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  1. Neon Atom
    IGN: Ibeatkids
    Server: Culverin
    Level: 170
    Job: Viper
    Guild: Reborn
    Alliance: Leafre

    Default [Updated May 22 IMPORTANT]#Toonamisbackpeaches! Toonami is back starting may 26th

    My childhood is now back.

    Update:May 22,2012.

    Last edited by Mario; 2012-05-22 at 12:44 AM.

  2. Orbital Bee Cannon Straight Male
    IGN: Musiphe
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 277
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Epic
    Alliance: Fatal

    Default Re: #Toonamisbackpeaches! Toonami is back starting may 26th


    Tom lives once again!?

  3. Default Re: #Toonamisbackpeaches! Toonami is back starting may 26th

    If it is running during AS, I am unsure if it will be the same ;~;

  4. Default Re: #Toonamisbackpeaches! Toonami is back starting may 26th

    Oh damn, didn't see this thread. But:


  5. Heavily armored Humvee
    IGN: TheSovereignBowi
    Server: LoL NA
    Level: 30
    Job: The League
    Guild: Of Draven

    Default Re: #Toonamisbackpeaches! Toonami is back starting may 26th

    I wouldn't want it to be. Maybe it's just because I've become a pretty hardcore anime fan since then, but shows like DBZ really don't hold up now that I'm not 12. I'm curious to see what kind of programming it'll be. AS Saturday night already has some action animes that fit the bill pretty well. Maybe a mix of old and new properly packaged with Tom and the reviews and things they used to do.

    I probably won't be watching anyway, but I wish them luck.

  6. Default Re: #Toonamisbackpeaches! Toonami is back starting may 26th

    It's probably them just renaming their Anime Saturday block to make people happy. Watch it have EXACTLY the same horrible Animes as it used to.

  7. Water

    IGN: FasterHarder
    Server: Dirgie
    Level: 85
    Job: HotSexyRedhead
    Guild: TeamRocket/Doggies

    Default Re: #Toonamisbackpeaches! Toonami is back starting may 26th

    As I said on another forum. I hope they make it as good back when it was aired in the 90s.

  8. Alligator Straight Male
    IGN: Sure
    Server: Redoot
    Level: Eh.
    Job: I guess?
    Guild: No idea.
    Alliance: Think I know?
    Farm: This Exists Still?

    Default Re: #Toonamisbackpeaches! Toonami is back starting may 26th

    ...Now all we need is to get rid of the crappy shows on the normal CN block and I can say my childhood has been restored.

  9. Default Re: #Toonamisbackpeaches! Toonami is back starting may 26th

    We're getting this soon as well.

  10. Default Re: #Toonamisbackpeaches! Toonami is back starting may 26th


  11. ☮♫♥ Gay Male
    IGN: FrozNlite
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 200
    Job: F/P ArchMage
    Guild: Brazzers
    Alliance: Heroes

    Default Re: #Toonamisbackpeaches! Toonami is back starting may 26th

    Was this the schedule on the April 1st return? If not, pretty good chance there's your lineup.

  12. Donator Straight Female
    IGN: icephoenix21
    Server: Scania
    Level: 212
    Job: Bishop
    Guild: DremithCross
    Alliance: Evolution
    Farm: IcePhoenix

    Default Re: #Toonamisbackpeaches! Toonami is back starting may 26th

    I'd be content with Tenchi, Outlaw Star, Trigun. Wouldn't mind Rurouni Kenshin or Gundam Wing, either. .hack would be nice, but doubt it'll happen.

    I am excited for this :3

  13. Default Re: #Toonamisbackpeaches! Toonami is back starting may 26th

    I'm pumped for Yu Yu Hakusho, Blue Submarine No. 6, Big O, and Astro Boy.

  14. Lazy Mathematician Female
    IGN: MsJudith
    Server: Windia
    Level: 130
    Job: aran
    Guild: n/a
    Alliance: n/a

    Default Re: #Toonamisbackpeaches! Toonami is back starting may 26th

    .hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelet

    would be AWESOME to watch again.

    I'm a bigger fan of Legend of the Twilight Bracelet though :3

    And if they SOMEHOW show .hack//G.U. ... I'd be so tempted to ditch work early just to watch it.. but I wont... DVR :D

    And yes... I can just watch all of them on the internet.... but I have crappy slow loading internet.... takes 5x longer to load than to watch.... takes the fun out of it D:

  15. Neon Atom Gay Male
    IGN: XJunkun
    Server: Bera
    Level: 200
    Job: Buccaneer
    Guild: Jabaited
    Alliance: You

    Default Re: #Toonamisbackpeaches! Toonami is back starting may 26th

    o____________o His gifted.

  16. Default Re: #Toonamisbackpeaches! Toonami is back starting may 26th

    This is the best thing I have seen on AS.

  17. Default Re: #Toonamisbackpeaches! Toonami is back starting may 26th

    Seeing "Yu Yu Hakusho" and "Sailor Moon" on TV again would sure be something.

  18. Default Re: #Toonamisbackpeaches! Toonami is back starting may 26th

    I highly doubt Sailor Moon would come back seeing as how the Adult Swim time-slot is directed toward men.

  19. Default Re: #Toonamisbackpeaches! Toonami is back starting may 26th

    Are you trying to say men don't watch Sailor Moon? Mahou Shoujo is the manliest of the manly.

  20. Default Re: #Toonamisbackpeaches! Toonami is back starting may 26th

    Well, the ''men'' that watched Sailor Moon were kids, like me, that watched just about anything that aired.

    There's usually other reasons why actual men watch shows like that though, but I won't go into it.



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