2.1.1 How do growths exactly work?
Unlike any other class, an Evan grows. Actually, your dragon grows, but due to a weird occurence in your fate and for the fact that you tattood your hand, you are now linked in spirit with this dragon and therefore you grow as well. If that made no sense, worry not, it doesn't matter. In any case, your dragon grows in mind, strength and size. Your little cub dragon will soon be a large and full grown dragon. But how does this exactly work? Easy, at certain levels your dragon gets a new growth. Sometimes, not always, your dragon will also grow physically. In every growth however, he will receive new skills. Below I have provided a reference sheet as to when your dragon gets a new growth, which skills he receives, and when he grows physically.
2.1.2. Growths per level.
Click for the table consisting the information.
2.2. Side skills.
2.2.1. Descriptions
Will of the Alliance - Passive - Max Level: 1.
Explanation: A pact between the Adventurers, Heroes and Resistance has brought forth a blessing for your character. It is given to you after completing the alliance quests.
Description: Strong force is released according to the Willpower of the Alliance.
Skill effects: Level 1: Permanently increases STR: 5, DEX: 5, INT: 5, LUK: 5, ATT: 5, Magic ATT: 5
Inherited Will - Passive - Max Level: 1.
Explanation: Through the bond with the last Onyx Dragon, Afrien, you obtain the passive skill Inherited Will. This skill is obtained through completing nearly all of the silent crusade quests.
Description: You learned the dragon master's true power by receiving the will of Afrien, the King of Onyx Dragon
Skill effects: Level 1: Permanently increases Magic ATT 10, Magic DEF 300, HP 15%, All stats 10, When attacking Boss Monster- Damage: +5%
Dragon Flight - Passive - Max Level: 1.
[Explanation: Allows you to fly with your dragon mount if you have one. By pressing the jump key twice, and holding it the second time, you will be allowed to fly around with Mir.
Description: Fly a long distance with your Dragon.
Skill effects: Level 1: Fly a long distance by pressing and holding the jump key. Can only be used if the Monster Riding skill has been obtained and you are not currently on a mount.
Echo of Hero - Active - Max Level: 1.
Explanation: The exclusive skill for anyone who has reached level 200. It increases the Attack and Magic Attack of everyone around you by 4%, for a duration of 40 minutes. However, due to a glitch, Echo of Hero is permanently active until death or disconnection from the game. To use the skill again, 2 hours must have past since the previous cast.
Description: Increases the Weapon and Magic Attack of all nearby users. Cooldown: 2 hrs
Skill effects: Level 1: MP -30, Weapon and Magic Attack +4% for 40 min.
2.3. Skill books and mastery books.
There's 4 growths with skill books, counting the ones where you need NX books as well. There will be a total of 3 books you need to buy in the Cash Shop, a total of 4 books you need to get at Zakum and a total of 15 regular mastery books you will need to buy or find somewhere.
Level 30:
Magic Guard 20 - Cash Shop (2,000 NX)
Level 60:
Magic Booster - Cash Shop (2,000 NX)
Critical Magic - Cash Shop (2,000 NX)
Level 120:
Magic mastery 10 - Zakum
Magic mastery 20 - Regular book
Magic mastery 30 - Regular book
Flame wheel 10 - Zakum
Flame wheel 20 - Regular book
Flame wheel 30 - Regular book
Illusion 10 - Automatically gained upon reaching level 120.
Illusion 20 - Regular book
Illusion 30 - Regular book
Maple Warrior - Automatically gained upon reaching level 120.
Maple Warrior 20 - Regular book
Maple Warrior 30 - Regular book
Hero's will (Level 5 skill) - Gained from doing a quest.
Level 160:
Dark Fog 10 - Zakum
Dark Fog 20 - Regular book
Dark Fog 30 - Regular book
Soul Stone 10 - Zakum
Soul Stone 20 - Regular book
Blaze 10 - Automatically gained upon reaching level 160.
Blaze 20 - Regular book
Blaze 30 - Regular book
Blessing of the Onyx 10 - Automatically gained upon reaching level 160.
Blessing of the Onyx 20 - Regular book
Blessing of the Onyx 25 - Regular book
Will of the Onyx 20 - Automatically gained upon reaching level 160.
2.4. Skills and descriptions.
Currently the extractions displayed on BasilMarket are incorrect. The pages show the wrong skills, descriptions and icons in sometimes even the wrong growths.
Therefore, with major thanks to
Maple Archive for the proper extractions and information.
2.4.1. First growth
More information
Click for the table consisting the information.
2.4.2. Second growth
More information
Click for the table consisting the information.
2.4.3. Third growth
More information
Click for the table consisting the information.
2.4.4. Fourth growth
More information
Click for the table consisting the information.
2.4.5. Fifth growth
More information
Click for the table consisting the information.
2.4.6. Sixth growth
More information
2.4.7. Seventh growth
More information
2.4.8. Eight growth
More information
2.4.9. Ninth growth
More information
2.4.10. Tenth growth
More information
2.5. Skill builds.
2.5.1 First growth of the dragon
Starts at level 10, ends at level 20.
