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  1. Default OnLive service in danger


    ...that's kinda surprising. I thought the service was novel and unique and that the company was doing well.

  2. Default Re: OnLive service in danger

    Just saw this a few minutes ago, actually. Never dealt with it though, so no idea what this means for the industry.

  3. Default Re: OnLive service in danger

    And fired everyone. I think that qualifies as more than "in danger".

  4. Default Re: OnLive service in danger

  5. Default Re: OnLive service in danger

    It sounds like the layoffs were just a part of the motion of things. They go on later to state that they will be rehiring a good portion of the OnLive staff at a later time.


  6. Default Re: OnLive service in danger

    I like the latest summary;

    Or as Slashdot put it;
    "This effectively means that OnLive was essentially bought out by OnLive, or rather, more specifically, one of their original investors in the company who backed the startup back in 2009."



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