Should I be concerned? O_o
(BTW, I canceled after she asked the stats of my Ele Staff.)
Should I be concerned? O_o
(BTW, I canceled after she asked the stats of my Ele Staff.)
I lol'd at how she put 2.1b in the trade and you actually had 1k in your inventory.
But yeah, it's better to not even talk to those people. They're scammers or hackers most likely.
Lol. I never seen a nub hax0r put 2.1bil in trade Good thing you canceled.
i did accept the money
i'm not sure if i would delete the money
or use it and say nothing
or use it and say it
I have seen that person in ch 1 fm entrance a lot. They are one of those quick trade scammers, so I wouldnt be too worried.
I see her scamming WGs before in the FM, she actually made 2.1b from that? lmfao.