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  1. Default Re: Update: Removed Illegally Generated Equipment; Restr...

    I never said it wasn't justified. I simply said it seems rather ill to turn tables on someone that is supporting action from Nexon to make it sound like some how, in some way, they are going to benefit from this through corrupt means. Personally, I like these steps. Does this mean I am using corrupt means to get richer or more power through this? No.

  2. Flatpanel TV Straight Male
    IGN: ° ͜ʖ °
    Server: DEGZA
    Level: T_T
    Job: This is FParta!
    Guild: I like toast
    Alliance: @__________________@
    north korea

    Default Re: Update: Removed Illegally Generated Equipment; Restr...

    A hacker supporting Nexon by saying that they've improved. That's the joke of the day.

  3. Won't Be Coming Back
    (Banned from this thread)
    Straight Male

    Server: Windia
    Level: 200
    Job: Blade Master

    Default Re: Update: Removed Illegally Generated Equipment; Restr...

    Why would I care?

    I kept all my scrolls, items, nx, mesos, and everything else my account had before the patch.

    My gear has been complete for nearly a month now.
    GM scrolls were useless as soon as 20%'s were released, to say the least.

    When they publicly announce they'll be removing all items exploited (ESPECIALLY SCROLLS), the first thing someone with MINIMAL knowledge of how nexon works should do is make stacks of 49/99 scrolls (that were relentlessly duped) instead of 50/100.

    Guess what, it worked. I was so surprised. Really, I was.
    I'm never mad at what nexon does, because in most cases what they do benefits there company; it's the SMART decision for them.

    They don't need to care about there customers, nor you, for any reason.

    Seems like you're one of those people who spent absurd amounts of money on cheap PS/ws and then had yours deleted.
    Or bought mesos and converted. I just had some 'spare' mesos lying around. Thought it'd be fun to risk them.

    People don't THINK before they DO. That is the problem here.


    I wonder. It's not like they run the company.
    Last edited by DamageCalc; 2012-05-13 at 02:03 AM.

  4. Flatpanel TV Straight Male
    IGN: ° ͜ʖ °
    Server: DEGZA
    Level: T_T
    Job: This is FParta!
    Guild: I like toast
    Alliance: @__________________@
    north korea

    Default Re: Update: Removed Illegally Generated Equipment; Restr...

    -You've kept the scrolls but can't really sell them now since untradable. And what about the dirty maple points? That's why you might care.
    -Don't know if 20s became untradeable too (I've quit for a few months now), but at least GMs are half-way fixed.
    -If turning 50/100 stacks into 49/99 stacks is all it takes to avoid detection, that probably implies that hiding from bans this way isn't particularly clever. It just means that Nexon's too dumb (as usual).
    -Sarcasm is hard to read on the internet when someone isn't at least hinting toward it, but "Guess what, it worked. I was so surprised. Really, I was." must be some kind of genius way of hiding it.

    Everyone must be extremely jealous. We need more smart people like you to tell everyone what they know already. - jeez I wonder if that's sarcasm too.

    "They don't need to care about there customers, nor you, for any reason." -You must think people here are naive enough to think the opposite.

    "Seems like you're one of those people who spent absurd amounts of money on cheap PS/ws and then had yours deleted.
    Or bought mesos and converted." -What is this I don't even. Wayyyyyyyyy off there buddy.

    "People don't THINK before they DO. That is the problem here." If you're talking about Nexon employees here, thank you captain obvious.

    Anyway getting to the point: It's no dispute that crony Nexon and hackers are both scum, it's just that one happens to live in the toilet and the other in the bath tub. I think you know which goes where.

  5. Default Re: Update: Removed Illegally Generated Equipment; Restr...

    Oh by the way, I'm sure they missed a few items which means they'll be duped right back to square 1 again.

  6. Won't Be Coming Back
    (Banned from this thread)
    Straight Male

    Server: Windia
    Level: 200
    Job: Blade Master

    Default Re: Update: Removed Illegally Generated Equipment; Restr...

    Ok, so now I ignore your stupidity.

    I was not talking about Nexon employees, I was talking about those who bought exploited scrolls.
    My eyes directly went to this statement. It is also where I stopped reading your jibberish.

    Learn to assume correctly.

