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  1. Default Welcome Our New Event Coordinator

    As some of you are aware, I've mentioned the plan to have various events beginning next year.

    I'm pleased to present step one of that plan and introduce you to our new Community Event Coordinator, TaliaNCo.

    Tals will be setting up, hosting and announcing the winners of various events throughout 2011 based on the modest budget she's been given, as well as be the point of contact for players who want to contribute to special events in some way, be it ideas, designs or otherwise.

    Please give her a warm welcome and show her your excitement and interest.

  2. Default

    Who is that? O__o

    Nonetheless, welcome! :D I hope you have a nice run as the event coordinator and not get annoyed and pissed off at the impotence of a lot of us.

  3. Default

    Why the hell would you give it to Talia, and not a long-time member of Southperry, or at least someone people not from Mardia could recognize.

  4. Default

    Because I "gave" it to the person most trustworthy, qualified and capable of coordinating events, working with a budget and getting it done who I know personally.

    It's a job, not a popularity contest, so who knows her doesn't mean a damn thing. You all know who she is now and you can judge for yourselves how she does.

    It saves me the trouble of picking someone "everyone" knows and letting them deal with all the judgmental baggage having an identity here brings.

  5. I've got no strings Straight Male
    IGN: Ryukiro
    Server: Scania
    Level: 183
    Job: Night Lord
    Guild: Vigilante
    Alliance: Lore


    Neato. Wonder what kind of events we'll have here. Gratz Talia. <3

  6. Default

    Congratulations, Talia.

    Don't be such a wet blanket, Kurtle. I'm sure Eos knows what he's doing.

    IGN: ThatWasMyKil
    Server: Bera
    Level: 203
    Job: Battle Bishop
    Guild: Inspired
    Alliance: Virtus


    Ic, not to be rude, but who is TaliaNCo? other then the new event mod.

  8. Default


  9. the Immutable Neuter
    IGN: Stephen
    Server: U.S.A.
    Level: 25
    Job: Sailor
    Guild: USN
    Alliance: VAQ-141 Shadowhawks


    I only remember seeing thsi person [post maybe once. still grats to thsi person.

  10. Default

    Stranger Danger!

    Hehe Hi Talia! I was too noob to find out beforehand (wasn't clever enough).

    Can't wait for the events :)

  11. Default

    Some broad from iDrama obv.

    It should have been Zelkova, seriously, you wouldn't have had to even give him any money, the dude throws it at Southperry like it's going out of style. Word.

  12. the Immutable Neuter
    IGN: Stephen
    Server: U.S.A.
    Level: 25
    Job: Sailor
    Guild: USN
    Alliance: VAQ-141 Shadowhawks


    -waits for talia to pst-
    c'mon, we dont bite. =3

  13. Default

    Instead of naming who it could have/should have/wasn't. Why don't we give her a chance to talk and a few days on the job first?

  14. Event Coordinator Straight Female
    IGN: TaliaNCo
    Server: Mardia
    Level: 193
    Job: Arch Mage (i/l)
    Guild: Animus


    Thank you Eos, and everyone else.

    Let me first start by saying that I know I haven't been a completely active member of this community. I know some people on here due to playing Maplestory, and others I recognize merely due to their activity here on Southperry. I lurk and read a lot more than I post or contribute. Even though I lead a very busy life, this is something that I absolutely LOVE doing. I've done it in the past on another website I used to go to for years and had lots of fun doing it. I am really looking forward to finally making a worthy contribution to this website.

    Now I know we have a large mix of people in our community. Some still actively play Maplestory, some merely come to check out the updates and extractions and others have moved on to different things but continue to come here to stay in touch with friends they've made. Since this is mainly a Maplestory fansite, most events will probably be Maplestory related. However, I like the idea of throwing in some different and completely off topic things, that way people who don't have much of an interest in Maple any longer might have an interest in playing along. :)

    That being said, I absolutely welcome you all to share your interests and ideas with me. I would love to have more of an idea of what interests all of you, even if it's not Maple related. The point here is, I want everyone to have fun and have a fair chance at winning things. Eos has given me a fairly generous budget, all things considered. I think once we get the ball rolling here, you'll all understand what we're trying to accomplish.

    Please feel free to PM me with questions or concerns. I will reply to you as quickly and honestly as I can. Thank you again!


  15. Default

    I believe that when someone is picked as staff of a forum, they should be picked from that forum. The members have gained time to actually know them and respect them, and therefore will be more likely to get along with them. And I know you'll probably say "but they don't need to get along with them", but I feel that they should.

    However, an "event organizer" is obviously a bit different than a normal member of the staff, and I think you of all people wouldn't choose someone you know for this if you didn't think they were fit for the job. So... here's hoping you picked well?

  16. Event Coordinator Straight Female
    IGN: TaliaNCo
    Server: Mardia
    Level: 193
    Job: Arch Mage (i/l)
    Guild: Animus


    Sorry for the delay. I had to wait for my outlaws to leave. :P (I mean inlaws lol)

    ETA: Psst......I don't bite either. ;)

  17. Default


  18. the Immutable Neuter
    IGN: Stephen
    Server: U.S.A.
    Level: 25
    Job: Sailor
    Guild: USN
    Alliance: VAQ-141 Shadowhawks


    see, now,you seem liks a fun person so i can tell wither you and i wil get along just fine enough (but pls get an avatar please, it's jsut something wtih me i do better seeing a face/picture to put to a name), or we'l be worse enemies than a scorpino and a snake.

  19. Event Coordinator Straight Female
    IGN: TaliaNCo
    Server: Mardia
    Level: 193
    Job: Arch Mage (i/l)
    Guild: Animus


    Only if asked nicely. ;)



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