10. +1 Magic Missile, +2 Dragon Soul.
Quest SP: +1 Dragon Soul.
11. +3 Dragon Soul.
Quest SP: None.
12. +3 Dragon Soul.
Quest SP: +1 Dragon Soul.
13. +3 Dragon Soul.
Quest SP: +2 Dragon Soul.
14. +3 Dragon Soul.
Quest SP: +1 Dragon Soul.
15. +1 Dragon Soul
[ 20 ] [ MAX ], +2 Magic Missile.
Quest SP: None.
16. +3 Magic Missile.
Quest SP: +1 Magic Missile.
17. +3 Magic Missile.
Quest SP: None.
18. +3 Magic Missile.
Quest SP: +1 Magic Missile.
19. +3 Magic Missile.
Quest SP: None.
20. +3 Magic Missile
[ 20 ] [ MAX ].
Quest SP: None.
Results in order:
Dragon Soul:
Magic Missile:
Not much explaining needed. You can actually switch them around if you feel like it. Ever since the beginning, the differences between the skills have not been huge enough to bother calculating it. However, I chose to max out Dragon Soul for the passive damage and speed boost. It's up to you, as long as you place one point in both of the skills at the start of your first growth.
2.5.2. Second growth of the dragon
Starts at level 20, ends at level 30.
20. +1 Fire Circle, +2 Teleport.
Quest SP: +1 Teleport.
21. +3 Teleport.
Quest SP: +1 Teleport.
22. +3 Teleport.
Quest SP: +1 Teleport.
23. +3 Teleport.
Quest SP: +2 Teleport.
24. +3 Teleport.
Quest SP: None.
25. +2 Teleport
[ 20 ] [ MAX ], +1 Fire Circle.
Quest SP: None.
26. +3 Fire Circle.
Quest SP:[/b] +1 Fire Circle.
27. +3 Fire Circle.
Quest SP: None
28. +3 Fire Circle.
Quest SP: +1 Fire Circle.
29. +3 Fire Circle.
Quest SP: None.
30. +3 Fire Circle
[ 20 ] [ MAX ].
Quest SP: None.
Results in order
Fire Circle:
Again, not much explaning to do. You will want a new mobbing attacking skill, therefore one point in Fire Circle. Teleport will be needed for mobility, and you don't want to be potting every 2 seconds because you're MP has run out due to Teleport at level 1 drinking MP like your alcohol dad on a Friday night. So go for Teleport first unless you support Teleport's alcoholism.
2.5.3. Third growth of the dragon.
Starts at level 30, ends at level 40.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Magic Guard requires a Cash Shop Skill book, which will cost 2,000 NX. If you do not own enough NX, please use build 2.
Build 1: You're probably richer than Bill Gates.
30. +1 Lightning Bolt, +2 Magic Guard.
Quest SP: +2 Magic Guard.
31. +3 Magic Guard.
Quest SP: None.
32. +3 Magic Guard.
Quest SP: +1 Magic Guard.
33. +3 Magic Guard.
Quest SP: +1 Magic Guard.
34. +3 Magic Guard.
Quest SP: None.
35. +2 Magic Guard, +1 Lightning Bolt.
Quest SP: +2 Lightning Bolt.
36. +3 Lightning Bolt
Quest SP: +1 Lightning Bolt.
37. +3 Lightning Bolt.
Quest SP: None.
38. +3 Lightning Bolt.
Quest SP: None.
39. +3 Lightning Bolt.
Quest SP: None.
40. +3 Lightning Bolt.
Quest SP: None.
Results in order
Magic Guard:
Lightning bolt:
Build 2: Children in Africa are better off than you.
30. +3 Lightning Bolt.
Quest SP: +2 Lightning Bolt.
31. +3 Lightning Bolt.
Quest SP: None.
32. +3 Lightning Bolt.
Quest SP: +1 Lightning Bolt.
33. +3 Lightning Bolt.
Quest SP: +1 Lightning Bolt.
34. +3 Lightning Bolt.
Quest SP: None.
35. +1 Lightning Bolt, +2 Magic Guard.
Quest SP: +2 Magic Guard.
36. +1 Magic Guard +2 (Saved up).
Quest SP: +1 (Saved up).
37. +3 (Saved up).
Quest SP: None.
38. +3 (Saved up).
Quest SP: None.
39. +3 (Saved up).
Quest SP: None.
40. +3 (Saved up).
Quest SP: None.
Results in order
Lightning bolt:
Magic Guard:
Left over:
It mostly depends on if you really want Magic Guard in the early stages. out of all of the NX books, I do suggest you choose Magic Guard though. It's a livesaver and it will make up for the money you are not losing due to massive pot usage. In the second build you can choose to get level 5 Magic Guard, or wait with Magic Guard all together until after you maxed out Lightning Bolt, your choice.
2.5.4. Fourth growth of the dragon.
Starts at level 40, ends at level 50.
40. +1 Ice Breath, +2 Spell Mastery.
Quest SP: None.
41. +3 Spell Mastery.
