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  1. Default Maple Globe Event

    Maple Globe Event Notes

    Maple Globe Material Data Collection Sheet

    Hidden Missions Post

    Here are all the different assets for the Maple Globe event. Most of them have images attached so you can see what they look like, but some (pose, expression, music) do not, and are really just lists of available customizations. They weren't explicitly linked in the data as far as I can tell (the Use items that grant you the assets and the assets linked to the chairs themselves), so some of this was guess work. Let me know if something seems off and I can check it out. For the music, I've tried to link them with the corresponding video from @Slip; who's done such a great job of archiving all of Maple's music, so you can get a sense of what the songs are because some of the names are pretty non-indicative.

    Globe Trees / ドームの木

    Globe Tree: Maple-Maple Tree / ドームの木:メイプルモミジの木
    Use it to add a Maple-Maple Tree to the Tree slot.

    Globe Tree: Elluel Cherry Tree / ドームの木:エウレル桜の木
    Use it to add an Elluel Cherry Tree to the Tree slot.

    Globe Tree: Elodin Moonlight Tree / ドームの木:エルディン月明かりの木
    Use it to add an Elodin Moonlight Tree to the Tree slot.

    Globe Tree: Arcana Spirit Tree / ドームの木:アルカナ精霊の木
    Use it to add an Arcana Spirit Tree to the Tree slot.

    Globe Tree: Fluttering Willow Tree / ドームの木:風に揺れる柳の木
    Use it to add a Fluttering Willow Tree to the Tree slot.

    Globe Tree: Blue Juniper Tree / ドームの木:青いネズの木
    Use it to add a Blue Juniper Tree to the Tree slot.

    Globe Tree: Mu Lung Juniper Tree / ドームの木:武陵のイブキ
    Use it to add a Mu Lung Juniper Tree to the Tree slot.

    Globe Tree: Giant Baobab Tree / ドームの木:巨大なバオバブ
    Use it to add a Giant Baobab Tree to the Tree slot.

    Globe Tree: Purple Jacaranda Tree / ドームの木:紫のジャカランダ
    Use it to add a Purple Jacaranda Tree to the Tree slot.

    Globe Tree: Delicious Apple Tree / ドームの木:美味しいリンゴの木
    Use it to add a Delicious Apple Tree to the Tree slot.

    Globe Chairs / ドームの椅子
    Globe Chair: Small Rock / ドームの椅子:小さな岩
    Use it to add a Small Rock to the chair slot.

    Globe Chair: Small Mushroom / ドームの椅子:小さなキノコ
    Use it to add a Small Mushroom to the chair slot.

    Globe Chair: Small Bench / ドームの椅子:小さなベンチ
    Use it to add a Small Bench to the chair slot.

    Globe Chair: Small Stump / ドームの椅子:小さなハンモック
    Use it to add a Small Stump to the chair slot.

    Globe Chair: Small Mat / ドームの椅子:小さなレジャーシート
    Use it to add a Small Mat to the chair slot.

    Globe Chair: Camping Chair / ドームの椅子:アウトドアチェア
    Use it to add a Camping Chair to the chair slot.

    Globe Chair: Cozy Bean Bag Cushion / ドームの椅子:楽々ビーンバッグチェア
    Use it to add a Cozy Bean Bag Cushion to the chair slot.

    Globe Chair: Toy Car Chair / ドームの椅子:おもちゃの椅子
    Use it to add a Toy Car Chair to the chair slot.

    Globe Chair: Swing Chair / ドームの椅子:ブランコ椅子
    Use it to add a Swing Chair to the chair slot.

    Globe Chair: Soft Cloud Chair / ドームの椅子:もくもく雲椅子
    Use it to add a Soft Cloud Chair to the chair slot.

    Globe Mini Figure 1 / ドームのトイ1
    Globe Mini Figure 1: Mini Orange Mushroom / ドームのトイ1:ミニメイプルキノコ
    Use it to add a Mini Orange Mushroom to the Mini Figure 1 slot.

    Globe Mini Figure 1: Mini Ribbon Pig / ドームのトイ1:ミニリボンピグ
    Use it to add a Mini Ribbon Pig to the Mini Figure 1 slot.

