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SpoilerFollowing KMST - 1.2.96 Client Data - Background Sound Files
*This list will be updated when there are new BGMs available*
If there are any missing BGMs you haven't found here, note it down. Same goes with mistakes and errors.
MP3's are uploaded to eSnips for your convenience, and then will be uploaded to Skydrive when some or all files are translated from Sound ***** to Example.MP3. Recent BGMs are uploaded to YouTube.
Layout :
eSnips : http://www.esnips.com/web/KMST-1296SoundwzFiles
- KMST 1.2.96 BGMs
- World Tour / Exclusive & UI
- Masteria
Other References
winLAME Audio Converter : http://winlame.sourceforge.net/download.php
"Where does this track play in MapleStory?" Guide : http://www.sleepywood.net/forum/show...&postcount=306
Dowase Music : http://music.dowase.net/maple.php
The Jason Effect : http://www.thejasoneffect.net/maple-story-ost/
Jr. Boogie : http://sleepywood.net/forum/showthread.php?t=766673
koolk's MapleStory SoundTrack : http://sleepywood.net/forum/showpost...17&postcount=6
KMST Ver. 1.2.96 - Background MP3s
Sound496 - FunnyRabbit
Sound497 - FunnyRabbitFaster
Sound498 - cathedral
Sound499 - chapel
Sound516 - WolfWood
Sound517 - AncientMove
Sound518 - AbandonedMine
Sound519 - MineQuest
Sound520 - HellGate
Sound521 - DarkShadow
Sound522 - TheyMenacingYou
Sound523 - FairyTale
Sound524 - FairyTaleDiffers
Sound525 - TimeAttack
Sound526 - DragonLoad
Sound527 - HonTale
Sound528 - CaveofHontale
Sound529 - DragonNest
Sound530 - Ariant
Sound531 - HotDesert
Sound532 - LetsMarch
Sound533 - ForTheGlory
Sound534 - FindingForest
Sound535 - LetsHuntAliens
Sound536 - PlotOfPixie
Sound555 - BlueWorld
Sound556 - Aquarium
Sound557 - ShiningSea
Sound558 - DownTown
Sound559 - DarkMountian
Sound594 - Feeling
Sound595 - BizaareForest
Sound596 - Hana - [Unused]
Sound597 - Yume
Sound598 - Bathroom
Sound599 - BattleField
Sound600 - FirstStepMaster
Sound601 - MureungHill
Sound602 - MureungForest
Sound603 - WhiteHerb
Sound604 - Pirate
Sound605 - SunsetDesert
Sound606 - YoTaipei
Sound607 - NightField
Sound608 - NightMarket
Sound609 - amoria
Sound610 - chapel (REPEAT)
Sound611 - cathedral (REPEAT)
Sound612 - Amorianchallenge
Sound613 - PlayWithMe
Sound614 - WhiteChristmas
Sound615 - UponTheSky
Sound616 - ArabPirate
Sound617 - Shinin'Harbor
Sound618 - WarmRegard
Sound619 - Congratulation
Sound1755 - Timeless
Sound1756 - TimelessB
Sound1757 - BizarreTales
Sound1758 - TheWayGrotesque
Sound1759 - Eregos
Sound1760 - NxLogo (UI)
Sound1761 - WzLogo (UI)
Sound1762 - WCSelect (UI) [Unused]
Sound1763 - ShopBgm (UI)
Sound1764 - Title (UI)
Sound1765 - CokeTown
Sound1766 - Leafre
Sound1767 - Minar'sDream
Sound1768 - AncientForest
Sound1769 - TowerOfGodess
Sound1775 - ThaiTown
Sound1776 - ThaiField
Sound1805 - MoonlightShadow
Sound1806 - WhenTheMorningComes
Sound1807 - EvilEyes
Sound1808 - JungleBook
Sound1809 - AboveTheTreetops
Sound1821 - WaltzForWork
Sound1822 - WhereverYouAre
Sound1823 - FunnyTimeMaker
Sound1824 - HighEnough
Sound1825 - Fantasia
Sound1826 - GoShanghai - KMS VERSION
Sound1827 - ShanghaiField - KMS VERSION
Sound1828 - AquaCave
Sound1829 - DeepSee
Sound1830 - WaterWay
Sound1831 - AncientRemain
Sound1832 - RuinCastle
Sound1833 - Dispute
Sound1834 - DownToTheCave [Unused]
Sound1835 - MoonlightShadow
Sound1836 - WhereTheBarlogFrom [Unused]
Sound1837 - CavaBien
Sound1838 - HighlandStar
Sound1839 - BadGuys
Sound1840 - Subway
Sound1841 - Elfwood
Sound1842 - BlueSky