Quest SP: +1 Spell Mastery.
42. +3 Spell Mastery.
Quest SP: +1 Spell Mastery [ 10 ] [ MAX ], +2 Ice Breath.
43. +3 Ice Breath.
Quest SP: None.
44. +3 Ice Breath.
Quest SP: None.
45. +3 Ice Breath.
Quest SP: None.
46. +3 Ice Breath.
Quest SP: +3 Ice Breath.
47. +2 Ice Breath [ 20 ] [ MAX ], +1 High Wisdom.
Quest SP: None.
48. +3 High Wisdom.
Quest SP: None.
49. +3 High Wisdom.
Quest SP: None.
50. +3 High Wisdom [ 10 ] [ MAX ].
Quest SP: None.
Results in order
Spell Mastery:
Ice Breath:
High Wisdom:
We add 1 point into Ice Breath because even at level 1, it's already stronger than Thunder Bolt by about 20-30%. After that we add into the passive damamge and critical damage booster for a higher damage output. You might choose to add in 1 point in High Wisdom for the 4 INT bonus early on, however I suggest you just leave that be till the other skills are maxed. This skill improves your damage the last as opposed to the other skills.
2.5.5. Fifth growth of the dragon.
Starts at level 50, ends at level 60.
50. +3 Magic Flare.
Quest SP: None.
51. +3 Magic Flare.
Quest SP:+3 Magic Flare.
52. +3 Magic Flare.
Quest SP: None.
53. +3 Magic Flare.
Quest SP: None.
54. +3 Magic Flare.
Quest SP: None.
55. +2 Magic Flare [ 20 ] [ MAX ], +1 Magic Shield.
Quest SP: None.
56. +3 Magic Shield.
Quest SP: None.
57. +3 Magic Shield.
Quest SP:+3 Magic shield [ 10 ] [ MAX ], +1 Elemental decrease.
58. +3 Elemental decrease.
Quest SP: None.
59. +3 Elemental decrease.
Quest SP: None.
60. +3 Elemental decrease.
Quest SP: None.
Results in order
Magic Flare:
Magic Shield:
Elemental decrease:
Aside from your newly acquired spamable mini genesis, I have to inform you that this growth is rather boring. Just max out Magic Flare instantly and do whatever you want with Shield and Decrease. Switch them around if you need one more than the other. I personally went with Shield because it's useful in more situations than decrease. Chances are that you won't even be training on elemental strong monsters at level 50-60, so the extra defense comes in handy more. Above all, Flare is just a good attack that replaces all your previous ones.
2.5.6. Sixth growth of the dragon.
Starts at level 60, ends at level 80.
60. +1 Critical Magic, +1 Magic Booster, +1 Dragon Thrust.
Quest SP: None.
61. +3 Magic Booster.
Quest SP: None.
62. +1 Magic Booster [ 5 ], +2 Dragon Blink.
Quest SP: +1 Dragon Blink.
63. +3 Dragon Blink.
Quest SP: None.
64. +3 Dragon Blink.
Quest SP: None.
65. +1 Dragon Blink [ 10 ] [ MAX ], +2 Dragon Thrust.
Quest SP: None.
66. +3 Dragon Thrust.
Quest SP: None.
67. +3 Dragon Thrust.
Quest SP: None.
68. +3 Dragon Thrust.
Quest SP: +1 Dragon Thrust.
69. +3 Dragon Thrust.
Quest SP: None.
70. +3 Dragon Thrust.
Quest SP: None.
71. +1 Dragon Thrust [ 20 ] [ MAX ], +2 Critical Magic.
Quest SP: None.
72. +3 Critical Magic.
Quest SP: None.
73. +3 Critical Magic.
Quest SP: None.
74. +3 Critical Magic.
Quest SP: None.
75. +3 Critical Magic [ 15 ] [ MAX ].
Quest SP: None.
76. +3 Magic Booster [ 8 ].
Quest SP: None.
77. +3 Magic Booster.
Quest SP: None.
78. +3 Magic Booster.
Quest SP: None.
79. +3 Magic Booster.
Quest SP: None.
80. +3 Magic Booster [ 20 ] [ MAX ].
Quest SP: None.
Results in order
Dragon Blink:
Dragon Thrust:
Critical Magic:
Magic Booster:
Ok, we're starting to get confusing now. There's more skills, more levels and less quests that give you SP. Worry not, you'll still get a crap load of quests thrown into your face at level 70 and level 80 (However level 80 quests count for the next growth). Let me explain what happens here. At level 60 we start out by adding 1 point into Critical Magic. It's not much, but it's still a tiny boost in your critical damage and chances. You might decide to entirely disregard this. it's up to you. One skill point wont hurt you though. We add in one point to Dragon thrust because it's fast. INSANELY fast. It's a great skill that rushes regular monsters and attacks 3 times on several monsters. You're going to be using this skill a lot. However we're not going to max it out right away.
First we start off with Magic Booster. I decided to put it to level 5, so that we have it maxed out without the NX mastery book. It gives the same amount of speed at any level, it's just annoying to recast it every single minute, so I thought it would be nice of me to leave you with 2 and a half minutes of Magic Booster, before having to recast.
