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  1. Default Revivial Guild R> Active Legit Players

    Hello everyone,

    Revival is looking for active, legit players to join our guild. In Revival, we hold a higher standing of what it means to be a legit player; we do not allow any training at glitched LHC maps, nor do we allow duping or purchasing duped items. Our mission as a guild is to prove that we can accomplish great things without cheating, and that the legit community in Maple Story still exists.

    Some of our members are old windian players who are quite familiar with the game and its progression over time. We are currently allied with another guild called 'Whoops'. There is no level requirement to join the guild and players of all experience levels are welcome.

    If you are interested in joining what's left of El Nido's truly legit community, please post a reply here or message EiNidoranM or Armaredux

    Happy Mapling.
    Last edited by Venomous; 2012-02-27 at 01:13 AM.

  2. Default Re: Revivial Guild R> Active Legit Players

    Such coincidence haha, I recently gave up windia and joined El Nido, its nice and quiet haha, and does get a little lonely in comparison.

    I currently do not have a main character in the world, as I am raising a Page using legends characters (mercedes, and cannoneer), but i will be willing to join ranks when my character is stabilized.

    If you have room in your friend list please add "Luminousens"

    I will be fairly active on weekends.

    Thank you :D

  3. Default Re: Revivial Guild R> Active Legit Players

    I don't mind adding you to the guild some time this evening. We don't have a level requirement so there is no need to worry about how strong your character is before joining. El Nido has been pretty quiet these past couple of days. I assume everyone has mid terms or something coming up.

  4. Default Re: Revivial Guild R> Active Legit Players

    Hey, just read this thread.

    I quit Windia back in 2010 and recently started again in El Nido. It's a good server for training and whatnot but it is a little too quiet sometimes.

    My main in this server is Aqvarivms, an 8x Cannon Trooper. If you have room, I'd be grateful if you'd add me. I'm generally on late at night (around 11pm or midnight).


  5. Default Re: Revivial Guild R> Active Legit Players

    I've already buddied you. As soon as you're on I can add you to the guild.



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