    Why would I need to sell the scrolls off, my funds are limitless in other ways.
    They are worth 10x as more now since you can not get them.
    You clearly don't play anymore, or no me in any way for that matter, otherwise you would have stopped.

    All you martyrs need to die already.

    Grow up. Complain to people who care, or just leave.
    Your retarded metaphors mean nothing to me; be direct or get over yourself.

    You aren't clever. Really.

  7. Idiot. Male
    IGN: Enfris
    Server: Reboot GMS
    Level: 173
    Job: Evan
    Guild: Forever alone.jpg
    Alliance: Forever alone.jpg

    Default Re: Update: Removed Illegally Generated Equipment; Restr...

    inb4I'mWrongAndEosPointsOutOrSomeoneElesePointsOut ThatImApineappleingDumbpineapple.

    Are you implying that you're admitting that you hacked before? Sir, that's a ban from the land of tropical fruits and chinchillas.

  8. Won't Be Coming Back
    (Banned from this thread)
    Straight Male

    Server: Windia
    Level: 200
    Job: Blade Master

    Default Re: Update: Removed Illegally Generated Equipment; Restr...

    I really hope that wasn't at me.
    I'm ambiguous for a reason, 'SIR'.

    Nope, completely legitimate.
    Never touched a duped scroll in my life, never swore, never had multiple accounts, all that jazz.

    A stickler at heart, a rebel by definition.

    Eos can not prove Nexon's intent, I would love to see that.
    Actually, what I would really love to see is someone, ANYONE, prove anything in a thread like this. Because so far.. it's full of retards.

    Noice sentence. A++, makes total sense.

    Implying that I admitted that I hacked.
    Not implying that I hacked?
    Not admitting that I hacked by assumption?
    Not even implying that I ADMIT, which is the past tense, that I have ever hacked.

    No! I'm certainly not "implying that I'm admitting that I hacked before".

    That insult comment coming from you is hilarious.
    Be glad that other thread got locked before I destroyed you further.
    Last edited by DamageCalc; 2012-05-13 at 12:47 PM.

  9. Donator Straight Female
    IGN: icephoenix21
    Server: Scania
    Level: 212
    Job: Bishop
    Guild: DremithCross
    Alliance: Evolution
    Farm: IcePhoenix

    Default Re: Update: Removed Illegally Generated Equipment; Restr...

    Why are you so angry? ._. chill the pineapple out, especially the last paragraph. You know what he meant. I've been on this forum long enough that I know that's just how he talks. Seriously, chill ~_~ go back to basil if you wanna flame like that and be a grammar nazi.

  10. Default Re: Update: Removed Illegally Generated Equipment; Restr...

    DamageCalc can't make an argument without trying to insult the other player throughout the whole damn thing. He tries to act like he's smarter for his decisions, when in fact he's just more dedicated to the game.

    Sorry to tell you this guys but even if Nexon manages to pull the game out of it's own ass, the very concept and the limited end game material just means it's a sinking ship no matter what. Unfortunately for damagecalc, only intelligent people move on.

  11. Flatpanel TV Straight Male
    IGN: ° ͜ʖ °
    Server: DEGZA
    Level: T_T
    Job: This is FParta!
    Guild: I like toast
    Alliance: @__________________@
    north korea

    Default Re: Update: Removed Illegally Generated Equipment; Restr...

    "Also, at your little SQL 3x att mask erase argument, it does not work that way.
    If an item is transferred in some manner through an NPC, it becomes unsearchable in a manner of speaking.
    Manual search is possible, but only for areas that you KNOW hold hidden items.

    Hence the wedding 'storage'. There ARE other ways. Also, I made a legit 21 att mask. Gona delete that as well? Q_Q "

    -Well good for you (if that's truth). I'm sure there's plenty ways to get around the system. Seems like trying to find shoddy loopholes is the only way you know how to play the game. Could that be the way you treat real life too?...Maybe that's why you're so 'good' at a game with poor security, poor database design, and poor management in general. Why show off here? No one really cares and half of us quit.

  12. Default Re: Update: Removed Illegally Generated Equipment; Restr...

    Off topic, or on topic, not even sure what the topic is now, but I'm sure there's strategy behind how they would approach deleting these things. If Nexon is going to delete actual gear, it will be all about timing. On a dead patch like Maple Anniversary, sure you can get away with deleting massive Protection, White, Innocent, and GM scrolls. But they wouldn't have gotten away with deleting equipment that any funded character on most servers own.