Now we throw in mobility. I hate the cooldown on Dragon Blink, especially since it doesn't always place you where you want. Sometimes I end up blinking 5 times because I cannot stand the spot it brought me to. Having a cooldown in that case is annoying. Your damage is already pretty darned awesome disregard your attacking skill's level. You're overpowered, remember that. So mobility is more important than a high number that already caused you to one hit the monsters in fist place. Therefore we max out Dragon Blink straight away.
At this point, we max out Dragon thrust for obvious reasons. Like I said, a quick triple hitting multiple monsters hitting attack. It simply has priority before Critical Magic. Everything is straight forward from this point. We max out Critical magic before Magic Booster because of the damage boost, and because we already have level 5 Magic booster. As easy as that.
2.5.7. Seventh growth of the dragon.
Starts at level 80, ends at level 100.
After the 6th growth, you no longer receive any quests that grant you Skill Points. Therefore I will no longer include "Quest SP" in the builds.
Build 1: Let's screw over Fire Breath
80. +5 Magic Amplification.
81. +3 Magic Amplification.
82. +3 Magic Amplification.
83. +3 Magic Amplification.
84. +1 Magic Amplification [ 15 ] [ MAX ], +2 Dragon Spark.
85. +3 Dragon Spark.
86. +3 Dragon Spark.
87. +2 Dragon Spark [ 10 ] [ MAX ], +1 Fire Breath.
88. +3 Fire Breath.
89. +3 Fire Breath.
90. +3 Fire Breath.
91. +3 Fire Breath.
92. +3 Fire Breath.
93. +3 Fire Breath.
94. +1 Fire Breath [ 20 ] [ MAX ], +2 Killer Wings.
95. +3 Killer Wings.
96. +3 Killer Wings.
97. +2 Killer Wings [ 10 ] [ MAX ], +1 Magic Resistance.
98. +3 Magic Resistance.
99. +3 Magic Resistance.
100. +3 Magic Resistance.
Results in order
Magic Amplification:
Dragon Spark:
Fire Breath:
Magic Resistance:
Build 2: But I love Fire Breath... :C
80. +1 Fire Breath, +4 Magic Amplification.
81. +3 Magic Amplification.
82. +3 Magic Amplification.
83. +3 Magic Amplification.
84. +2 Magic Amplification [ 15 ] [ MAX ], +1 Fire Breath [ 2 ].
85. +3 Fire Breath.
86. +3 Fire Breath.
87. +3 Fire Breath.
88. +3 Fire Breath.
89. +3 Fire Breath.
90. +3 Fire Breath. [ 20 ] [ MAX ].
91. +3 Dragon Spark.
92. +3 Dragon Spark.
93. +3 Dragon Spark.
94. +1 Dragon Spark [ 10 ] [ MAX ], +2 Killer Wings.
95. +3 Killer Wings.
96. +3 Killer Wings.
97. +2 Killer Wings [ 10 ] [ MAX ], +1 Magic Resistance.
98. +3 Magic Resistance.
99. +3 Magic Resistance.
100. +3 Magic Resistance [ 10 ] [ MAX ].
Results in order
Magic Amplification:
Fire Breath:
Dragon Spark:
Magic Resistance:
Whatever we do, let's first start of with the good old "Range and damage boosters BEFORE attacks because it affects all your skills" argument. For that reasoning, we go with Magic amplification before anything else. If you desperately want to use Fire Breath, then go for it and put a point in there. However Dragon Thrust is better till at least level 6 of Fire Breath has been reached. I'd personally ignore Fire Breath till Magic Amplification at the least is maxed out. Dragon Spark is our personal Final Attack, meaning extra damage. Not bothering adding one point at the very start, because for now you will be focusing on training and it doesn't pay off that much until you go to LHC, Stronghold or any boss. Same for Killer Wings, you don't really need them till you start bossing. Magic resistance, well I often forget to use this all together. It's useful, but not really something you should care about.
2.5.8. Eighth growth of the dragon.
Starts at level 100, ends at level 120.
100. +1 Teleport Mastery, +1 Earthquake, +3 Dragon Fury.
101. +2 Dragon Fury [ 5 ] [ MAX ], +1 Earthquake.
102. +3 Earthquake.
103. +3 Earthquake.
104. +3 Earthquake.
105. +3 Earthquake.
106. +3 Earthquake.
107. +3 Earthquake [ 20 ] [ MAX ].
108. +3 Teleport Mastery.
109. +3 Teleport Mastery.
110. +3 Teleport Mastery [ 10 ] [ MAX ].
111. +3 Onyx Shroud.
112. +3 Onyx Shroud.
113. +3 Onyx Shroud.
114. +3 Onyx Shroud.
115. +3 Onyx Shroud [ 15 ] [ MAX ].
116. +3 Phantom Imprint.
117. +3 Phantom Imprint.
118. +3 Phantom Imprint.
119. +1 Phantom Imprint [ 10 ] [ MAX ], +2 Recovery Aura.