    Globe Mini Figure 1: Mini Pepe / ドームのトイ1:ミニペペ
    Use it to add a Mini Pepe to the Mini Figure 1 slot.

    Globe Mini Figure 1: Lil Aran / ドームのトイ1:プチアラン
    Use it to add a Lil Aran to the Mini Figure 1 slot.

    Globe Mini Figure 1: Lil Evan / ドームのトイ1:プチエヴァン
    Use it to add a Lil Evan to the Mini Figure 1 slot.

    Globe Mini Figure 1: Lil Phantom / ドームのトイ1:プチファントム
    Use it to add a Lil Phantom to the Mini Figure 1 slot.

    Globe Mini Figure 1: Lil Neinheart / ドームのトイ1:プチナインハート
    Use it to add a Lil Neinheart to the Mini Figure 1 slot.

    Globe Mini Figure 1: Lil Alicia / ドームのトイ1:プチアリーシャ
    Use it to add a Lil Alicia to the Mini Figure 1 slot.

    Globe Mini Figure 1: Lil Hilla / ドームのトイ1:プチヒルラ
    Use it to add a Lil Hilla to the Mini Figure 1 slot.

    Globe Mini Figure 1: Lil Lotus / ドームのトイ1:プチスウ
    Use it to add a Lil Lotus to the Mini Figure 1 slot.

    Globe Mini Figure 1: Lil Lucid / ドームのトイ1:プチルシード
    Use it to add a Lil Lucid to the Mini Figure 1 slot.

    Globe Mini Figure 2 / ドームのトイ2
    Globe Mini Figure 2: Microslime / ドームのトイ2:ミニスライム
    Use it to add a Microslime to the Mini Figure 2 slot.

    Globe Mini Figure 2: Microyeti / ドームのトイ2:ミニイェティ
    Use it to add a Microyeti to the Mini Figure 2 slot. *Note: This seems to be linked to the image of Mini Yeti pet instead of the Microyeti Pet

    Globe Mini Figure 2: Mini Pink Bean / ドームのトイ2:ミニピンクビーン
    Use it to add a Mini Pink Bean to the Mini Figure 2 slot.

    Globe Mini Figure 2: Lil Mercedes / ドームのトイ2:プチメルセデス
    Use it to add a Lil Mercedes to the Mini Figure 2 slot.

    Globe Mini Figure 2: Lil Luminous / ドームのトイ2:プチルミナス
    Use it to add a Lil Luminous to the Mini Figure 2 slot.

    Globe Mini Figure 2: Lil Shade / ドームのトイ2:プチ隠月
    Use it to add a Lil Shade to the Mini Figure 2 slot.

    Globe Mini Figure 2: Lil Cygnus / ドームのトイ2:プチシグナス
    Use it to add a Lil Cygnus to the Mini Figure 2 slot.

    Globe Mini Figure 2: Lil Von Leon / ドームのトイ2:プチヴァンレオン
    Use it to add a Lil Von Leon to the Mini Figure 2 slot.

    Globe Mini Figure 2: Lil Magnus / ドームのトイ2:プチマグナス
    Use it to add a Lil Magnus to the Mini Figure 2 slot.

    Globe Mini Figure 2: Lil Orchid / ドームのトイ2:プチオルカ
    Use it to add a Lil Orchid to the Mini Figure 2 slot.

    Globe Mini Figure 2: Lil Damien / ドームのトイ2:プチデミアン
    Use it to add a Lil Damien to the Mini Figure 2 slot.

    Globe Poses / ドームの中のポーズ
    Globe Pose: Sit / ドームの中のポーズ:座る
    Use it to change your pose to Sit.
    Globe Pose: Jump / ドームの中のポーズ:ジャンプ
    Use it to change your pose to Jump.
    Globe Pose: Catch Breath / ドームの中のポーズ:深呼吸
    Use it to change your pose to Catch Breath.
    Globe Pose: Fly / ドームの中のポーズ:飛ぶ
    Use it to change your pose to Fly.
    Globe Pose: Ghost / ドームの中のポーズ:幽霊
    Use it to change your pose to Ghost.

