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I. Introduction Welcome to Southperry.net, the leading source in Maplestory news and information! By registering for an account, you have agreed to follow these rules and regulations. These...
Current Editor(s): Sarah, Jon http://www.southperry.net/calendar.php?calendarid=3
If there is interest in this we need the following; 1) An Editor willing to process submissions, validate them, and make the entries. 2) People willing to contribute stuff. ...
Current Editor(s) - Link http://www.southperry.net/calendar.php?calendarid=7
Current Editor(s): Spadow http://www.southperry.net/calendar.php?calendarid=8
Placeholder for what qualifies as worth including, what the minimum requirements for detail are and what needs links/proof and what doesn't. Also basic process outline for contributing, and an...
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