The Black March boycott is Anonymous' newest operation, under which participants will boycott media for the entire month of march in order to fight back against ACTA, SOPA and other threats to Internet freedom and privacy.
Lasting the entire month, the Black March boycott is a coordinated effort by various factions of the Internet that have aligned against the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, Stop Online Piracy Act, Protect IP Act, Protecting Children from Internet Pornographers Act and other such measures, and is being headed off by the Anonymous hacktivist collective.
Also known as Operation Black March and the Twitter hashtags #OpBlackMarch and #OpDontBuy, the boycott is the latest in a series of grassroots protests that have been arranged in order to allow people from across the world to come together and voice their opposition to ACTA and provisions within the treaty that threaten to limit Internet freedom, impose a new censorship regime, and quash online innovation.