    Globe Bases / ドームのベース

    Globe Base: Modern Black Base / ドームのベース:モダンなブラックベース
    Use it to change your base to a Modern Black Base.

    Globe Base: Modern White Base / ドームのベース:モダンなホワイトベース
    Use it to change your base to a Modern White Base.

    Globe Base: Simple Sky Blue Base / ドームのベース:シンプルなスカイブルーベース
    Use it to change your base to a Simple Sky Blue Base.

    Globe Base: Simple Pink Base / ドームのベース:シンプルなピンクーベース
    Use it to change your base to a Simple Pink Base.

    Globe Base: Simple Yellow Base / ドームのベース:シンプルなイエローベース
    Use it to change your base to a Simple Yellow Base.

    Globe Base: Fluffy Cloud Base / ドームのベース:もくもく雲ベース
    Use it to change your base to a Fluffy Cloud Base.

    Globe Base: Sweet Marshmallow Base / ドームのベース:甘いマシュマロベース
    Use it to change your base to a Sweet Marshmallow Base.

    Globe Base: Fancy Jewel Base / ドームのベース:華麗な宝石ベース
    Use it to change your base to a Fancy Jewel Base.

    Globe Base: Classic Elegant Base / ドームのベース:クラシックエレガントベース
    Use it to change your base to a Classic Elegant Base.

    Globe Base: Classic Music Box Spring Base / ドームのベース:オルゴールゼンマイベース
    Use it to change your base to a Classic Music Box Spring Base.

    Globe Glasses / ドームのガラス
    Click here for dark backgrounds and animated sparkling glasses

    Globe Glass: Red Glass / ドームのガラス:ガラス(赤)
    Use it to change your glass to Red Glass.

    Globe Glass: Yellow Glass / ドームのガラス:ガラス(黄)
    Use it to change your glass to Yellow Glass.

    Globe Glass: Sky Blue Glass / ドームのガラス:ガラス(空)
    Use it to change your glass to Sky Blue Glass.

    Globe Glass: Dark Glass / ドームのガラス:ガラス(ダーク)
    Use it to change your glass to Dark Glass.

    Globe Glass: Sparkling Transparent Glass / ドームのガラス:輝く透明ガラス
    Use it to change your glass to Sparkling Transparent Glass.

    Globe Glass: Sparkling Red Glass / ドームのガラス:輝くガラス(赤)
    Use it to change your glass to Sparkling Red Glass.

    Globe Glass: Sparkling Yellow Glass / ドームのガラス:輝くガラス(黄)
    Use it to change your glass to Sparkling Yellow Glass.

    Globe Glass: Sparkling Sky Blue Glass / ドームのガラス:輝くガラス(空)
    Use it to change your glass to Sparkling Sky Blue Glass.

    Globe Glass: Sparkling Dark Glass / ドームのガラス:輝くガラス(ダーク)
    Use it to change your glass to Sparkling Dark Glass.

    Globe Expressions / ドームの中の表情
    Globe Expression: Smile / ドームの中の表情:にこにこ顔
    Use it to change your expression to Smile.
    Globe Expression: Cry / ドームの中の表情:泣きべそ顔
    Use it to change your expression to Cry.
    Globe Expression: Angry / ドームの中の表情:怒った顔
    Use it to change your expression to Angry.
    Globe Expression: Stunned / ドームの中の表情:ボーゼン顔
    Use it to change your expression to Stunned.
    Globe Expression: Troubled / ドームの中の表情:ふくれ顔
    Use it to change your expression to Troubled.
    Globe Expression: Googly Eyes / ドームの中の表情:キラキラ
    Use it to change your expression to Googly Eyes.
    Globe Expression: Sparkling / ドームの中の表情:キラリ
    Use it to change your expression to Sparkling.
    Globe Expression: Excited / ドームの中の表情:キャー
    Use it to change your expression to Excited.
    Globe Expression: Goo Goo / ドームの中の表情:メロメロ
    Use it to change your expression to Goo Goo.
    Globe Expression: Wink / ドームの中の表情:ウィンク
    Use it to change your expression to Wink.
    Globe Expression: Smooch / ドームの中の表情:チュッチュ
    Use it to change your expression to Smooch.
    Globe Expression: Zzz / ドームの中の表情:ぐーぐー
    Use it to change your expression to Zzz.

