Oh Arizona...
Oh Arizona...
Dafuq is this?
Why isn't someone making a law to ban this latino hateful laws.
I cry for Arizona children.
Arizona Bill, you are one racist son of a peach.
Just so everyone knows, there isn't a single latin song, at least on mainstream media, that tries to “use subversive music to manipulate young Latinos into hating the United States.”
We don't hate United States. We just pity and/or get mad at people who discriminate us like any person gets at the ones who discriminates them.
This is a big example of why we get mad.
This was hilarious. Should we really be surprised though?
Umm, guys?
Originally Posted by Free Wood Post
Ladies & gentlemen, "America is Satan":
Welcome to Arizona, guys!
BTW, a ban on ethnic studies is being considered. That's quite real.
Brewer signed that bill a couple of years ago
Interesting comment from the article:
It seems they never took the time to see what the courses were actually teaching.I teach two of the Ethnic Studies courses in question: Native American and African American Literatures. When Mr. Horne leveled his accusations three years ago through the media, I responded articulating the purpose and objectives of the courses and encouraged him to actually attend the classes he so vilifies. To this day, he has NEVER been in any of the classes. Horne continued his attack on a visit to TUSD on May 12th. According to the Arizona Daily Star, “Horne said he merely wanted to meet with TUSD to learn about all of the ethnic study programs it offers." Three years ago, Horne asked for, and we submitted, curricular materials for the courses. My syllabus and standards have been posted on a class website for years. There has never been a response or collaborative efforts from him, or his office, regarding course content.
I don't want to seem like I am bragging or anything, but WOW, does your Country have it rough! In Canada, we are forced to take courses like the ones being banned / are banned, but they aren't saying things like "death to America!" or anything stupid like that! It is pretty much like history courses, where they state what has happened, and what America has done to them!