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  1. Default EMS Supreme Closes Down

    So this just got post on the EMS site :

    They are closing down the entire Supreme server this wednesday. As long as it lasted it was fairly fun but I think the Devs do not want to deal with all the seperate bugs that stem from Supreme anymore.

    Maybe it will be revamped and opened again in the future but I doubt it.

    The end of something that, if any, was quite unique!

  2. I post a lot Bi Male
    IGN: ZesseiBijin
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 204
    Job: Kanna
    Guild: NEST
    Farm: Razmosia

    Default Re: EMS Supreme Closes Down

    Oh wow, I guess that kills any lingering hope of us getting it over here.

  3. Default Re: EMS Supreme Closes Down

    Wow... the SNK mode of EMS is closing? It was one of the BEST features it had.... It will be sad that news.

  4. Default Re: EMS Supreme Closes Down

    Awwwww :(

  5. Water Straight Male
    IGN: Pybo
    Server: Scania
    Level: 211
    Job: Shade
    Guild: Reconcile
    Alliance: Intersection
    Farm: Mordor

    Default Re: EMS Supreme Closes Down

    Oh, god...
    I really hope we'll get it at GMS one day

  6. Default Re: EMS Supreme Closes Down

    Yeah same, that would be really cool.

  7. Default Re: EMS Supreme Closes Down

    Saw this coming since long ago.

    The original concept of Supreme was good but Unlimited patch killed most of it. Also the way Supreme was implemented into the game was pretty bad.

    Currently its a completely broken server that infact has even gone worse with every patch due to most single target adventurer skills being now mobbing ones or either removed, which means that most classes are completely doomed at Supreme nowadays.

    Leveling at it is almost completely dependant on PMD events(NX Cash there you go) and for most players the only purpose of Supreme was to take advantage of the Hard item system via gachapon and its similars.

    In other words, nowadays Supreme sucks.

    Also since EMS was the last service with Supreme, i wouldnt count on it being released on any other service anymore. At least not the current concept of Supreme.

  8. Water Straight Male
    IGN: Pybo
    Server: Scania
    Level: 211
    Job: Shade
    Guild: Reconcile
    Alliance: Intersection
    Farm: Mordor

    Default Re: EMS Supreme Closes Down

    Was it shut down in JMS too?

  9. Default Re: EMS Supreme Closes Down

    Yes, a few months ago.



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