    Globe Effects / ドームのエフェクト
    I'm not sure how they generate these, tbh, but I'm pretty sure some of them change colors and stuff.
    Click here to see the animated effects in game
    Globe Effect: Small Maple Leaf / ドームのエフェクト:小さなモミジ
    Use it to add a Small Maple Leaf to your Effect slot.

    Globe Effect: Small Cherry Petal / ドームのエフェクト:小さな桜の花びら
    Use it to add a Small Cherry Petal to your Effect slot.

    Globe Effect: Small Leaf / ドームのエフェクト:小さな葉っぱ
    Use it to add a Small Leaf to your Effect slot.

    Globe Effect: Small Snowflake / ドームのエフェクト:小さな雪片
    Use it to add a Small Snowflake to your Effect slot.

    Globe Effect: Yellow Moonlight Dust / ドームのエフェクト:黄色い月の粉
    Use it to add a Yellow Moonlight Dust to your Effect slot.

    Globe Effect: White Starlight Dust / ドームのエフェクト:白い星の粉
    Use it to add a White Starlight Dust to your Effect slot.

    Globe Effect: Sprinkling Blue Dust / ドームのエフェクト:舞い落ちる青い粉
    Use it to add a Sprinkling Blue Dust to your Effect slot.

    Globe Effect: Bubbly Mote of Light / ドームのエフェクト:ほんわか光の玉
    Use it to add a Bubbly Mote of Light to your Effect slot.

    Globe Effect: Five-Color Mote of Light / ドームのエフェクト:カラフル光の玉
    Use it to add a Five-Color Mote of Light to your Effect slot.

    Globe Effect: Prismatic Light Fragment / ドームのエフェクト:プリズム光の破片
    Use it to add a Prismatic Light Fragment to your Effect slot.

    Globe Music / ドームのBGM
    Globe Music: Start the Adventure / ドームのBGM:Start The Adventure
    Use it to add 'Start The Adventure' to the Music slot.
    Globe Music: Henesys / ドームのBGM:ヘネシス
    Use it to add 'Henesys' to the Music slot.
    Globe Music: Ellinia / ドームのBGM:エリニア
    Use it to add 'Ellinia' to the Music slot.
    Globe Music: Elodin / ドームのBGM:エルディン
    Use it to add 'Elodin' to the Music slot.
    Globe Music: Elluel / ドームのBGM:エウレル
    Use it to add 'Elluel' to the Music slot.
    Globe Music: Ereve / ドームのBGM:エレヴ
    Use it to add 'Ereve' to the Music slot.
    Globe Music: Training Forest / ドームのBGM:修行の森
    Use it to add 'Training Forest' to the Music slot.
    Globe Music: Orbis / ドームのBGM:オルビス
    Use it to add 'Orbis' to the Music slot.
    Globe Music: Cygnus's Chamber / ドームのBGM:シグナスの殿堂
    Use it to add 'Cygnus's Chamber' to the Music slot.
    Globe Music: Sanctuary / ドームのBGM:アシュロム
    Use it to add 'Sanctuary' to the Music slot.
    Globe Music: Way Back Home / ドームのBGM:Way Back Home
    Use it to add 'Way Back Home' to the Music slot.
    Globe Music: Primrose / ドームのBGM:月見草
    Use it to add 'Primrose' to the Music slot.
    Globe Music: Rabbit Dream / ドームのBGM:Rabbit Dream
    Use it to add 'Rabbit Dream' to the Music slot.
    Globe Music: Temple of Time / ドームのBGM:時間の神殿
    Use it to add 'Temple of Time' to the Music slot.
    Globe Music: Lake of Oblivion / ドームのBGM:忘却の湖
    Use it to add 'Lake of Oblivion' to the Music slot.
    Globe Music: Arcana / ドームのBGM:アルカナ
    Use it to add 'Arcana' to the Music slot.
    Globe Music: Morass / ドームのBGM:モラス
    Use it to add 'Morass' to the Music slot.
    Globe Music: Esfera / ドームのBGM:エスフェラ
    Use it to add 'Esfera' to the Music slot.
    Globe Music: Red Thread / ドームのBGM:赤い糸
    Use it to add 'Red Thread' to the Music slot.
    Globe Music: The Way to Hope / ドームのBGM:The Way to Hope
    Use it to add 'The Way to Hope' to the Music slot.

