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  1. Default B>10 atk lvl 140 Raven Horn Helm/Cape (perferably 3L) + 32 Atk Raven Horn Gloves (3L)

    Hopefully this is in Scania (ALTHOUGH ANY SERVER IS FINE!)

    So buying these things:

    -10 atk level 140 Raven Horn Helm
    -10 atk level 140 Raven Horn Cape
    -32 atk level 140 Raven Horn Glove
    (Basically the level 140 thief gear)

    I would HOPE that the gear are already 3L potted (rare/unique/epic - Any and all are fine)
    However, I wouldn't mind if they're not

  2. Default Re: B>10 atk lvl 140 Raven Horn Helm/Cape (perferably 3L) + 32 Atk Raven Horn Gloves

    I have a 10 attack Raven Horn Chaser Cape in Windia, unhammered, 2 line rare I think, if you're at all interested.



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