I have been a fan of Duke Nukem for as long as I can remember. If you think about it, he is probably the greatest protaginist and hero of all video gaming. Yea yea.... you got Master Chief, and Mario, etc etc. But nothing compares to the King. He's a man's man. He kicks ass, he picks up chicks, and he doesnt take pomegranate from anyone (namely aliens lol)
Unfortunately, we have been waiting for his next game for over 10 years.... 12 to be exact. Through multiple upgrades, engine changes, level redesigns, company / political arguements, and countless other reasons, Duke Nukem Forever has been delayed so many times people dont even bother keeping up-to-date with it anymore. They laugh at those of us still patiently waiting.
Though I will say this, I can feel its close. There hav been multiple screens and trailers released recently and I have to say the game looks amazing
Duke Nukem Forever
There is a video you can stream and watch.
Anyway, just wanted to know if there was any other Duke Nukem fans here