Alright you dummies. Time to talk about the real GOTY. None of that CAWA DOODIE, BATTLEFIELD, RAGE, whatever brown 'n bloom FPS, or weaboo RPG you doofuses are playing.
If you're not brain dead, you should know this game is shaping up to be really promising. 1:1 sword fightan, free runnan games, sick ass bird ridan, getting licked by Ghirahiman. Holy crap on a cracker, it was even compared to Majora's Mask in the side quest department. You can even craft and upgrade your tools. Trying not to give away too much here.
Listen you chucklefucks. This isn't some Zelda made for babbies either. Remember when Wind Waker started that whole crap? Taking 1/4th damage from nearly everything? Well that is out the window. Everything in SS hits you for at least a whole heart. On top of that, hearts are removed from mowing the lawn. That's right, might actually get to see the 'Game Over' screen for once. (Wind Waker was still a good game though.) Combat is also finely tuned. Straight up waggling won't get you anywhere.
It has already snagged a few perfect review scores. Including a perfect 10 from Edge magazine which has only given out 14 perfect scores in their entire 18 year career. They're usually pretty harsh and score 85% lower than the average review on Metacritic.
Are your bodies ready?