    Can you imagine how many players Nexon would lose had they deleted everyone's shoes, face accessories, earrings, masks, weapons, and other stuff all in one server check? Note that Windia is pretty dead right now but it would probably be as dead as Yellonde if that happened.

    Nexon is not going to do anything drastic right now. Maybe when Phantoms are released they will do something like that, cause people may be attracted to that content and forgive Nexon for deleting all their equipment (or maybe not).

    This would be the dream come true of a small percentage of the player base but a nightmare for the norm, and Nexon is just too late to act now, and I think they know this too.

    If they're willing to do it, kudos to them, and very ballsy. But it will take a few months to recover back their player base.

  13. Default Re: Update: Removed Illegally Generated Equipment; Restr...

    Their player base has been declining the last 3 years for the exact same reasons. Timing has nothing to do with their decisions, it's very much problems within the company's staff, whether communication, time, or lack of understanding of the game's current circumstances.

  14. Default Re: Update: Removed Illegally Generated Equipment; Restr...

    I suspect that's at least half the reason nothing serious has gotten deleted yet.

    Plus, how can you tell what was created legitimately or not? Maybe someone spent 500,000 NX on the items required to officially perfect scroll an item, with no cheated or hacked items at all. They would be furious if it was deleted because Nexon just decided it was hacked, because it "seemed to be."

    Honestly at this point I'm not sure there's much they can do about the servers. There's too many variables to determine what's legitimate and what's not (outside of Item IDs, which has already been proven to be easily changed, and therefore deletions based on IDs will do little). Their best bet at this point to return some stability, is to fix ALL exploits, then open a few new servers and lock them out from Server Transfers (So people can't transfer in hacked gear). I know it's not exactly the best solution, however at this point there's really not much they can do. It is definitely their fault that it got this bad. Duping showed up in JMS for half a day and was fixed almost immediately, so it was certainly possible for Nexon NA to have done something about this from the start, but at this point they're screwed. The only solution is a "reboot," and since that would cause too many people to quit, they would have to create new isolated servers with fixed code.

  15. Default Re: Update: Removed Illegally Generated Equipment; Restr...

    Instead they hemorrhage players who aren't willing to buy from hackers and don't want to play a game where they're permanently doing 1/4 or 1/10 as much damage as those who are, and where all the endgame content is limited to hackers.

    Low scrolling probabilities are the reason duping is such a huge issue. Sure, you can have a thousand SoJs in D2, but the benefit of that item is nothing on a hacker with a 700 w.atk Stonetooth because Nexon adds such ridiculous scrolls. If there were no EEs, Chaos, or 10%s, hackers couldn't have 700 atk items, they'd have similar gear as everyone else, ideal scrolling +18 attack (9 60%s) is not a gamebreaker, +100 attack (9 20%s, 12 AEEs - any item over ~87 base attack) is.

  16. Default Re: Update: Removed Illegally Generated Equipment; Restr...

    You can put it like that but is Nexon going to risk pissing off and losing what they have left for players that have already quit on them? Is there any assurance that those "retired" players are going to come back and actually become a regular on Maple Story again? We'll see what they do in the next 6-8 weeks I guess.

  17. Default Re: Update: Removed Illegally Generated Equipment; Restr...

    I don't think you understand that they don't care.

  18. Default Re: Update: Removed Illegally Generated Equipment; Restr...

    Most of the current player-base that purchases NX uses duped gear or some variation of it; removing their equips would cause them to quit and stop giving Nexon money.
    If they have no reassurance that "old" maplers will come back (from removing the duped gear) and start buying NX, why would they intentionally get rid of players that are giving them their precious moolah?
    They do not give a pomegranate about having people quit/returning if they don't buy NX.

  19. Flatpanel TV Straight Male
    IGN: ° ͜ʖ °
    Server: DEGZA
    Level: T_T
    Job: This is FParta!
    Guild: I like toast
    Alliance: @__________________@
    north korea

    Default Re: Update: Removed Illegally Generated Equipment; Restr...

    Looks like Nexon has made their millions and now it's time to cash out.



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