Never have I seen a pure-class party absolute rape Monster Park.
Never have I seen a pure-class party absolute rape Monster Park.
This totally needs a whole thread and not just a post in whatever thread you posted this in already.
Also, expected video. Disappoint.
you're 6 demon slayers, should be attempting (read, pummeling) the 120 one.
K. I'll try to film a Monster Park obliteration video this weekend.
What I really need to do is see how much the difference would be pre- and post-nerf, when you can't use Carrion Breath for 5 seconds and have an entire mob gone.
I wonder what the destruction would be like if everyone was me.
Can't get fraps working or I'd join a party and see how that goes.
at 15x i can solo dead mine as fast as my 184 mech ><
and im saving sp for metamorphosis
All de jorbs!
Probably more representative of DS in general cause the SCG and evo rings are the only lower level nice gear I have.
Monster Parks do get tougher by the end of 3rd job though... I can't yet solo Mossy Forest or Sky Park.
EDIT: update level 100 - Mossy Forest is now comfortably doable. Will try Sky Park once I farm some tickets.
Last edited by Stereo; 2012-01-18 at 04:24 PM.
I tried it for LoLs on my DS/buff mule. Clean equips (legendary 1h mace w/ crap stats)- no other potentials. On my lvl 7x DS I solo'd the omega sector level w/ about 4-5 minutes to spare and the magatia level w/ about ~1 minute to spare. Just insane mobbing skills. I can't imagine if I actually put effort into getting nice gear.
rush -> carrion -> norm atk to fill meter-> carrion ... repeat until finished.