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  1. Default Broa's best scrolled items

    This would be a ranking of the best scrolled weapons in Broa. The basis of the rankings is on the extent of successful scrolling on the weapon. To place your weapon up for the rankings please post a screenshot and state the type and number of scrolls that have passed on it. I would allocate points according to the number and type of scrolls that worked on the weapon.

    Points System

    10% / 30% scroll (or equivalent) passed -------------------------- 5 points

    60% / 70% scroll passed (or equivalent) passed ------------------- 1 point

    Rules and Regulations in regards to the rankings would be posted at a later date.

    Any constructive suggestions would be welcome to improve the current state of rankings.

    Let see what Broa has to offer in terms of scrolling.

    Update - I will look through the sister thread in sw forum and cull out all the necessary screenshots for the rankings. so credits to the creator of that thread in the forums :P
    Last edited by SaucyVixen; 2008-07-10 at 07:22 PM.

  2. Default Warrior Items

    1 Handed Axe
    1. 35 points - 130 attack, 21 str Vifennis owned by Patent
    2. 20 points - 119 attack, 12 str Tomahawk owned by HeavyPoint
    2. 20 points - 117 attack, 12 str Tomahawk owned by Patent

    1 Handed Blunt Weapon
    1. 35 points - 69 attack, 21 str Mace owned by NevaHate
    2. 22 points - 121 attack, 16 str Battle Hammer owned by DowntownLA

    2 Handed Axe
    1. 26 points - 123 attack, 16 str Helios owned by Patent
    1. 26 points -115 attack, 19 str Maple Demon Axe scrolled by Noobsu
    3. 25 points - 88 attack, 15 str Niam owned by Patent
    4. 18 points - 92 attack, 15 str Maple Dragon Axe owned by MLLF, scrolled by Patent
    5. 17 points - 120 attack, 11 str Colonian Axe scrolled by Waifle.

    2 Handed Blunt Weapon
    1. 30 points - 126 attack, 18 str Morning Star owned by LambdaDriver
    2. 25 points - 121 attack, 15 str Morning Star owned by SiapDatHoe
    3. 18 points 110 attack, 12 str Gigantic Sledge owned by Bosephus

    1 Handed Sword
    1. 30 points - 112 attack, 18 str Red Katana owned by RedJane

    2 Handed Sword
    1. 26 points - 115 attack, 16 str Doomsbringer owned by Joogiee, scrolled by PrimalPrime
    2. 26 points - 122 attack, 16 str Devil's Sunrise owned by AphoticHero
    3. 23 points - 116 attack, 15 str Blue Screamer owned by MysticHLE
    4. 18 points - 120 attack, 12 str Devil's Sunrise owned by Rokui
    5. 15 points - 104 attack, 11 str, 2 dex Daiwa Sword owned by PagesR4Books

    1. 26 points - 116 attack, 16 str Maple Snowboard owned by EndlessBlade/DragonosClaw
    2. 18 points - 120 attack, 12 str Red Surfboard owned by Downtownla
    3. 17 points - 106 attack, 11 str White Mop owned by HEHEHOHA

    1. 23 points - 116 attack, 15 str Redemption owned by HolyZeus
    2. 18 points - 123 attack, 12 str Pinaka owned by MoarSecksPlz
    3. 17 points - 114 attack, 11 str Sky Ski owned by HolyZeus
    4. 17 points - 107 attack, 11 str Redemption owned by revi8r
    5. 15 points - 100 attack, 13 str, 2 dex Green Ski scrolled by Gorephile
    Last edited by SaucyVixen; 2008-08-16 at 09:11 AM.

  3. Default Mage Items

    1. 26 points - 85 mattk, 16 int Nocturnal Staff scrolled by EveningSong
    2. 25 points - 83 mattk, 15 int Maple Llama Staff owned by CrystalUsr
    3. 25 points - 121 mattk, 15 int Kage owned by Pssssh
    4. 22 points - 123 mattk, 14 int Kage scrolled by DowntownLA
    5. 20 points - 79 mattk, 12 int Maple Llama Staff owned by NoToDrugs

    1. 17 points - 122 mattk, 12 int Magicodar scrolled by DowntownLA

    Last edited by SaucyVixen; 2008-07-13 at 08:04 AM.

