Results 1 to 17 of 17
  1. Deluxe Refrigerator
    IGN: MrTouchnGo
    Server: Bera
    Level: 199
    Job: Shadower
    Guild: Ivalice
    Alliance: Bastion

    Default APQ and CWKPQ broken.

    The monsters do not drop the keys necessary to obtain the ticket for APQ.

    I'm also being told that apparently the sigils in stage 1 of CWKPQ do not activate. Confirmation needed. CWKPQ broken again.
    Last edited by MrTouchnGo; 2012-06-29 at 12:54 AM. Reason: confirmed, sadly

  2. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: SaptaZapta
    Server: Kradia
    Level: 275
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Matriarchy
    Alliance: Peaceful

    Default Re: APQ and CWKPQ broken.

    It never ceases to amaze me how Nexon can break completely unrelated things when they make patches.

  3. Default Re: APQ and CWKPQ broken.

    >Buy permanent pendant
    >can't get a bonus MoN

    why is literally every patch one step forward and eight steps back

  4. Default Re: APQ and CWKPQ broken.

  5. Alligator Straight Male
    IGN: Sure
    Server: Redoot
    Level: Eh.
    Job: I guess?
    Guild: No idea.
    Alliance: Think I know?
    Farm: This Exists Still?

    Default Re: APQ and CWKPQ broken.


  6. Deluxe Refrigerator
    IGN: MrTouchnGo
    Server: Bera
    Level: 199
    Job: Shadower
    Guild: Ivalice
    Alliance: Bastion

    Default Re: APQ and CWKPQ broken.

    I don't even understand how they could accidentally remove the keys as drops. It just doesn't make any sense at all.

  7. Default Re: APQ and CWKPQ broken.

    Lol, deja vu. CWKPQ was also glitched when they first released cs Pendant slot.

  8. Default Re: APQ and CWKPQ broken.

    APQ- Doesnt exist in KMS, Wiped key from Drop Table Accidentally.

    CWKPQ- Scripts setup for specific skills to activate sigils (Aka reactors) has been wiped when they changed how reactors are activated.

    See! Its all related!

  9. Deluxe Refrigerator
    IGN: MrTouchnGo
    Server: Bera
    Level: 199
    Job: Shadower
    Guild: Ivalice
    Alliance: Bastion

    Default Re: APQ and CWKPQ broken.

    It's a wonder how the keys stayed in the game for so long

  10. Default Re: APQ and CWKPQ broken.

    I tried to scarlion/targa for the first time ever, noticed nothing in malaysia drops any etcs to finish the quest for him.

    Either Im really far behind the times or it is related :P

  11. Hot minute Gay Male

    IGN: Farewell
    Server: Reboot
    Level: ???
    Job: Meth Addict
    Guild: None
    Alliance: None

    Default Re: APQ and CWKPQ broken.

    Obviously just a gift from their wedding crashing.

  12. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: SaptaZapta
    Server: Kradia
    Level: 275
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Matriarchy
    Alliance: Peaceful

    Default Re: APQ and CWKPQ broken.

    Hmm... seems mobs in Showa are not dropping their etc's either.
    The plot thickens.

  13. Deluxe Refrigerator
    IGN: MrTouchnGo
    Server: Bera
    Level: 199
    Job: Shadower
    Guild: Ivalice
    Alliance: Bastion

    Default Re: APQ and CWKPQ broken.

    It seems that all non-KMS monsters had their drop tables wiped.

    Oh Nexon.

  14. Default Re: APQ and CWKPQ broken.

    If you check the Monster Book and look at the Showa mob drop tables you'll see they're totally empty. I'm assuming the other areas (places without monster cards) are the same. :|

  15. Default Re: APQ and CWKPQ broken.

    inb4 that bug fixing month becomes the Bug Fixing year. :|

  16. Deluxe Refrigerator
    IGN: MrTouchnGo
    Server: Bera
    Level: 199
    Job: Shadower
    Guild: Ivalice
    Alliance: Bastion

    Default Re: APQ and CWKPQ broken.

    Most of the affected monsters don't even have cards

    It'd be nice if they continued fixing bugs. Nothing wrong with a less buggy game. I CAN DREAM.

  17. Default Re: APQ and CWKPQ broken.

    Thats why when i did Castellan yesterday absolutely NOTHING dropped not even money which was weird to start off.



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