120. +3 Recovery Aura [ 5 ] [ MAX ].
Results in order
Dragon Fury:
Teleport Mastery:
Onyx Shroud:
Phantom Imprint:
Recovery Aura:
Teleport mastery because yes, damage on your teleport feels good. Eartquake is your first skill that covers the front AS WELL as the back. You need one point in this before you max out Dragon Fury. Dragon Fury, I am not even going to start about the whole damage range increase before whatever argument. Just do it. Earthquake for reasons stated earlier. Teleport mastery to increase your mobility and because the other skills are stupid and useless and.... I take that back. You don't really need them till late 110 because of bossing reasons.
2.5.9. Ninth growth of the dragon.
Starts at level 120, ends at level 160.
Build 1: Train a holic.
120. +1 Flame wheel, +1 Illusion, +3 Magic Mastery.
121. +3 Magic Mastery.
122. +3 Magic Mastery.
123. +3 Magic Mastery.
124. +3 Magic Mastery.
125. +3 Magic Mastery.
126. +3 Magic Mastery.
127. +3 Magic Mastery.
128. +3 Magic Mastery.
129. +3 Magic Mastery [ 30 ] [ MAX ].
130. +3 Flame Wheel.
131. +3 Flame Wheel.
132. +3 Flame Wheel.
133. +3 Flame Wheel.
134. +3 Flame Wheel.
135. +3 Flame Wheel.
136. +3 Flame Wheel.
137. +3 Flame Wheel.
138. +3 Flame Wheel.
139. +2 Flame Wheel [ 30 ] [ MAX ], +1 Illusion.
140. +3 Illusion.
141. +3 Illusion.
142. +3 Illusion.
143. +3 Illusion.
144. +3 Illusion.
145. +3 Illusion.
146. +3 Illusion.
147. +3 Illusion.
148. +3 Illusion.
149. +1 Illusion [ 30 ] [ MAX ], +1 Maple Warrior, +1 Hero's Will.
150. +3 Maple Warrior.
151. +3 Maple Warrior.
152. +3 Maple Warrior.
153. +3 Maple Warrior.
154. +3 Maple Warrior.
155. +3 Maple Warrior.
156. +3 Maple Warrior.
157. +3 Maple Warrior.
158. +3 Maple Warrior.
159. +2 Maple warrior [ 30 ] [ MAX ], +1 Hero's will [ 2 ].
160. +3 Hero's will [ 5 ] [ MAX ].
Results in order
Magic Mastery:
Flame Wheel:
Maple Warrior:
Hero's will:
Build 2: Boss a holic.
120. +1 Flame wheel, +1 Illusion, +3 Magic Mastery.
121. +3 Magic Mastery.
122. +3 Magic Mastery.
123. +3 Magic Mastery.
124. +3 Magic Mastery.
125. +3 Magic Mastery.
126. +3 Magic Mastery.
127. +3 Magic Mastery.
128. +3 Magic Mastery.
129. +3 Magic Mastery [ 30 ] [ MAX ].
130. +3 Illusion.
131. +3 Illusion.
132. +3 Illusion.
133. +3 Illusion.
134. +3 Illusion.
135. +3 Illusion.
136. +3 Illusion.
137. +3 Illusion.
138. +3 Illusion.
139. +2 Illusion [ 30 ] [ MAX ], +1 Flame Wheel.
140. +3 Flame Wheel.
141. +3 Flame Wheel.
142. +3 Flame Wheel.
143. +3 Flame Wheel.
144. +3 Flame Wheel.
145. +3 Flame Wheel.
146. +3 Flame Wheel.
147. +3 Flame Wheel.
148. +3 Flame Wheel.
149. +1 Flame Wheel [ 30 ] [ MAX ], +1 Maple Warrior, +1 Hero's Will.
150. +3 Maple Warrior.
151. +3 Maple Warrior.
152. +3 Maple Warrior.
153. +3 Maple Warrior.
154. +3 Maple Warrior.
155. +3 Maple Warrior.
156. +3 Maple Warrior.
157. +3 Maple Warrior.
158. +3 Maple Warrior.
159. +2 Maple warrior [ 30 ] [ MAX ], +1 Hero's will [ 2 ].
160. +3 Hero's will [ 5 ] [ MAX ].
Results in order
Magic Mastery:
Flame Wheel:
Maple Warrior:
Hero's will:
Magic Mastery, I'm not going to nag this again. Go for it. Straight forward build. No need for much explaining. You either go for Flame wheel or Illusion after you have maxed Magic Mastery. This depends on whether or not you want to boss early on or train early on.
2.5.10. Tenth growth of the dragon.
Starts at level 160, ends at level 200.
Build 1: If you can't decide on training or bossing. (Recommended)
160. +1 Dark Fog, +1 Soul Stone, +3 Blaze.
161. +3 Blaze.
162. +3 Blaze.
163. +3 Blaze.
164. +3 Blaze.
165. +3 Blaze.
166. +3 Blaze.
167. +3 Blaze.
168. +3 Blaze.
169. +3 Blaze [ 30 ] [ MAX ].
