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  1. Default Azwan Level Brackets

    Here's the ones I know, though I hope others could help.

    Level ??? - 119 = Level 90 mobs
    Level 120 - ??? = Level 140 mobs

  2. Default Re: Azwan Level Brackets

    40-79 = lv50 mobs.
    80-119 = lv90 mobs.
    120-159 = lv140 mobs.
    160-200 = lv170 mobs.

  3. Default Re: Azwan Level Brackets

    Last night, I was in a party with 159 (Leader), 158, 144 (Me), and a 170. I was happy to see that the mobs were still just 140. At least that means it's either based off of the leader's level, or more likely the average party level and not just based off of the level of the highest member.

  4. Deluxe Refrigerator Straight Male
    IGN: Blackraven16
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 176
    Job: Fire/Posion
    Guild: Osomga

    Default Re: Azwan Level Brackets

    How the fk did you get a 170 in your party?

  5. Default Re: Azwan Level Brackets

    Just sent an invite like normal, and he accepted.

  6. Default Re: Azwan Level Brackets

    I like how they said in the livestream that if you do hell mode, it is always 170 mobs.

  7. Default Re: Azwan Level Brackets

    it counts the party average, like in PQ's.
    sends you the respective monsters from the brackets.

  8. Default Re: Azwan Level Brackets

    Yeah same thing happened to me once. I'm lv173, but I got in a fairly low level party and it was really easy cause all the mobs were still 140. I think it's based the average level.

  9. Default Re: Azwan Level Brackets

    Obviously there are limitations - my lv144 evan couldn't go Hard Mode with a bunch of lv190-200s. I wonder where they cut it off.

  10. Default Re: Azwan Level Brackets

    I think it's within 40 levels, but not 100% sure on that.

  11. Certified Pimento Bi Male
    IGN: xxxxFenixR
    Server: Bera
    Level: Mix
    Job: Severals
    Guild: None
    Alliance: Nada
    Farm: Wut?

    Default Re: Azwan Level Brackets

    170 Mobs are horrible to solo mode if you aren't geared :(

    The 140 mobs took me like 1min or less to finish the Normal Ocuppy/attack, and now i take like 5min to finish it :S



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