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  1. Mercury Straight Male
    IGN: MagiRico
    Server: LoL NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Jungle/Top/Supp
    Guild: Deny
    Alliance: Eternal

    Default Re: Anyone following the LCS at all?

    Any bets on how likely it is we're going to see Ryze this weekend? He's becoming more and more contested each day and we have some damn good Ryze players in LCS atm.

  2. AFK at Ch 18 Leafre Straight Male
    Nion's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: GreenTeaSip
    Server: Scania
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Symbolism
    Alliance: Lore
    Farm: Symbolism

    Default Re: Anyone following the LCS at all?

    How about the return of that Olaf top? Remember the voyboy nerfs.

  3. Default Re: Anyone following the LCS at all?

    I wouldn't be surprised to see olaf top this weekend if renek gets banned out. His true damage would be a good counter to the next best shyvana.

  4. the Immutable Neuter
    IGN: Stephen
    Server: U.S.A.
    Level: 25
    Job: Sailor
    Guild: USN
    Alliance: VAQ-141 Shadowhawks

    Default Re: Anyone following the LCS at all?

    I'm waiting to see that Sion top and that Thresh mid.

  5. the Immutable Neuter
    IGN: Stephen
    Server: U.S.A.
    Level: 25
    Job: Sailor
    Guild: USN
    Alliance: VAQ-141 Shadowhawks

    Default Re: Anyone following the LCS at all?

    Welp ladies and gents, in an outstanding 3/5 sweeping victory, XDG is no longer in the LCS.
    Welcome and congrats to LMQ. Can't wait to hear how they do the upcoming split.
    (quiet root's for Coast to win against CLB)

  6. AFK at Ch 18 Leafre Straight Male
    Nion's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: GreenTeaSip
    Server: Scania
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Symbolism
    Alliance: Lore
    Farm: Symbolism

    Default All about the LoL Competitive Scene

    Oh my god, the roster changes. Everything from NA, EU, and KR; everything is going to change next split.

    My heart.

  7. Nuclear testing facility Straight Male
    IGN: VerrKol
    Server: Zenith
    Level: 204
    Job: Bowmaster
    Guild: LegacyReborn
    Farm: Kolville

    Default Re: All about the LoL Competitive Scene

    RIP TheOddOne. I know he wasn't playing his best but I will miss him

  8. AFK at Ch 18 Leafre Straight Male
    Nion's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: GreenTeaSip
    Server: Scania
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Symbolism
    Alliance: Lore
    Farm: Symbolism

    Default Re: All about the LoL Competitive Scene

    In a different light though, TSM and Dig look scarier now. I bet LMQ is thinking," What did we just join?"

  9. Nuclear testing facility Straight Male
    IGN: VerrKol
    Server: Zenith
    Level: 204
    Job: Bowmaster
    Guild: LegacyReborn
    Farm: Kolville

    Default Re: All about the LoL Competitive Scene

    It will be a very interesting next split with all these roster changes. It could be anyone's game.

  10. the Immutable Neuter
    IGN: Stephen
    Server: U.S.A.
    Level: 25
    Job: Sailor
    Guild: USN
    Alliance: VAQ-141 Shadowhawks

    Default Re: All about the LoL Competitive Scene

    i just like CarrySpartan and Shiphtur are staying in the LCS, albeit with team DIG.
    RIP Coast.

  11. Default Re: All about the LoL Competitive Scene

    I don't know much about GleeGlobGloopGlap but it seemed like Xpecial was one of the strongest members of TSM. I'd be interested to see how well his replacement does.

  12. Default Re: All about the LoL Competitive Scene

    My thoughts exactly.

    OddOne was a great player and personality but this split he just wasn't as good.. I watch a lot of EU LCS and Amazing is a great jungler and I think he might just fix TSMs early game problems

    As for Xpecial.. Regi is drunk, I don't think anyone in NA can match up to Xpecial in the support role.. nobody that's available that is.. but i'm sure his attitude was good enough of a reason... I hope.

    The Shiphtur and Zion transfer however.. I'm a secret dig fan and i cant wait to see them this split!

