Ready to trade names? Sell off your characters' old names or find a new one with this special opportunity! Names will be available to buy or sell with Maple Points over the next four weeks. Check out the full details below!
New Name Auction
Event Duration:
- PST (UTC -8): Wednesday, January 15, 2025 (End of Maintenance) - Tuesday, February 11, 2025 3:59 PM
- CET (UTC +1): Wednesday, January 15, 2025 (End of Maintenance) - Wednesday, February 12, 2025 12:59 AM
- AEDT (UTC +11): Wednesday, January 15, 2025 (End of Maintenance) - Wednesday, February 12, 2025 10:59 AM
Event Details:
- You can enter the New Name Auction by selecting 'New Name Auction' from the Event List and clicking ‘Participate’ or you can speak with Mr. Newname, located in major towns like Henesys.
- Requirement: Lv. 10 and above characters (Zero characters that completed Story Quest Act 2).
- You will be able to make transactions from Interactive and Heroic worlds!
- Completed trade history is stored until June 10 at 11:59 PM UTC. Names and Maple Points from sales that aren't claimed during the storage period will disappear so make sure you claim them before then!
- You can have up to 5 character name transactions (selling or bidding).
- Now, let’s start off by reviewing some major auction terms that you’ll need know before you begin!
Auction TermsDescriptionBidThe act of writing and entering the desired amount by one who wishes to purchase a character name for sale.
Minimum BidThe desired price that the seller wrote when registering the character name.
Current BidThe desired price the buyer enters by raising the bid by at least the minimum bid amount.
Successful BidThe trade is completed if the bid submitted by the buyer is the highest amount at the end of the sale.
Failed Bid, Unsuccessful BidYour bid gets canceled because someone else made a successful bid with an amount higher than the 'Current Bid' that you entered.
Registration DepositThe amount automatically deducted when you start selling character names, which is 5% of the minimum bid.
Name Change FeeAmount paid to Mr. Newname when changing character names.
- Now that you know the terminology, we can go over how to sell and bid on character names.
How to Sell Character Names:
- Enter the New Name Auction and start by entering your desired bid, duration, and a new character name.
- Please note that character names that have started selling cannot be canceled or changed midway.
- The minimum bid starts at 50,000 Maple Points, and the registration deposit and name change fee are deducted at the time of registration.
- You can keep tabs on your current sale of character names by clicking the [Selling] button in the ‘Your Trades’ tab.
- When the character name sale is finished, you can check the results by clicking the [End Trade] button in the 'Your Trades' tab.
- Transaction fees of 30% are deducted at the time of payment collection.
- Registration deposits are refunded if the sale is successful.
- If the registered character name was not sold, you can pay an additional registration deposit and re-list the name for sale or you can either return or claim your name back.
- Name change fees are non-refundable regardless of whether the sale was successful or not.
- You can claim your payment for the sold character name by clicking the [Collect] button in the ‘End Trade’ tab.
- Character names that were won while the New Name Auction was open, cannot be re-sold during the event period.
How to Purchase Character Names:
- Need to get a hold of that name? Head to the ‘New Name Auction’ UI and search for the character name you want in the search bar at the top left, or you can look through other name options from the ‘Character Names for Sale’ from the search tab.
- Enter your desired bid amount and submit.
- The bidding price must be increased by at least the minimum bid amount.
- If your bid is unsuccessful, both the bid deposit and the name change fee will be refunded to you. Although, you will not be able to cancel after placing your bid.
- You can keep tabs on your current character bids by clicking the [Bidding] button in the ‘Your Trades’ tab.
- In the ‘Bidding’ tab, you can see the current highest bid for each available character name. If your bid is the highest, it will be labeled 'Highest Bid.' If another player bids higher, you can either increase your bid or back out.
- If you have won the Highest Bid, you can claim the name in the ‘End Trade’ tab.
- Upon claiming the character name, your currently logged-in character's name will be immediately updated. The previous name will be permanently removed.
- After your name change, you'll have to wait a week before you can change your new name with Mr. Newname.
- Please note that once the change is complete, you cannot restore your previous name.
Please note:
- The New Name Auction is unavailable in Burning World. Character names that break the naming policy will have their transaction forcefully canceled or changed.
- The name change fees and deposits will not be refunded. You can find other 'New Name Auction' related notes in the 'Please check all cautions' tab.