I. Introduction Welcome to Southperry.net, the leading source in Maplestory news and information! By registering for an account, you have agreed to follow these rules and regulations. These...
I figured Christmas is coming up and everyone will have all sorts of new games, some which won't warrant topics, so we can talk about our current playings and give little reviews and such in this...
The old one is unmanaged and no one has taken over updating it. It's over two years out of date so this one is made. Forum Name |Friend Code Myles | 3995-6496-0292 Erebus | 4425-1472-0802...
We're doing it like this thread. My reasons are mainly the same as butterfli's, so I thought, why not? Title | Genre | Subgenre | Platform I'll be updating it in three different posts: 1. PC...
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