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  1. Default Is Heal based on your damage?

    So I just made a Phantom today, and made it to Lv. 36 atm. Recently, I Stole Heal from a Bishop and I wondering, is how much you heal with, um... Heal, based on your damage?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. Default Re: Is Heal based on your damage?

    I always thought it was based on your Int and M.att.

  3. Default Re: Is Heal based on your damage?

    Someone in a map I was in said that when Phantoms use heal, it's based on their LUK (opposed to mages' INT). But I haven't stolen heal yet and tested it out for myself.

  4. Default Re: Is Heal based on your damage?

    HP healed to yourself and party members is based on some formula involving INT and matk.

    Damage done by the heal skill to mobs is based on damage range.

  5. Default Re: Is Heal based on your damage?

    So Phantoms using magical spells = pointless?

    IGN: Overburnd
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 210
    Job: Cannoneer
    Guild: Contagious


    Heal is based on int and m.att. It is the one exception for how magic attacks deal damage for phantoms.

    So no.

  7. Default Re: Is Heal based on your damage?

    The description for Heal was pretty clear, as I remember. It uses your damage range. I believe it's 300% of your damage range for heal and 400% range as an attack. This was changed back in the magician revamp iirc.

    (This is off the top of my head, so I won't presume to be 100% correct. You can test the healing numbers by equipping nub gear and seeing how well it works.)

  8. Default Re: Is Heal based on your damage?

    My healing power is at 120% Heal, and I have a range of ~440-~880. But I'm only healing ~40 HP. Not seeing how that works.

  9. Default Re: Is Heal based on your damage?

    The video is pre-Big Bang.
    I am sure this is how healing still works.



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