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  1. Default 31/1 - Characters' max level is increased to 250!

    Brb 5th job

    EDIT: Translation of the picture (credits to x3TheAran59)

    Last edited by Pythagoras; 2013-01-24 at 05:32 AM.

  2. Default Re: 31/1 - Characters max level increased to 250!

    Please.... please no. Please let this be a joke. God damn it.

  3. Neutron Female
    IGN: HEYsammi
    Server: Scania
    Level: 200
    Job: Evan
    Guild: DremithCross
    Alliance: Evolution

    Default Re: 31/1 - Characters max level increased to 250!

    No please.

  4. Default Re: 31/1 - Characters max level increased to 250!

    When first reading thread I thought it said "Max character slots increased to 250!" and I was like wtp. But like I am like wtp?

  5. Orbital Bee Cannon Straight Male
    IGN: Musiphe
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 277
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Epic
    Alliance: Fatal

    Default Re: 31/1 - Characters max level increased to 250!

    I was expecting 255 just to spite, but 250 works! Challenge Accepted!

  6. Default Re: 31/1 - Characters max level increased to 250!

    ...someone get the plane crash image. Because this is how all of us are feeling atm.

  7. Default Re: 31/1 - Characters max level increased to 250!

    EDIT: actually... i think i'll like this

  8. Donator Straight Male
    IGN: ShinkuDragon HoukaPhoenix BoshokuRaven
    Server: Scania
    Level: 152
    Job: Batman
    Guild: IDissOrtis

    Default Re: 31/1 - Characters max level increased to 250!

    this, i... i actually want this! come on nexon, raise the AP cap too motherpineappleer! let's roll!

  9. Default Re: 31/1 - Characters max level increased to 250!

    On the flipside, this is where the huge gap in power will come from now to make up for the bosses being so ridiculously buffed. 5th jobs, here we go.

  10. Flatpanel TV
    IGN: HarbingerLey
    Server: Mardia
    Level: 203
    Job: Demon Slayer
    Guild: [L]ittleBusters
    Farm: Dominion

    Default Re: 31/1 - Characters max level increased to 250!

    alot of peopel are about to dump into hp. but on a side note, this just increased the gap of Xenons stregnth as xenon cannot max all 3 stats out at once.

    IGN: ThatWasMyKil
    Server: Bera
    Level: 203
    Job: Battle Bishop
    Guild: Inspired
    Alliance: Virtus

    Default Re: 31/1 - Characters max level increased to 250!

    im diggin it :D

  12. Default Re: 31/1 - Characters max level increased to 250!

    I just have lost the ability to exist in this world. I have nothing more.

    This was my constant.

    My rock.

    And now it's gone.

  13. Interdimensional Rift Straight Male
    IGN: thewatch3r
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 204
    Job: Lolmaster
    Guild: Contagious

    Default Re: 31/1 - Characters max level increased to 250!

    Well people have sure been saying this would happen for a while now. Hopefully we get some new training areas and more actual balanced CONTENT rather than just more classes and endless revamps.

    Just re-read and saw "high level content." Please, oh please be something awesome and not nx dependent.

  14. Flatpanel TV
    IGN: HarbingerLey
    Server: Mardia
    Level: 203
    Job: Demon Slayer
    Guild: [L]ittleBusters
    Farm: Dominion

    Default Re: 31/1 - Characters max level increased to 250!

    i didnt even get to 200 yet, still 9 levels off with little to no motivation without red leaf high.

  15. Orbital Bee Cannon Straight Male
    IGN: Musiphe
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 277
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Epic
    Alliance: Fatal

    Default Re: 31/1 - Characters max level increased to 250!

    Considering Nexon found a way to go beyond the 32-bit cap. I'm really interested in the EXP TNL for 200 -> 250.

  16. Default Re: 31/1 - Characters max level increased to 250!

    If this is true, I can safely abandon my goal of level 200. I did expect this but I am speechless regardless.

  17. Proton
    IGN: Mehta
    Server: Scania
    Level: 200
    Job: Angelic Buster
    Guild: Infiniti
    Alliance: Saga

    Default Re: 31/1 - Characters max level increased to 250!

    Poor FangBlade..



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