  4. Default Thief Items

    1. 22 points - 64 attack, 4 luk Casters owned by iChaosL
    2. 19 points - 59 attack, 5 dex, 3 luk Green Scarab owned by AZatic
    3. 17 points - 54 attack, 8 luk Blue Scarab owned by irooaiot
    4. 16 points - 53 attack, 5 luk Black Hole owned by Downtownla

    1. 22 points - 119 attack, 14 luk Gold Double Knife owned by jsaladbar
    2. 21 points - 113 attack, 13 luk Cursayer owned by KrnBandit2
    3. 18 points - 105 attack, 12 luk Dragon Tail owned by Dimonias/Dhampyre
    4. 17 points - 69 attack, 11 luk Korean Fan owned by LuckyEtoile
    5. 14 points - 107 attack, 10 luk Dragon Tail owned by revi8r
    Last edited by SaucyVixen; 2008-07-23 at 01:31 AM.

  5. Default Archer Items

    1. 21 points - 83 attack, 4 dex Maple Soul Searcher owned by Patent/Vici
    2. 6 points - 109 attack White Nisrock owned by Ridya

    1. 30 points - 119 attack, 6 dex Golden Raven owned by iFuryL
    2. 25 points - 117 attack, 5 dex Dark Raven owned by iRaydeXL
    3. 23 points - 110 attack, 4 dex Gross Jaeger owned by SoSadHeart
    4. 21 points - 117 attack, 4 dex Casa Crow owned by Ishiatama.
    Last edited by SaucyVixen; 2008-07-13 at 08:10 AM.

  6. Default

    The 5:1 ratio seems a bit off and biased. A 30% landing has half the chance of a 60%, yet warrants 5 times the points... give one point for each stat the scroll gives instead, 9:3 or 8:3, depending on whether or not you want to include the 3rd "useless" stat (the stat is only good on a Claw, the rest are very negligible).

    4 30s and a 60.
    Last edited by TLeviathan; 2008-07-10 at 07:17 AM.

  7. Default

    i think ben's (Patent) 1h axe should be here, 7x 10%s on a level 90 1h axe.

  8. Default

    30%s* Final stats were 130/21 vifennis though yeah? And don't forget Abo's shield.

  9. Won't Be Coming Back

    IGN: bobtehlog
    Server: broa
    Level: ಠ_ಠ
    Job: Same as before.
    Guild: Phonebooks


    Why not add armour? Or just gloves and capes.

  10. Default

    I am testing the waters to see if this concept is welcomed by the broan community. I chose the weapons first because they are easier to classify for now. If the community wants to have their armour included, i'll extend the scope of the scrolled items to scrolled armour.
    Last edited by SaucyVixen; 2008-07-11 at 03:48 AM.

  11. Default

    I'm not sure how this is scored since you seem to use different schemes depending on the weapon type (7x30% axe = 4x30% 1x60% xbow? wut)

    Anyway, 3 30% 3 60%, scrolled by Patent.
    Maple Dragon Axe

    Just posting cause there aren't any 2h axes, I know Patent also scrolled a 94 atk and there are definitely some decent Helios/Colonians around.

    Any particular reason to ignore base stats?

  12. Default

    It's my mistake in regards to the allocating of points. sorry.

    My reason to disregard base stats is because I want this to be focused on the extent of scrolling on items in the server. Unless someone explains the reasons of the inclusion of base stats / persuades me that this isn't the direction I should be taking for the rankings, I will only rank the weapons to the extent of their scrolling and not on their base stats as well.
    Last edited by SaucyVixen; 2008-07-11 at 03:28 AM.

  13. xDae


    I like the concept but Steve has a point regarding the point system.

  14. Won't Be Coming Back

    IGN: bobtehlog
    Server: broa
    Level: ಠ_ಠ
    Job: Same as before.
    Guild: Phonebooks


    Hm ok, well I think TruffeLockX has a 15/15 glove >_>

  15. Default

    RedJane has a 112/18 (6x30%) red katana, and I have a 111/14 (4x30%, 2x60%) one. Proof laying around somewhere in the SW 'Top 1-handed warriors' thread, but I'll take it you'll take my word. ):

  16. Default

    I found screenshots of both weapons. :P

    Anyway, I have updated the rankings by looking through some 20 pages of screenshots at the sw sister thread. If there is any mistake in ownership or whatever in the rankings, please let me know.

  17. Custom User Title
    IGN: Will
    Level: 20
    Job: Metalworker
    Guild: Boston
    Alliance: Massachusetts


    Sticky'd (LOLOL2SHORT)

  18. Default

    Nicole A1's craven was faked, remove it lol.



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