  13. Default Re: All about the LoL Competitive Scene

    Things I've learned:

    * Regi is pineappleing high.
    * Curse is where pros go to die
    * I feel like if TSM can't get first or second this split that Dyrus will leave

  14. AFK at Ch 18 Leafre Straight Male
    Nion's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: GreenTeaSip
    Server: Scania
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Symbolism
    Alliance: Lore
    Farm: Symbolism

    Default Re: All about the LoL Competitive Scene

    Well from what I've learned in the past, just because a person is superb in the role doesn't help win games; synergy is what defines how a team does well and if Turtle has great synergy with Gleeb rather than Xpecial, then I trust in Regi's decision.

  15. Nuclear testing facility Straight Male
    IGN: VerrKol
    Server: Zenith
    Level: 204
    Job: Bowmaster
    Guild: LegacyReborn
    Farm: Kolville

    Default Re: All about the LoL Competitive Scene

    Dyrus' poker face is so good not even he knows what he's thinking!

    @Nion; That's definitely true in theory. We get so little insight into a team's inner workings it's impossible to say what really happened with Xpecial. He seemed a little blindsided by the whole thing. Only time will tell if Regi's decision pays off (or costs them horribly).

  16. Default Re: All about the LoL Competitive Scene

    I certainly don't know what's going on behind the scenes at TSM, but I feel like there was a lot of poor decision making involved.

    First, Xpecial seemed pretty surprised by it. Sure, somebody can be a Negative Nancy and somehow be totally oblivious to how they're hurting their teammates, but after Xpecial got benched, he realized he had a problem and resolved to work on it. Despite that, the "team" "unanimously" decided that Xpecial needed to be thrown to the wolves instead of trying to work it out (well I don't know if they had tried an intervention before already). I get that certain people have better chemistry than others, but good teams aren't formed just because they hit off great and are buddy-buddies. Sometimes, you just have to hash out your differences on the road to building great teamwork.
    *This is all under the assumption that TSM didn't already bring up the issue with Xpecial repeatedly and officially try to work things out.

    I've been getting the feeling that 99% of LCS teams are about recruiting superstars and throwing out sub-optimal players. (Okay, I guess that goes for a lot of sports too) Whatever happened to good ol' teamwork and pride?

  17. the Immutable Neuter
    IGN: Stephen
    Server: U.S.A.
    Level: 25
    Job: Sailor
    Guild: USN
    Alliance: VAQ-141 Shadowhawks

    Default Re: All about the LoL Competitive Scene

    Remember that the LCS players aren't all adults, and for some this might be their first foray into a mature life, and the responsibilities therein. Sure it was a shock, and they say it was for the better of the team to remove xpecial and get that gleebelblargu guy as their new support, but if not a good decision for the team, it will be an interesting development into the future of the e-sports scene and the "pro-players" reactions to it and how it will shape the future.

  18. Default Re: All about the LoL Competitive Scene

    Regi has made great decisions in the past with benching players. Replaced TheRainMan and Chaox for the better of the team. I'm not sure about Gleeb, but Amazing will definitely be a great addition to the team. Dignitas can either be a great team or a bad team, it just depends on how well they adapt to making team plays and not solo plays. If CLG can get past the communication barrier, then Seprah will most likely be a good replacement for Nien. Xpecial will probably move to another team by the end of the summer split, I can see it now.

  19. Neon Atom Male
    IGN: TidusAiYuna
    Server: BelloNova
    Level: 204
    Job: Drk
    Guild: Minah<3
    Alliance: Tiffany<3
    Farm: Hyuna<3

    Default Re: All about the LoL Competitive Scene

    dyrus is next on regi's hit list. he got chaox then xpecial soon dyrone

  20. Default Re: All about the LoL Competitive Scene

    I'm happy Zion and Shiphtur are staying in the LCS, but I still feel Dignitas is a team with so many issues that these two might end up in the same position they were last split, bound because the rest of their team can't keep up with them / the opponents. What do you guys think of Imapqpie? Because I see nothing special about him, in fact I think he is next to Zuna in the LCS and everyone hated Zuna.

    Does Seraph even speak english?



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