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Thread: Hi, I'm ElChele

  1. Cash6 Hi, I'm ElChele

    Ok guys im done being a lurker ahahah so here we go with my ressume of maple:
    - Was a beta tester lvl 63 lithwiz woot woot killed jr rog 1 TIME!! OMG!!! who's the man!!.
    - When GMS was released me and one close friend where the FIRST yea i dont have proof but we were the first to get in to gms how?. Well the web was down becouse evryone downloading the client, and if you did the client would get stuck and you had to start again but you couldnt becouse they web was down. So we started downloading the zip files from the ftp, and when the web went down, we just changed the last number fo the zip file to download all and install and we got in!!!
    - Got killed by the rog on the boat hahha i still have the pic somewere ill look for it and post it.
    - Quited and came back, twice.
    - Got hacked becouse i has very dumb to use the same pasw i used when i gave the account to a guild that sold me the z helm. Both accounts got hacked after 2 weeks of that, but was my foult becouse after 2 weeks i changed back the passw to the same one that had on those days my foult entirelly.
    - Dont have any 200 char, i try to just enjoy the game, go questing, go explore new places (arrrg i cant get past temple of time becouse im not even lvl 150 yet lol).
    - I have every class of the game in differents accounts, some test drills some mules.
    - Well has you can see i've been playing for a while.
    - Lastly i was faithfull lurker of southperry and now im glad to be a part of the comunity, c you in the post guys!!!!

  2. Default Re: Hi, I'm ElChele

    Holy crap, there sure have been a lot of new members lately.

    Welcome to the land of new people. Enjoy your stay and have fun.

  3. In my dreams... Gay Male
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 215
    Job: Hoyoung
    Alliance: KATYPERRY

    Default Re: Hi, I'm ElChele

    Welcome to Southperry! :)

  4. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: Hi, I'm ElChele

    Welcome to Southperry, the land of chinchillas, pineapples, and opossums...

  5. Default Re: Hi, I'm ElChele

    YAY!! 3 welcomes im popular already =), woot pinaple yum yum, hahahaha you know i just got that joke? i always was wondering why people use pinaple so much?? hahhaa now that i got it right now is not so much pinaple is more like PORCUPINE hahahah porcupainable ummm some people need it rough o.O!

  6. Default Re: Hi, I'm ElChele

    ElChele, you're going to fit in so perfectly here that it is going to hurt.

  7. Desk Straight Male
    IGN: NatsuEliseo
    Server: Galicia
    Level: 206
    Job: Evan
    Guild: Exploited
    Alliance: Family
    Farm: StarWars

    Default Re: Hi, I'm ElChele

    I approve this message.


  8. Default Re: Hi, I'm ElChele

    Thanks Solarboy, Jon, Corn, Metaseraphim And Eliseo wooot best time to come when maple is getting PROCUPINED (lol procupined hahaha done by pros XD, Proporcupined o.O!! im getting a degree with this words) after getting pineappled =).
    Last edited by ElChele; 2012-01-27 at 01:05 AM. Reason: New words discovery!

  9. Donator Straight Male
    IGN: ShinkuDragon HoukaPhoenix BoshokuRaven
    Server: Scania
    Level: 152
    Job: Batman
    Guild: IDissOrtis

    Default Re: Hi, I'm ElChele

    your name... interesting, hmmm...

  10. Default Re: Hi, I'm ElChele

    elchele = the white on spanish o.O but in like street talk hahaa. Thanks Shiku, mike and panacea really glad i joined

  11. Donator Straight Male
    IGN: ShinkuDragon HoukaPhoenix BoshokuRaven
    Server: Scania
    Level: 152
    Job: Batman
    Guild: IDissOrtis

    Default Re: Hi, I'm ElChele

    actually, white is "blanco", chele would be "jizz" in mexican, from what i learned, i could be wrong though.

  12. Desk Straight Male
    IGN: NatsuEliseo
    Server: Galicia
    Level: 206
    Job: Evan
    Guild: Exploited
    Alliance: Family
    Farm: StarWars

    Default Re: Hi, I'm ElChele

    Esta es la unica traduccion que he oido de chele. Eso, o estaba tan lleno de chelas que escribio mal chelas (cerveza).


    Lalalal go google translate it.



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