Realized there wasn't one of this here so why not make one?
Post here your champions builds and your experiences with, or if you need help building a particular champ or when its the best situation to build X item on X champ you could do it here.
Im gonna start showing this Darius build i have been tinkering with the past few days:
Jungler Darius:
-Wriggles Latern: for obvious good reason for the early and mid game
-Boots: Mercury are good for the magic resistance and Tenacity.
-Phage: been hearing a lot that this is one of his "Core" items, gives AD, Hp and that passive slow to compliment your own W. Upgrade to Frozen hammer its the best route.
-Hexdrinker: Mres + Magic Damage shield + Damage can help you quite a lot against Magic Dealer enemies. Upgrading to Maw of whatchamacallit whenever you feel its necessary.
After this point i always been changing items because quite frankly i never know how to build after this point, i usually just mess around with:
-Glacial Shroud/Frozen Heart: The mana could help a lot if you are a trigger happy person with your ult in good situations (You tend to oom easily if you abuse his ult), Armor for more tankyness and the frozen heart passive compliments really well with the frozen hammer/his W. Cooldown Reduction its another reason why to get it, you will be dealing your damage mostly by your Q and W and Passive, so might as well abuse them since the cost little mana to use.
-Youmuu's Ghostblade: The all-around for any AD champ that have some self-respect. Critical strike, AD, Armor Pen, CDR, and ASP+MS Active makes you dangerous in 60 seconds intervals. Sadly its a little expensive, so buying it too early its a no go unless you are feeded as pineapple.
-Guardian Armor: Extra tankyness its delicious, and the Passive could be a buttpineappleer if the enemy forget about you in teamfights after killing you, Beheading (Although its more like a splitting in the middle) for 5 plox!
-Bloodthirster: Damage and Sustain, nuff said.
-Infinity Edge: Damage damage damage!, although i prefer the BT myself.
-Atma Impaler: The Offtank weapon of choice, if you get Frozen hammer it could give you a boost of 40 to 50 AD by lvl 18.
The joke of Darius: Abuse his passive, apply as many stacks as possible, W its an AA reseter so AA first before using it,E if the enemy tries to escape,Q Blade Hits 50% extra damage but don't lose your head (Pun intended) trying to always hit with it. Always R with 3 or more stack on the enemy (Applying 2-3 its easy to do in less than 2 or 3secs) and remember a square in the enemy hitpoint bar = 100hp.