    Globe Leaves
    Lv. 1 Red Autumn Maple Leaf

    Lv. 2 Silver Maple Leaf

    Lv. 3 Gold Maple Leaf
    Last edited by Grey; 2021-01-01 at 09:16 PM.

  2. Default Re: Maple Globe Event

    Globe Music: Start the Adventure / ドームのBGM:Start The Adventure
    Use it to add 'Start The Adventure' to the Music slot.

    Globe Music: Henesys / ドームのBGM:ヘネシス
    Use it to add 'Henesys' to the Music slot.

    Globe Music: Ellinia / ドームのBGM:エリニア
    Use it to add 'Ellinia' to the Music slot.
    Last edited by Grey; 2021-01-01 at 08:49 PM.

  3. Default Re: Maple Globe Event

    Globe Music: Elodin / ドームのBGM:エルディン
    Use it to add 'Elodin' to the Music slot.

    Globe Music: Elluel / ドームのBGM:エウレル
    Use it to add 'Elluel' to the Music slot.

    Globe Music: Ereve / ドームのBGM:エレヴ
    Use it to add 'Ereve' to the Music slot.
    Last edited by Grey; 2021-01-01 at 08:50 PM.

  4. Default Re: Maple Globe Event

    Globe Music: Training Forest / ドームのBGM:修行の森
    Use it to add 'Training Forest' to the Music slot.

    Globe Music: Orbis / ドームのBGM:オルビス
    Use it to add 'Orbis' to the Music slot.

    Globe Music: Cygnus's Chamber / ドームのBGM:シグナスの殿堂
    Use it to add 'Cygnus's Chamber' to the Music slot.
    Last edited by Grey; 2021-01-01 at 08:50 PM.

  5. Default Re: Maple Globe Event

    Globe Music: Sanctuary / ドームのBGM:アシュロム
    Use it to add 'Sanctuary' to the Music slot.

    Globe Music: Way Back Home / ドームのBGM:Way Back Home
    Use it to add 'Way Back Home' to the Music slot.

    Globe Music: Primrose / ドームのBGM:月見草
    Use it to add 'Primrose' to the Music slot.
    Last edited by Grey; 2021-01-01 at 08:51 PM.

  6. Default Re: Maple Globe Event

    Globe Music: Rabbit Dream / ドームのBGM:Rabbit Dream
    Use it to add 'Rabbit Dream' to the Music slot.

    Globe Music: Temple of Time / ドームのBGM:時間の神殿
    Use it to add 'Temple of Time' to the Music slot.

    Globe Music: Lake of Oblivion / ドームのBGM:忘却の湖
    Use it to add 'Lake of Oblivion' to the Music slot.
    Last edited by Grey; 2021-01-01 at 08:51 PM.

  7. Default Re: Maple Globe Event

    Globe Music: Arcana / ドームのBGM:アルカナ
    Use it to add 'Arcana' to the Music slot.

    Globe Music: Morass / ドームのBGM:モラス
    Use it to add 'Morass' to the Music slot.

    Globe Music: Esfera / ドームのBGM:エスフェラ
    Use it to add 'Esfera' to the Music slot.
    Last edited by Grey; 2021-01-01 at 08:51 PM.

  8. Default Re: Maple Globe Event

    Globe Music: Red Thread / ドームのBGM:赤い糸
    Use it to add 'Red Thread' to the Music slot.

    Globe Music: The Way to Hope / ドームのBGM:The Way to Hope
    Use it to add 'The Way to Hope' to the Music slot.
    Last edited by Grey; 2021-01-01 at 08:52 PM.

  9. Default Re: Maple Globe Event

    Globe Glasses

    Globe Glass: Red Glass
    Use it to change your glass to Red Glass.

    Globe Glass: Yellow Glass
    Use it to change your glass to Yellow Glass.

    Globe Glass: Sky Blue Glass
    Use it to change your glass to Sky Blue Glass.

    Globe Glass: Dark Glass
    Use it to change your glass to Dark Glass.