World Tour / Exclusive & UI Apr. 5th, 10
BoatQuay_Field - Boat Quay Town - Fields
BoatQuay_Town - Boat Quay Town
CBD_Field - CBD Fields and Dungeons
CBD_Town - CBD Town
Ghostship - Boat Quay Town's Ghost Ship
Ulu_field - Singapore Jungle Fields
KualaLumpur - Malaysia Metro Zone
Highland - Malaysia Highland Area
===Taiwan MapleStory===
101Building - Taipei 101
101BuildingField - Taipei 101 Monster Stages
101BuildingSubway - Taipei 101 Subway Area
CakeMap - tMS 3rd Anniversary Map
CakeMap4th - tMS 4th Anniversary Map
===Japan MapleStory===
CastleInside - Kaede Castle - Indoors
CastleOutSide - Kaede Castle - Outdoors
CastleBoss - Kaede Castle - Boss Area
CastleTrap - Kaede Castle Trap Room
Kamuna - Kamuna
Odaiba - Akihabara's theme, battle against Bergamot
Park - Park Year 2095
Akiabara - Odaiba's theme
Office - resistance HQ in Akihabara
Tokyosky - 2102 Tokyo Sky
Rockbongi1 - Shibuya 2102 and Roppongi Mall 2102 when not in boss map
Rockbongi2 - Shibuya 2102 and Roppongi Mall 2102 when in a boss map
Kecon - JMS Wedding BGM
Title (Japan) - Mikuni Shimokawa: Memories of MapleStory
Title (Japan) 2 - Euphonius - Divinity
Title (Japan) 3 - Jimang – Sakura Pop
Title (Japan) 4 - Haruka Shimotsuki – Hajimarino Story
Title (Japan) 5 - Chata x Oster Project - Nanaironosekai
===China MapleStory===
Shaolin_Cangjingge - Grand Hall of the Great Sage Field
Shaolin_Daxiongbaodian - Grand Hall of the Great Sage
Shaolin_Mishi - Grand Hall of the Great Sage Boss
Shaolin_Shan - Mount Song Field
Shaolin_Songshan - Mount Song Town
EnSchool - English School
summerboating01 - Summer Boating Event 1
summerboating02 - Summer Boating Event 2
summerboating03 - Summer Boating Event 3
===Thailand MapleStory===
GoldTempleTownTH - Golden Temple - Town
GoldTempleDungeonTH - Dungeon Area of The Golden Temple
GoldTempleFieldTH - Monkey Swamp Areas of The Golden Temple
===Brazil MapleStory===
FeelGood - Feel Good
HeatUP - Heat Up
TheAftermath - The Aftermath
===User Interface===
AsLogo - AsiaSoft's Logo
Pachinko_Interior_Ambience - Pachinko MiniGame
GoShanghaiCMS - The original version of the "GoShanghai.mp3" from CMS [Unused]
Yuyuan - Yu-Yuan Gardens
PvP - Player Vs. Player Theme
Happyville - MapleSea Version
HotDesert (Old Version) - The old version of HotDesert that was used. [Unused]
Masteria Mar. 4th, 09
SpoilerNLCtown - New Leaf City
NLChunt - Jungle Fields
NLCupbeat - Bigger Ben, MesoGears
HauntedHouse - Haunted House Area
CrimsonwoodKeep - Crimsonwood Mountains
Bigfoot - Bigfoot Boss Area
PhantomForest - Phantom Forest Area
CrimsonwoodKeepInterior - Crimsonwood Keep: Interior
GrandmastersGauntlet - Grandmaster Battle
PartyQuestGL - Crimsonwood Keep Party Quest
Courtyard - Crimsonwood Keep: Courtyard
KMS(T) Jul. 26th, 11
Nautilus - Nautilus Port
inNautilus - Deeper inside Nautilus
FightSand - Ariant Coliseum
MureungSchool1 - Mu Lung Raid 1
MureungSchool2 - Mu Lung Raid 2
MureungSchool3 - Mu Lung Raid 3
MureungSchool4 - Mu Lung Raid 4
ElinForest - Elin Forest
PoisonForest - Poison Forest
TimeTemple - Time Temple
Repentance - Time Temple - Ice Zone
Remembrance - Time Temple - Plant Zone
Forgetfulness - Time Temple - Flame Zone
FightingPinkBeen - Time Temple - Boss Battle
Duskofgod - Time Temple - Zone Boss Battle
WolfAndSheep - Wolf and Sheep Event Area
wichTower - Witch's Treasure Event
QueensGarden - Ereb Town Area
RaindropFlower - Ereb Field
BlackWing - Black Wing
DrillHall - Drill Hall
RienVillage - Rien Town Area
SnowDrop - ?