170. +3 Onyx Will.
171. +3 Onyx Will.
172. +3 Onyx Will.
173. +3 Onyx Will.
173. +3 Onyx Will.
175. +3 Onyx Will.
176. +2 Onyx Will [ 20 ] [ MAX ], +1 Blessing of the Onyx.
177. +3 Blessing of the Onyx.
178. +3 Blessing of the Onyx.
179. +3 Blessing of the Onyx.
180. +3 Blessing of the Onyx.
181. +3 Blessing of the Onyx.
182. +3 Blessing of the Onyx.
183. +3 Blessing of the Onyx.
184. +3 Blessing of the Onyx [ 25 ] [ MAX ]
185. +3 Soul Stone.
186. +3 Soul Stone.
187. +3 Soul Stone.
188. +3 Soul Stone.
189. +3 Soul Stone.
190. +3 Soul Stone.
191. +1 Soul Stone [ 20 ] [ MAX ], +2 Dark Fog.
192. +3 Dark Fog.
193. +3 Dark Fog.
194. +3 Dark Fog.
195. +3 Dark Fog.
196. +3 Dark Fog.
197. +3 Dark Fog.
198. +3 Dark Fog.
199. +3 Dark Fog.
200. +3 Dark Fog.
Results in order
Onyx Will:
Blessing of the Onyx:
Soul Stone:
Dark Fog:
Build 2: Gosh you are really into training aren't you?
160. +1 Dark Fog, +1 Soul Stone, +3 Blaze.
161. +3 Blaze.
162. +3 Blaze.
163. +3 Blaze.
164. +3 Blaze.
165. +3 Blaze.
166. +3 Blaze.
167. +3 Blaze.
168. +3 Blaze.
169. +3 Blaze [ 30 ] [ MAX ].
170. +3 Blessing of the Onyx.
171. +3 Blessing of the Onyx.
172. +3 Blessing of the Onyx.
173. +3 Blessing of the Onyx.
173. +3 Blessing of the Onyx.
175. +3 Blessing of the Onyx.
176. +3 Blessing of the Onyx.
177. +3 Blessing of the Onyx.
178. +1 Blessing of the Onyx [ 25 ] [ MAX ], +2 Onyx Will.
179. +3 Onyx Will.
180. +3 Onyx Will.
181. +3 Onyx Will.
182. +3 Onyx Will.
183. +3 Onyx Will.
184. +3 Onyx Will [ 20 ] [ MAX ].
185. +3 Soul Stone.
186. +3 Soul Stone.
187. +3 Soul Stone.
188. +3 Soul Stone.
189. +3 Soul Stone.
190. +3 Soul Stone.
191. +1 Soul Stone [ 20 ] [ MAX ], +2 Dark Fog.
192. +3 Dark Fog.
193. +3 Dark Fog.
194. +3 Dark Fog.
195. +3 Dark Fog.
196. +3 Dark Fog.
197. +3 Dark Fog.
198. +3 Dark Fog.
199. +3 Dark Fog.
200. +3 Dark Fog.
Results in order
Blessing of the Onyx:
Onyx Will:
Soul Stone:
Dark Fog:
Build 3: Finally you get to boss huh?
160. +1 Dark Fog, +1 Soul Stone, +1 Blaze, +2 Will of the Onyx.
161. +3 Will of the Onyx.
162. +3 Will of the Onyx.
163. +3 Will of the Onyx.
164. +3 Will of the Onyx.
165. +3 Will of the Onyx.
166. +3 Will of the Onyx [ 20 ] [ MAX ].
167. +3 Blessing of the Onyx.
168. +3 Blessing of the Onyx.
169. +3 Blessing of the Onyx.
170. +3 Blessing of the Onyx.
171. +3 Blessing of the Onyx.
172. +3 Blessing of the Onyx.
173. +3 Blessing of the Onyx.
173. +3 Blessing of the Onyx.
175. +1 Blessing of the Onyx [ 25 ] [ MAX ], +2 Soul Stone [ 3 ].
176. +3 Soul Stone.
177. +3 Soul Stone.
178. +3 Soul Stone.
179. +3 Soul Stone.
180. +3 Soul Stone.
181. +2 Soul Stone [ 20 ] [ MAX ], +1 Blaze [ 2 ].
182. +3 Blaze.
183. +3 Blaze.
184. +3 Blaze.
185. +3 Blaze.
186. +3 Blaze.
187. +3 Blaze.
188. +3 Blaze.
189. +3 Blaze.
190. +3 Blaze.
191. +1 Blaze [ 30 ] [ MAX ], +2 Dark Fog.
192. +3 Dark Fog.
193. +3 Dark Fog.
194. +3 Dark Fog.
195. +3 Dark Fog.
196. +3 Dark Fog.
197.+3 Dark Fog.
198. +3 Dark Fog.
199. +3 Dark Fog.
200. +3 Dark Fog.
Results in order
Onyx Will:
Blessing of the Onyx:
Soul Stone:
Dark Fog:
Working on it.