    ---------- Post added at 01:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:33 AM ----------

    Globe Glass: Sparkling Transparent Glass
    Use it to change your glass to Sparkling Transparent Glass.

    Globe Glass: Sparkling Red Glass
    Use it to change your glass to Sparkling Red Glass.

    Globe Glass: Sparkling Yellow Glass
    Use it to change your glass to Sparkling Yellow Glass.

    ---------- Post added at 01:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:33 AM ----------

    Globe Glass: Sparkling Sky Blue Glass
    Use it to change your glass to Sparkling Sky Blue Glass.

    Globe Glass: Sparkling Dark Glass
    Use it to change your glass to Sparkling Dark Glass.

  10. Default Re: Maple Globe Event

    Hidden Missions
    I've identified 3 quests which I think are the hidden missions:

    [Maple Globe] To Those in Need of Comfort / [メイプルドーム] 安らぎを懐かしむあなたへ:
    Requirement: Sit in the maple globe chair for 10,000 seconds (the chair actually counts time up to '167', which I believe is 167 minutes, since 167 minutes = 10020 seconds, but the quest itself says it's over 10,000 seconds)
    Reward: Globe Chair: Cozy Bean Bag Cushion / ドームの椅子:楽々ビーンバッグチェア

    [Maple Globe] To the Persistent / [メイプルドーム] 根気強いあなたへ:
    Requirement: Log in for 10 consecutive days since receiving the Maple Globe
    Reward: Globe Pose: Sit / ドームの中のポーズ:座る

    [Maple Globe] In Remembrance of Her / [メイプルドーム] 彼女を追憶しながら:
    Requirement: With 'Cygnus Circlet' / 'シグナスのサークリット' in your inventory (the etc item dropped by the Cygnus boss), visit the caged Neinheart / ナインハート in Future Ereve (Knight Stronghold: Secret Grove / 秘密の庭園: 騎士団要塞)
    Reward: Globe Mini Figure 1: Lil Neinheart / ドームのトイ1:プチナインハート

    Also, Ghiblee categorized these as a hidden missions, though I personally do not, given that it's not a quest (you get it from clicking the flowers/trying to enter a portal, not by accepting/completing a quest through the star notifier), so I'll put it here anywhere:

    'Globe Pose: Jump' Mission
    Requirement: Click on the pile of flowers at the end of the first Forest of Endurance (Ellinia) Jump Quest. Talk to Hersha to accept the Forest of Endurance quest, then talk to Shane to enter for 23k mesos.
    Reward: Globe Pose: Jump / ドームの中のポーズ:ジャンプ

    'Globe Music: Sanctuary' Mission
    Requirement: Attempt to enter Sanctuary via the hidden portal on the bottom right platform (not the ground) in the map 'Garbage Dump: Hedgehog Prickleyard 3'. Attempting to use the navigation feature of the world map to lead you to Sanctuary will lead you directly to the portal.
    Reward: Globe Music: Sanctuary / ドームのBGM:アシュロム

    Past Attempts
    Last edited by Grey; 2021-01-01 at 08:48 PM.

  11. Neon Atom Gay Male
    IGN: XJunkun
    Server: Bera
    Level: 200
    Job: Buccaneer
    Guild: Jabaited
    Alliance: You

    Default Re: Maple Globe Event

    Is there any way to find out where the items drops ?

    Like lil orchid

  12. Default Re: Maple Globe Event

    I can't see that in the data, so the only way is via testing in game. There's a sheet that's being going around on reddit tracking drops. In general, so far, chairs seem to come from bounty hunter portals, poses from Dimensional Invasion, expressions from Monster Park, bases from Elite Mobs, etc.

  13. Default Re: Maple Globe Event

    Hi. Are the 3 hidden missions you listed the only hidden missions for this event you found? I figure since Lil Neinhart comes from a hidden mission associated with Cygnus/Future Neinhart, the Lil Heroes must come from NPCs linked to their respective stories.

