Results 1 to 19 of 19
  1. Default Top XP Gain & Level Gain During Holiday 2x Event

    Sorry, forgot to post this Monday for those who asked for it.

    Click to View Max XP Gain 12/17/2008 to 1/5/2009(Overall Summary)

    Click to View Max Level Gain 12/17/2008 to 1/5/2009(Overall Summary)

    Click to View Max XP Gain Day over Day

    Click to View Level Gain Day over Day
    Last edited by Eos; 2009-01-09 at 08:12 AM. Reason: Day by Day re-fixed.

  2. Default

    Err, can you explain to me how you did this?... I still dont really get it. The obvious answer would be that you tracked the stats every day/every time rankings were updated and collected the data over this given period of time, then organized the data into what you have now but... that takes a lot of work and effort (least I think...) and a lot of dedication and love for numbers/statistics I know most people dont have (I know I dont).

    Either way, those are some interesting numbers and it seems some people level'd a lot during that time, a lot more than I did anyways xD

  3. Default

    You've pretty much summed it up, only replace "you" with a computer that does the repetitive parts for me and some high level data manipulation and formatting languages to make the results meaningful and readable.

  4. Default

    Something just came to mind, your overall statistics show two separate groups of players, one being the top 25 by exp gain, and the other, the top 25 by level gain.

    So, are the Day by Day statistics supposed to show the same groups of people in both groups, or is that unintentional?

    An example if I'm explaining this badly:

    The latter doesn't seem to be sorted by actual level gain like the overall statistics are - I'm assuming this is an error of some sort?

  5. Default

    Yep, when I unjammed it from being stuck on a single day I left it bringing back the right characteristics of the wrong report on the SP version.

    It's reflecting accurately now.

  6. Default

    Wow, I have to say I enjoy these threads. Always love statistics. =P

  7. DUCKS
    IGN: Mondays
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 170
    Job: White Knight
    Guild: Affinity
    Alliance: Honour


    Remember to add in centenarians. Else I'd easily prove the level gain wrong. And, while we're at it; does this apply to characters that were below level 100 at the beginning of the holiday 2x event? Does not seem like it.

  8. Default

    It should've accounted for anyone who passed through that window, but congratulations - You caught a glitch . It wasn't properly looking at the subjective min and max of each person in the time window, it was only looking at people who were present on both first and last days of each range, which changed the "Overall" results for level gain, if nothing else.

    Click to View 12/17/2008 to 1/5/2009(Overall Summary)

  9. DUCKS
    IGN: Mondays
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 170
    Job: White Knight
    Guild: Affinity
    Alliance: Honour


    Well, it's not like it's a competition for finding glitches, but heh, handy to know what you're doing and working with.

    Your work seems to be rather interesting though. I'm tempted to make something similar and let it work out for a week, then check some months afterwards to compare activity etc.

  10. Orbital Bee Cannon Gay Male
    IGN: ZidaneKun
    Server: Mardia
    Level: 18x
    Job: Luminous
    Guild: Integrity
    Alliance: Excellence


    He(?) thinks everything is a compettition. Expecially the "Who can find out what sex he/she is" one. He(?) likes that one alot. But I also think his(?) information is helpful.

    Don't let his arrogance bother you.

  11. DUCKS
    IGN: Mondays
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 170
    Job: White Knight
    Guild: Affinity
    Alliance: Honour


    What has that to do with me finding a "glitch"? eos367 hasn't been arrogant/mean or anything towards me either (as far as I notice).

  12. Default

    You play Mardia now?

  13. DUCKS
    IGN: Mondays
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 170
    Job: White Knight
    Guild: Affinity
    Alliance: Honour



  14. fails @ quitting
    IGN: iSxcTrukah
    Server: Mardia
    Level: 15x
    Job: Bow Master
    Guild: Lacertus
    Alliance: Veritas


    lol, my info please Mr. Eos man.

  15. Default

    Delayed response much?



  16. fails @ quitting
    IGN: iSxcTrukah
    Server: Mardia
    Level: 15x
    Job: Bow Master
    Guild: Lacertus
    Alliance: Veritas


    My computer is not well I have not been using it I need to find my system restore disks

  17. Default

    Eek. I've never had a system restore disk do anything better than wipe the whole system and re-install. I can do that without the disks

  18. fails @ quitting
    IGN: iSxcTrukah
    Server: Mardia
    Level: 15x
    Job: Bow Master
    Guild: Lacertus
    Alliance: Veritas


    Well at first I was having simple viris problems most likely gotten on my comp by one of my brothers. But when I ran my new anti spyware I got my comp went into a ble screen of death. At which time I can no longer boot my comp. I try to go to last config, safe mode, etc. none worked so it's either system restore or a new comp now if that doesn't work.



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