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I don't have any vendetta against you. I merely have a vendetta against stupidity.
You're obviously still missing the point, as how much base INT he has has nothing to do with what he's asking, not to mention you were giving answers that are incorrect. You're right, the legend store MIGHT be extended, or it might not. However, the point is that its UNLIKELY to be so, because if they were to extend it, they'd have made a notice like they did the evolution rings. My point still stands to comment only when you know what you're talking about.
@Dark: Yes, but keep in mind that it is VERY costly, as you will use double the resets (one to take out of mp to put into hp, then one more to take out of mp again to put into Str/Dex/INT/Luk as opposed to just taking one out of mp to put back into your main stat)