat.
    Best heroes: Shadow fiend, Juggernaut, Tiny, Tinker.
    Favorite hero: Shadowfiend/Tiny.

    Notes about playstyle: I love early aggression and even later on i love diving and killing people. I often build towards mid-game aggression to put pressure on enemies and snowball if they try to farm and buy items like midas that delays their fighting power.
    Last edited by Malthe; 2013-07-16 at 01:02 PM.

  3. Default Re: SP Dota 2 Players

    Steam name: Salguod
    Best server: US East and West
    Been playing since: late 2012
    Preferred role(s): Support
    Best heroes: Ogre Magi
    Favorite hero: Spectre

    After I typed this, I had one of my worst games as ogre..
    Last edited by Salguod; 2013-07-16 at 02:22 PM.

  4. Default Re: SP Dota 2 Players

    Steam name: WordsSP
    Best server(s): South America, US east
    Been playing since: 7 months ago
    Preferred role(s): Support or safe lane carry (that doesn't require micro skills)
    Best heroes: Weaver, Rubick, Jakiro
    Favorite hero: Leshrac & Windrunner/ Love enchantress but I can't play her at all.
    Would like to play more often: Morphling, Naga Siren and Dark Seer.

  5. Default Re: SP Dota 2 Players

    Steam name: Jehovha's Witness (Photo of a chinchilla)
    Best server(s): Us east and sometimes South America
    Been playing since: Dota 2010 - Dota 2 around April of 2012
    Preferred role(s): I don't have one in special. But if I am support i need someone telling me what to do ._.
    Best heroes: Venomancer, Naix, Viper, Bounty Hunter
    Favorite hero: Venomancer and Meepo

    The only hero that i can say I can't just play with it's invoker.

  6. Monster Truck Tire Straight Male
    IGN: Triggernometry
    Server: Supports
    Job: TeamSecret
    Guild: BigDaddy<3

    Default Re: SP Dota 2 Players

    Steam name: PikaChew
    Best server: Either US east or west.
    Been playing since: A month ago?
    Preferred role(s): Support
    Best heroes: Huskarl, Full Support Zeus.
    Favorite hero: Anti mage, I really really wanna learn how to play this one

  7. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: GatlingPunch
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 200
    Job: Gear 2nd Pirate
    Guild: Virtues
    Alliance: NARs

    Default Re: SP Dota 2 Players

    Steam name: IllegallySane
    Best server: US East/West
    Been playing since: December 2012
    Preferred role(s): Support / Roaming Support / Jungler / Carry (the rare chance someone doesn't pick carry)
    Best heroes: Nature's Prophet, Crystal Maiden, Enchantress
    Favorite heroes: Nature's Profit, Lone Druid, Enchantress
    Currently learning: Dark Seer

  8. Default Re: SP Dota 2 Players

    Steam name: Even (I sometimes change name for fun obviously)
    Best server: TBH anything but USW works for me
    Been playing since: DotA 1: Since the days of WC3 RoC DotA when we still had that mechanic laser hero. DotA 2: 3 months after Beta was announced
    Preferred role(s): Safelane carry, solo mid, jungle, offlane (I can support aswell, but my support pool is very low)
    Best heroes: Tiny
    Favorite hero: CK as long as I can avoid playing vs cleaving heroes.

  9. Default Re: SP Dota 2 Players

    Steam name: AceDragon (I've been using this for awhile now but it could change)
    Best Server: US East but I could try and server
    Been playing since: Late 2011 with DotA1 then DotA2 a little before TI2
    Preferred role(s): Support, Offlaner, Carry
    Best heroes: Sand King, Weaver, Luna, Batrider
    Favorite hero: Anti-Mage/Terrorblade
    Playing Times: Since its Summer here 12-10pm any day really cause I'm too lazy to get a job atm.

    I like communication the most about DotA and usually have calls with friends. Although I tend to be silent during them.
    Also currently learning how to micro, practicing somewhat with Chen, Lycan, and Lone Druid.

  10. Default Re: SP Dota 2 Players

    Steam name: Hyperbolic Time Chamber (steam name subject to change)
    Best server: US East; US West is fine as well
    Been playing since: late 2012/early 2013
    Preferred role(s): offlane or mid-- especially tanky midgame cores
    Best heroes: Timbersaw, Nyx Assassin, Lina, Night Stalker
    Favorite hero: Timbersaw
    Somehow bad at: Jakiro, Doom, Warlock

  11. Neutron Male
    Server: Windia
    Level: 250
    Job: Merc/Phantom
    Guild: Intensity
    Alliance: DreamHome
    Farm: Armadillo

    Default Re: SP Dota 2 Players

    Steam name: nevake
    Best server: US East; US West
    Been playing since: casually in 2007-2010, more often in 2012
    Preferred role(s): can play any role :D
    Best heroes: Spirit Breaker, Crystal Maiden, Juggernaut, Lifestealer, Luna
    Favorite hero: Templar Assassin

    I can play most heroes except invoker (lazy to learn).

  12. Monster Truck Tire Straight Male
    IGN: Triggernometry
    Server: Supports
    Job: TeamSecret
    Guild: BigDaddy<3

    Default Re: SP Dota 2 Players

    c'mon you guys! stop the lurking

  13. Default Re: SP Dota 2 Players

    Steam name: Changes a lot. Link
    Best server: US East. I play on SEA with a friend occasionally and have gotten somewhat used to 250 ping though.
    Been playing since: '09
    Preferred role(s): Pretty much everything, but only play a limited few heroes :s
    Best heroes: Veno, Antimage, Lich, according to DOTA..
    Favorite hero: Batman


  15. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: GatlingPunch
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 200
    Job: Gear 2nd Pirate
    Guild: Virtues
    Alliance: NARs

    Default Re: SP Dota 2 Players

    You got muted? Da hell did you do?

  16. Default Re: SP Dota 2 Players

    Many have [muted] in their name without being muted.

  17. Default Re: SP Dota 2 Players

    oh I'm not muted
    it's a part of my attempt to come off as a complete pimento purely through my name and then see how that affects how things I say come off as to other people. hell, I feel like more of an pimento even to myself.

  18. Default Re: SP Dota 2 Players

    Steam name: Jazeon1
    Best server: US East/Us West
    Been playing since: Warcraft mod map creation
    Preferred role(s): Carry
    Best heroes: Luna, Breaker
    Favorite hero: Void

  19. Default Re: SP Dota 2 Players

    I've been getting really tired of playing pubs with randoms who just feed and never communicate. I'd really like to play with some people who actually talk together and can have some fun =].
    If anyone has a group of people they play with semi-regularly and wouldn't mind another then hit me up:

    Steam name: UnderTheAir (picture of a creepy jigglypuff)
    Best server: US East/Us West
    Preferred role(s): Support, Carry, but whatever is fine

  20. Default Re: SP Dota 2 Players

    I added you but lately I don't see that many SPers on... at least at the same time. A friend and I usually queue around 12-1am PST, you're welcomed to join us if you're up that late. I know @IllegallySane; also queues around at time but he's always in a game when we start. Anyways, I'm on a lot so if you feel like playing with me feel free to invite.
    My steam name is Sway atm but I'll change it back to Words sometime soon.



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