View Poll Results: Were you satisfied?

76. You may not vote on this poll
  • Yes

    50 65.79%
  • No

    17 22.37%
  • Don't care.

    9 11.84%
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  1. Default Were you satisfied with the compensation?

    Inspired by basil

    Did you think the Nexon compensation was good for all the downtime we had?

    For those who don't remember:

  2. Default Re: Were you satisfied with the compensation?

    Best compensation ever.

  3. Default Re: Were you satisfied with the compensation?


  4. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: SaptaZapta
    Server: Kradia
    Level: 275
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Matriarchy
    Alliance: Peaceful

    Default Re: Were you satisfied with the compensation?

    Two things bothered me about this compensation

    1) Rings. Nexon rolled back 3 days, and the only compensation for people who fought the instability to actually level their rings on those days was an extension... so they could waste more hours on those rings.
    I believe they should have given everyone 3 free ring upgrade potions.

    2) Storm Growth Potions. Those are wonderful, except it turned out you can't use them on the same char that used such a potion previously (from Hot Times). That was mean and unnecessary, although I'm sure Nexon didn't even know about that feature of the item. It's probably there to prevent "abuse", but seriously, if this is the char I was trying to train while all the crashing was going on, the char who probably lost more than one level from the rollback, the least you can do is give me that one free level.
    It's true that all the 3x more than made up for whatever training was lost, but still. If you're giving out a free level, make sure it works.

    Other than that, yeah, very generous compensation.
    And most importantly, they did stabilize the servers, at least for a while. I wonder whether whatever's plaguing Scania, Bera, and Broa right now is related to those "hardware malfunctions."

  5. Default Re: Were you satisfied with the compensation?

    The bolded part is false. I've gotten 3 Storm Growth potions on my Dark Knight, 2 from the merc/demon slayer hot times and the compensation. I successfully used all three with no hiccups.

  6. Default Re: Were you satisfied with the compensation?

    My Storm Growth potion doesn't work. On both accounts. "You can only use this once".


    But still the rest are alright. I just wish this mess didn't happened during the ring event. Good thing it started after my exams were finished, or IDK what I would feel right now.

  7. Default Re: Were you satisfied with the compensation?

    For the instability? Yes. It was more than compensated.

  8. Default Re: Were you satisfied with the compensation?

    Considering all of their games were down and Mabigoni was down for a longer period (hackings out the wazoo before this), and none of the others got this good of a compensation... I feel like they finally realized that maplestory is their money maker and that they need to treat us better. So yes, they did a wonderful job...this time

  9. Default Re: Were you satisfied with the compensation?


    I've used every single one ever given out on my IL and they always work.

  10. Idiot. Male
    IGN: Enfris
    Server: Reboot GMS
    Level: 173
    Job: Evan
    Guild: Forever alone.jpg
    Alliance: Forever alone.jpg

    Default Re: Were you satisfied with the compensation?

    Can someone tell me if it would be a good idea to use my Storm Growth Potion now? Or tomorrow?

    Yes. I am satisfied. Best compensation, probably once in a life time one as well.

  11. Default Re: Were you satisfied with the compensation?

    I think he's referring to the ones handed out in the Scania compensation hot time..unless his didnt work from the original one..but after the compensation it said this message after you double clicked it "this can only be used once on this character" or something along those lines, and then it disappeared..but the 3x made up for it so..

  12. Won't Be Coming Back Male

    IGN: Biades4hire
    Server: Windia
    Level: 19x
    Job: Dual Blade

    Default Re: Were you satisfied with the compensation?

    If you used one potion or more potion before arkrarium patch, then used compensation and no other ones, it worked.
    If you try to use more than one potion after arkrarium patch(by glitching expiry date from old one), the 2nd one disappeared.

  13. Default Re: Were you satisfied with the compensation?

    Doesn't explain my one disappearing though. I only had the one from this compensation.

  14. In my dreams... Gay Male
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 215
    Job: Hoyoung
    Alliance: KATYPERRY

    Default Re: Were you satisfied with the compensation?

    Considering I mostly only lost ring hours, it was great compensation.

  15. Default Re: Were you satisfied with the compensation?

  16. Default Re: Were you satisfied with the compensation?

    Those bastards.

  17. Default Re: Were you satisfied with the compensation?

    considering as how during the affected week, I only logged in once or twice to mess around via stalking some of my friends, I'd say this compensation was more than satisfactory.

  18. Default Re: Were you satisfied with the compensation?

    Yes, the compensation is better than anything we've ever gotten, but as I've said before, I think the best compensation is a fix to the problem. For the downtime we HAD, it was fair. However, the fact that the game is still crashing, and the fact that we don't know how much longer it'll crash...then I'm not going to have a hard time saying I'm satisfied. These things are nice, but ultimately, I want the game stable, something that they have failed to provide recently. What's the point of my compensation (free hyper rock, free ap, storm growth potion, 3x drop/exp) if I can't get on to use and enjoy it?

  19. Default Re: Were you satisfied with the compensation?

    I'd like to be able to stay logged in, and them to stop people duping every couple days.

    So no.

    Care less about the items they gave us, I guess it's nice but it doesn't make the game any better to play.

  20. Default Re: Were you satisfied with the compensation?

    I gained 40k maple points just for logging in my mules right before the servers went down. That alone made me content. The 3x, inventory expansions, and free AP resets were just a bonus. Hyper Rock was nice too but I can do without.



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