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Nexon will only "expand" Maplestory now if they can make good money out of it, 2x exp / cubing was only the first step...
Big Bang was only made to enable Nexon to create a totally new economy, and get rid of all the old shiet players like me worked on for years... all my equips are worthless and near useless now...
I can see them making tokens to do more then 1 bossrun per day for farming epic items in the (near?) future... items with uber good stats, and which are untradable (to keep them reaching the market for nx-less players, to keep their damage nerfed).
This is why Maplestory is going to fail really hard in the future for casual gamers. Lately Maple is already way too dependent on large investments from addicted players.
Normal players who only spend like 30~60 dollars in total on a game (like any other pay to play game) are gonna be kicked so hard away from the fun from maple (you have to pay a lot more for more fun). Also, they will quit sooner now, and there will be a lot of new players that will stop with Maple on their lvl120 Cygnus, because they've seen Maple already, and don't plan to invest 1000+ dollars or more to "compete" with the nx whores / hackers and pay another 500 dollars on 2x exp cards 'n stuff to get to lvl200 on their new adventurer...
Maplestory's future isn't that bright if you ask me, it's either pay -hard- cash and compete with the other nx whores, or don't, but do totally crap damage compared to the addicts with their 500% equips...
Maplestory from years ago (when it started), was -way- more casual gamer friendly, because then everyone could compete with each other, regardless NX "investments".
In the end there will be only hackers and nx whores competing for most damage, and then, after some time, nexon will bring it all down, to start another game where the nx whores and hackers will compete again...
Sadly, the old innocent friendly days are gone for good... Nexon broke their promise that NX would never influence gameplay... And don't expect them to nerf the NX Children Casino effect on gameplay, it's a goldmine for 8~14 year old addicts who go shopping with their parents credit cards to gain respect from other nx-addicts... It's their new business model, legal or not... it earns hard cash...