2.6. Hyper skills
With all credit for provided information to Orangemushroom. Rewritten to Evans specifically, by me of course.
2.6.1 What are they?
With the introduction of the Tempest patch (which is expected to come around in December for GMS), we will be receiving new skills. These skills are called Hyper skills. They are located in your skills tab, displayed through a separate button.
2.6.2. How do these skill points work?
Like I said before, they're in a separate tab from your regular skills, and you will not have to give up Skill points from your current growths to add to them.
There are three different types of Hyper skills. You will be receiving separate skill points for these skills.
1. Stat enhancing passive skills (13 total).
6 Skill points.
2. Skill enhancing passive skills (9 total).
5 Skill points.
3. Attacks and buffs (3 total).
3 Skill points.
Every skill will be maxed after adding 1 skill point. This means that for enhancing skills, you will have to make choices. While for attacks and buffs, you will be able to max out all skills.
Starting at level 140, you will be receiving skill points every 10 levels.
Level 140:
Stat enhancing SP: +1
Skill enhancing SP: +1
Level 150:
Stat enhancing SP: +1
Attack/buff SP: +1
Level 160:
Stat enhancing SP: +1
Skill enhancing SP: +1
Level 170:
Stat enhancing SP: +1
Attack/buff SP: +1
Level 180:
Skill enhancing SP: +1
Level 190:
Stat enhancing SP: +1
Skill enhancing SP: +1
Level 200:
Stat enhancing SP: +1
Skill enhancing SP: +1
Attack/buff SP: +1
Don't worry if you mess up your Hyper Skills. By paying 100k for your first reset (which goes up to 10M for your fifth+), you can do your build all over again.
2.6.3. Hyper skills: Stat enhancing skills
Skills and descriptions
Hyper Physical Guard: Passively increase your physical defense by 500. [required level: 165]
Hyper Magical Guard: Passively increase your magical defense by 500. [required level: 174]
Hyper Movement: Passively increase your speed by 10. [required level: 152]
Hyper Jump: Passively increase your jump by 10. [required level: 146]
Hyper Accuracy: Passively increase your accuracy by 20%. [required level: 158]
Hyper Critical Rate: Passively increase your critical rate by 10%. [required level: 198]
Hyper Dexterity: Passively increase your DEX by 50. [required level: 140]
Hyper Intelligence: Passively increase your INT by 50. [required level: 140]
Hyper Luck: Passively increase your LUK by 50. [required level: 140]
Hyper Strength: Passively increase your STR by 50. [required level: 140]
Hyper Max Heart Point: Passively increase your HP by 15%. [required level: 192]
Hyper Max Magic Point: Passively increase your MP by 15%. [required level: 186]
Hyper Max Demon Force: Passively increase your DF by 50. [required level: 180]
Stat enhancing skill recommendations
Hyper Critical Rate: Passively increase your critical rate by 10%. [required level: 198]
Hyper Intelligence: Passively increase your INT by 50. [required level: 140]
Hyper Luck: Passively increase your LUK by 50. [required level: 140]
Hyper Max Heart Point: Passively increase your HP by 15%. [required level: 192]
Hyper Max Magic Point: Passively increase your MP by 15%. [required level: 186]
Hyper Accuracy: Passively increase your accuracy by 20%. [required level: 158]
Hyper Physical Guard: Passively increase your physical defense by 500. [required level: 165]
Hyper Magical Guard: Passively increase your magical defense by 500. [required level: 174]
Above recommendations are in order of what should get priority.
We will have 6 points in this category. I'd first like to focus on damage, rather than defense. As an Evan, you might notice that getting max crit rate is easier than getting max damage on regular hits. The beauty of crit damage is that if you have a high range that allows you to max with crits, you will be able to avoid adding to your range all together and just skip to the crit rates.
Now for the next two options, your primary and secondary stats seem like an obvious choice. INT is a clear range boost, however many people seem to think that due to the removal of secondary stat requirements, these stats are rendered useless. However, LUK does increase your range by a bit.
Now, with 3 skill points to go we'll start looking into the defense buffs. Evans are pretty hard to kill already, but that extra bit of HP and MP will save you potions and keep you just a bit safer while you're bossing.
Finally, there's not really anything all too interesting left for us to put our last point into. Most higher ranged Evans will find themselves with maxed out Magic defense. So there's absolutely no point in that. However you might benefit from the physical defense. Honestly, this one is up to you. Go wild, add some STR and be the strength mage you always wanted to be.
Hyper Critical Rate.
Hyper Intelligence.
Hyper Luck.
Hyper Max Heart Points.
Hyper Max Magic Points.
A skill of your own choice.