BambooGym - ?
CrystalCave - ?
Monster Cleanup: Pyramid's Nest
Monster Cleanup: Closed Section
Ghost Ship in the Sea Mist
DragonDream - Evan Tutorial/Area
DragonRider - Dragon Rider PQ
secretFlower - Secret Flower Garden, Dual Blade Town
EdelsteinCity - Edelstein | eSnips
GelimerLab - ??? | eSnips
LowGradeOre - ??? | eSnips
NationalPark - ??? | eSnips
PowerStation - ??? | eSnips
UndergroundPlace - ??? | eSnips
LowGradeOre (Original) | eSnips
BlizzardCastle - ??? | eSnips
CrimsonTower - ??? | eSnips
LionHeart - ??? | eSnips
KreaseField - Greece/Colosseum Fields | eSnips
KreaseAgit - Hideout of Greece | eSnips
KreaseColosseum - Colosseum Boss Battle | eSnips
profession - Professional Skills | eSnips
timeGate - Door of the Future | eSnips
destructionTown - Destroyed Henesys | eSnips
knightsStronghold - Dark Ereve | eSnips
CygnusGarden - Cygnus Boss Battle | eSnips
Title2010Winter - Winter 2010 Login BGM | eSnips
battleEntrance - PvP Entrance | eSnips
battleBGMTypeA - PvP Battle Type A | eSnips
battleBGMTypeB - PvP Battle Type B | eSnips
battleBGMTypeC - PvP Battle Type C | eSnips
battleBGMTypeD - PvP Battle Type D | eSnips
monsterPark - Spiegelman Monster Park | eSnips
dolphin_noon - ???? | eSnips
dolphin_night - ???? | eSnips
Title_8th - 8th Anniversary Login Theme | eSnips
FlowerInBlue - ???? | eSnips
SoundOfElf - ???? | eSnips
WindAndFlower - ???? | eSnips
DecisiveBattle - ???? | eSnips
DespairOnDevil - ???? | eSnips
MP3 Downloads
SpoilerSingle tracks (updated once there are new tracks): http://cid-8de1c7f713aafc75.skydrive...spx/MapleStory
- YoTaipei is the same MP3 as the original ShanghaiField.
- Congratulation is a sound effect used after a Peach Blossom Island wedding.
- Pachinko_Interior_Ambience is used by the Pachinko huts in Kerning, Showa, and Ludibrium.
- GoShanghaiCMS is the first release of the Shanghai town BGM. It is no longer used by the game.
- WhiteChristmasSea is the MSEA version of Happyville. Also, note that the original file name is WhiteChristmas.mp3. The original Happyville MP3 has been named to Happyville_.mp3 in MapleSea's 0.49 client. Even though many versions use this BGM for Happyville today, it is still considered as a "replacement" BGM since it was not the original.
- HotDesert (Old Version) is also known as "Burningroad".
Looking for a track but can't find it? There are many tracks that are identical in the game (especially for recreations like Kerning Square and Neo City). Here is a list that will direct you to the original track that was released before the new one.
ShanghaiField (Original): copy of YoTaipei
DownToTheCave: copy of AncientMove
TimeAttack_2: copy of TimeAttack
BattlePvP: copy of PvP
NetsPiramid2: copy of NetsPiramid
UnderSubway2: copy of UnderSubway
GhostShip(PQ): copy of GhostShipSeaMist
MushCatle: copy of BlueSky
KerningSquare: copy of 101Building
KerningSquareField: copy of 101BuildingField
KerningSquareSubway: copy of 101BuildingSubway
2021year: copy of Park
2099year: copy of Odaiba
2215year: copy of Akiabara
2230year: copy of Office
2503year: copy of Tokyosky
TeraForest: copy of Kamuna