  14. Default Re: Maple Globe Event

    I believe they are the only ones, there aren't anymore quests like them explicitly related to Maple Globe in the data, but there could be quests even I can't see. But they're hidden missions in that you have to do something to trigger them, outside the normal bounds of quests we've already had, so like, doing a pre-existing quest and getting a globe decoration would be beyond the scope of what is considered a hidden mission. I personally think Lil Heroes might come from doing Heroes of Maple, for example, and I would count that as an addition to an existing thing rather than a true "Hidden Mission".

    It is, however, also possible that there are other hidden quests that are unlisted in the game's files from us, so there may be more hidden missions, I just can't see them using the same method.

  15. Default Re: Maple Globe Event

    I just completed Act 1 on a new character and didn't get anything. I'll look into completing the rest of the acts later tonight and edit this post if anything.

    They really didn't make this easy, huh..

  16. Default Re: Maple Globe Event

    According to Ghiblee on the MS Discord, Hidden Missions award the following decorations:

    So we're missing Globe Pose: Sit, Globe Pose: Jump, and Globe Music: Sanctuary. So either the last mission gives all three, or there's two more missions that are unknown to me. I think Globe Music: Sanctuary is a good candidate for '[Maple Globe] To the Persistent', since Asylum is blocked off, or 'Globe Pose: Jump', because you know, jump quests and persistence.

    She also basically came out and said the Grand Athenaeum BGMs were from Chapters 1 to 5 of Grand Athenaeum, that Lil Orchid is from Black Heaven, and that the Lil Heroes are from Heroes of Maple, but also that the drop rate is... not great.
    Last edited by Grey; 2020-12-18 at 10:28 PM.

  17. Default Re: Maple Globe Event

    In case anyone was confused like me, and wanted confirmation: finishing the Ellinia JQ and clicking the pile of flowers doesn't seem to give you any globe chair items. Nothing popped into my inventory after I finished; no quests or anything popped up in the event star/yellow lightbulb/white lightbulb either. I submitted the completed quest to Hersha, which only led to 1. unlocking the next JQ and 2. losing my new pink anthurium, so I don't even have it as a trophy...QQ

    RIP my Saturday morning


  18. Default Re: Maple Globe Event

    Did you have the Globe quest started on the character you did the JQ on? I did it twice so far (once each on two different characters) and got it both times, there's some discussion on the official MS Discord, but I didn't really follow too closely, but I think it might be not having the globe quest that's the issue.

    Edit: I've run it twice more and got it on my I/L.

    But I didn't get it on my Paladin (maybe because I already registered 'Globe Pose: Jump' on him? Unsure, but he definitely had the Maple Globe quest started)

  19. Default

    What the heck??? I definitely had the globe quest started; I only attempted the JQ in the first place because my chair got stuck at level 3 (no globe chairs). Does this mean I have to do the JQ again...??? How do I even go back to the pink anthurium level if Shane's started asking me for 47k mesos? Q_Q

    Update: I abandoned Hersha's second quest and it let me back into the original first two JQ levels, but when I went through the JQ I still got nothing. What am I doing wrong? I probably should have tried troubleshooting before running the JQ again e_e

    2nd completion:

    My reward:

    Last edited by Five Second Pose; 2020-12-20 at 12:50 AM. Reason: Use the edit button, don't double post

  20. Default Re: Maple Globe Event

    I've heard some people have done it by clicking the flowers and then canceling if you don't get the globe (like hit esc/click no or whatever, I don't remember the dialogue), and you just keep clicking and canceling until you get it, as long as you don't accept the reward, you should be able to stay inside and keep clicking.

    Oh but also, this won't give you a Globe Chair item, so you won't be able to level from this, if that's your issue. The reward for this is Globe Pose: Jump.

    If you're looking for Globe Chair items:
    - You can get Globe Chair: Toy Car Chair from the Condensed Crystal Energy (the things you mine in monster maps)
    - You can get Globe Chair: Cozy Bean Bag Cushion by sitting on the snow globe chair for a total of 10,000 seconds
    - You can get Globe Chair: Swing Chair from Flag Race (I believe you need to finish and rank, but I'm not sure myself, and it's not guaranteed)
    - You can get Globe Chair: Soft Cloud Chair from Lilishu, the Decoration Shop at the Mountain of Awakening, for 1500 Awake Coins
    - Other chairs are randomly awarded on the completion of bounty hunter portals



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