2.6.4. Hyper skills: Skill enhancing skills
Skills and descriptions
Illusion - Reinforce: Illusion's damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 143]
Illusion - Add Range: Illusion's range is increased by 50. [required level: 162]
Illusion - Ignore Guard: Passively increase the amount of monster's defense ignored by Illusion by 20%. [required level: 183]
Dark Fog - Reinforce: Dark Fog's damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 149]
Dark Fog - Cooltime Reduce: Dark Fog's cooldown is decreased by 20%. [required level: 168]
Dark Fog - Split Damage: Dark Fog's damage is reduced to 1/4 and its attack count is increased to 4. [required level: 189]
Blaze - Reinforce: Blaze's damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 155]
Blaze - Ignore Guard: Passively increase the amount of monster's defense ignored by Blaze by 20%. [required level: 177]
Blaze - Persist: Blaze's stun time is increased by 4 seconds. [required level: 195]
Stat enhancing skill recommendations: HIGH RANGES
Illusion - Add Range: Illusion's range is increased by 50. [required level: 162]
Dark Fog - Reinforce: Dark Fog's damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 149]
Dark Fog - Cooltime Reduce: Dark Fog's cooldown is decreased by 20%. [required level: 168]
Dark Fog - Split Damage: Dark Fog's damage is reduced to 1/4 and its attack count is increased to 4. [required level: 189]
Illusion - Ignore Guard: Passively increase the amount of monster's defense ignored by Illusion by 20%. [required level: 183]
Blaze - Ignore Guard: Passively increase the amount of monster's defense ignored by Blaze by 20%. [required level: 177]
Of course Evans with a high range, can ignore the damage increasing skills. Your main focus will be with Dark Fog. Dark Fog at this moment is absolutely useless. We can easily hit max damage with it, and on top of that it will also have an additional 20% crit rate, making it even easier to hit max.
The damage done with Dark Fog will be split in 4. This is something we have needed for a long time now. This means that you will be doing:
15 (mobs) x 4 (amount of attacks) x 525 (% damage) = 31500% damage.
Now seeing as this is for high ranges, I can assure you that you will be doing 15 times 4 x MAX with that. This making Dark Fog extremely interesting for us all of a sudden. Not only that, but we can use it more than we could due to the 20% cool down reduction.
Currently our cooldown is 20 seconds at max level. 20 (seconds) x 0.20 (20%) = 4 (amount of seconds less). This means we will have a cooldown of 16 seconds from now on.
Now seeing as Dark Fog only consumes 3 skill points (perhaps 2, seeing as it's easy to max with 525% damage), you will still have 2 points left over. Assuming you can already hit max damage with all your skills except dragon thrust, you won't really need an extra boost in your % damage (for the skill alone) and PDR. Even though I do recommened the extra PDR over anything else.
I'd say, add 1 point into Illusion's extra distance, so that you have the ability to survive better at bosses (more distance between you and the boss, means less hits). And the last point into the % PDR skill for Illusion. You will be using Illusion much more at bosses than Blaze, and hitting max on Illusion is harder (which makes it easier when training as well).
If you decided not to get Dark Fog - Reinforce, I suggest getting either Illusion - Reinforce or Blaze - Ignore Guard. Illusion for bossing and training being the better choice if you already max with Blaze.
Dark Fog - Split Damage
Dark Fog - Cooltime reduce
Illusion - Add range
Illusion - Ignore Guard
Dark Fog - Reinforce / Illusion - Reinforce / Blaze - Ignore Guard.
Stat enhancing skill recommendations: LOW/AVERAGE RANGES
Illusion - Reinforce: Illusion's damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 143]
Illusion - Ignore Guard: Passively increase the amount of monster's defense ignored by Illusion by 20%. [required level: 183]
Dark Fog - Split Damage: Dark Fog's damage is reduced to 1/4 and its attack count is increased to 4. [required level: 189]
Blaze - Reinforce: Blaze's damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 155]
Blaze - Ignore Guard: Passively increase the amount of monster's defense ignored by Blaze by 20%. [required level: 177]
I still am of the opinion that you'd like to see Dark Fog become useful again. Even if you're at a lower range, you might hit max damage on Dark Fog already (I mean come on, it's 2100% damage). Though what I have done here, is give it less priority. The split damage, I think is simply a must for anyone. However reinforce and cooldown reduction aren't really that important here. Especially not when you can boost your other skills a little.
Not much explaining to do here. You add into the reinforce and ignore guard skills to ensure that your attacking/mobbing skills are stronger for both training and bossing purposes.
Illusion - Reinforce.
Illusion - Ignore guard.
Blaze - Reinforce.
Blaze - Ignore guard.
Dark Fog - Split damage.
2.6.5. Hyper skills: Attacking/active skills
Skills and descriptions
Frenzied Soul:
The soul stone increases you and your party's damage by 30% for 30 seconds. There is a cooldown of 90 seconds. [required level: 150]
Summon Onyx Dragon:
Summon an ancient Onyx Dragon to help you fight for 30 seconds, attacking up to 8 enemies for 1000% damage. There is a cooldown of 90 seconds. [required level: 170]
Heroes' Oath:
The oath of the Maple heroes gives them and other Hero classes in their party 10% increased damage and the ability to pass the damage cap by up to 50,000 for 60 seconds. There is a cooldown of 120 seconds. [required level: 200]
Do I really need to make a build for this? I'll keep this one short. You'll be able to max them all out, and the above order is what you will do it in (seeing the level requirements). As simple as that.