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  1. Default EA shares lowest since '99 - is it now a takeover target?


  2. Default Re: EA shares lowest since '99 - is it now a takeover target?

    valve pls buy ea

  3. Default Re: EA shares lowest since '99 - is it now a takeover target?

    Someone needs to save the Madden franchise, I hope someone buys it.

  4. Default Re: EA shares lowest since '99 - is it now a takeover target?

    Buy them out


  5. Default Re: EA shares lowest since '99 - is it now a takeover target?


  6. Can of Soup Male
    IGN: LunaMimosa
    Server: El Nido
    Level: 134
    Job: OP Elf Queen
    Guild: Some no-name guild
    Alliance: Read above.

    Default Re: EA shares lowest since '99 - is it now a takeover target?

    1.Buy now.

    2. Wait for next Battlefield Release.


    4. PROFIT.

    Not sure if battlefield can reach 'flavor of the generation' status though. Like how GTA /Halo and CoD has. it remains to be seen.

  7. Polar Bear Gay Male
    IGN: danielcatu
    Server: yellonde
    Level: 121
    Job: Wind Archer
    Guild: Vendetta
    Farm: 765pro

    Default Re: EA shares lowest since '99 - is it now a takeover target?

    the only thing I like from EA is playfish so yeah go nexon go

  8. Default Re: EA shares lowest since '99 - is it now a takeover target?

    Lol. Free to play, pay to win Star Wars: The Old Republic.

  9. Default Re: EA shares lowest since '99 - is it now a takeover target?

    EA has been employing a short term strategy for too long. They buy smaller studios with games they think they can hype to commercial success, but then when they crank them through the sequel machine and turn their franchises into yet another EA abortion, sales fall off. Not to mention the original talent leaves the studio. EA is left with excess studios, inadequate talent, and scorched franchises.

  10. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
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    Default Re: EA shares lowest since '99 - is it now a takeover target?

    Nuuu. I don't want Valve contaminated with the foul stench of EA.

  11. Default Re: EA shares lowest since '99 - is it now a takeover target?

    I just hear this:




  12. Default Re: EA shares lowest since '99 - is it now a takeover target?

    I have no idea what Nexon could even get from EA and what makes it even worth buying.
    Half of the internet hates the guts out of it anyways.

  13. Default Re: EA shares lowest since '99 - is it now a takeover target?

    This is what happens when you give yourself the reputation of being the worst gaming company ever, and do nothing at all to improve that reputation.

    Nexon buying EA makes no sense, mostly for one reason: Nexon has no idea what they're doing with anything other than MMOs. It was mentioned in one of those "Why Nexon wouldn't be buying EA" news articles and it's true. Nexon would do far more damage than good, and not just because they're a bad company, but because they would have no idea what they were doing.

  14. Default Re: EA shares lowest since '99 - is it now a takeover target?

    on the plus side, if they bought it they would both sink together.

  15. Default Re: EA shares lowest since '99 - is it now a takeover target?

    Darth Vader: Luke, I'm buying moar NX
    Luke Skywalker: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!


  16. Lead Ball
    IGN: Watt
    Server: 루na
    Level: 240
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    Guild: 깜찍
    Alliance: 깜찍qkff
    Farm: 에디

    Default Re: EA shares lowest since '99 - is it now a takeover target?

    So wait i can cube my gun in battlefield 3 now?!


  17. Default Re: EA shares lowest since '99 - is it now a takeover target?

    > implying they have any idea of what they are doing with their MMOs

  18. Default Re: EA shares lowest since '99 - is it now a takeover target?

    Obviously they have enough of one to keep them alive and running for 9 years in some cases.

  19. Default Re: EA shares lowest since '99 - is it now a takeover target?

    Nexon only wanted publishing rights to FIFA Online 3. I don't know where all this EA takeover bull came from.
    Read bottom.



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