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  1. Default It's a MapleWorld WORLD - Champions Update

  2. Default Re: It's a MapleWorld WORLD - Champions Update

  3. Default Re: It's a MapleWorld WORLD - Champions Update

    Revamped PVP already? Seems like we're catching up to KMS faster and faster each patch o_o

  4. Default Re: It's a MapleWorld WORLD - Champions Update

    seems like it, an attempt to push tempest out for xmas/new year I'm guessing?

  5. Default Re: It's a MapleWorld WORLD - Champions Update

    No fantastic theme park yet? Hm..wonder what's next then. Wasn't it this and then Tempest in KMS? Maybe we'll see some exclusive patch(+other content from other versions) in October and November?

    Edit:Then Resistance Organization+Sakura Castle. Still. That's only a month.

  6. Default Re: It's a MapleWorld WORLD - Champions Update

    iirc, It was Revamped PVP + Warrior Revamp, SOme other minor revamps, then Tempest (They shut down PVP shortly after it came out and used the excuse that the Black Mage attacked it). Shortly after Luminous came out.

  7. Default Re: It's a MapleWorld WORLD - Champions Update

    There's still Resistance revamp, Cherry Blossom Castle, Gladiator PvP mode left and what you mentioned. After that it's pretty much Tempest.

  8. Default Re: It's a MapleWorld WORLD - Champions Update

    One of the drops at 0:37 looks like an additional potential stamp, though I doubt it is.

    There's still the Resistance Revamp after this, and I think that's pretty much it.

  9. Mercury Straight Male
    IGN: StacknStick
    Server: Windia
    Level: 200
    Job: Phantom
    Guild: Exist
    Alliance: DreamHome
    Farm: ButcherDen

    Default Re: It's a MapleWorld WORLD - Champions Update

    I don't like the new chick, gotten too used to the extremely silly guy

  10. I post a lot Bi Male
    IGN: ZesseiBijin
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 204
    Job: Kanna
    Guild: NEST
    Farm: Razmosia

    Default Re: It's a MapleWorld WORLD - Champions Update

    I like the new girl.

    At least the new PVP mode doesn't have pomegranatety little Half-platforms that screw ranged characters.

  11. Default Re: It's a MapleWorld WORLD - Champions Update

    ^I don't think they're going to get rid of Luis for the new chick, despite the fact that he's just the butt monkey, he makes these much more entertaining. Shes just there to make fun out of him, like every video.

    Assuming this is on the 19th (or around then anyway) since there is no maintenance scheduled that week.
    The revamps sound pretty crappy anyway. Well, at least I don't have to have a heart attack every time my 40% hp phoenix buff runs out.

  12. Default Re: It's a MapleWorld WORLD - Champions Update

    his disgusting hair and facial hair. somebody kill me

  13. Default Re: It's a MapleWorld WORLD - Champions Update

    Cannoneer mule time again.

  14. Default Re: It's a MapleWorld WORLD - Champions Update

    Love that we'll be able to create Legend characters again. Need a second lvl 120 Demon Slayer for my character cards.

  15. Default Re: It's a MapleWorld WORLD - Champions Update

    All revamps in one? PLUS Legends?

    Hell yeah.

  16. Flatpanel TV Straight Male
    IGN: ° ͜ʖ °
    Server: DEGZA
    Level: T_T
    Job: This is FParta!
    Guild: I like toast
    Alliance: @__________________@
    north korea

    Default Re: It's a MapleWorld WORLD - Champions Update

    I like how shiny the new girl is.

  17. Orbital Bee Cannon Straight Male
    IGN: Musiphe
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 277
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Epic
    Alliance: Fatal

    Default Re: It's a MapleWorld WORLD - Champions Update

    Dammit, I'm not ready for the PvP update! I still haven't gotten all my PvP emblems

    Also, inb4 Dark Meta is still broken in PvP :|

  18. Default Re: It's a MapleWorld WORLD - Champions Update

    Oh, with PVP coming back maybe it's time to grab stuff made from Gallants while we can still easily get them. Also time to make five million Cannoneer mules. And another DS to 120 for the card. Wah so much prep work!

  19. Default Re: It's a MapleWorld WORLD - Champions Update

    Plus Chaos PB. After that, Tempest part 1 hit KMS. Wouldn't it be amazing if our big Winter update series was Tempest already?

  20. Default Re: It's a MapleWorld WORLD - Champions Update

    "Much better looking" made me laugh really hard. First time for everything, Nexon.



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