I think this is what everyone has been waiting for for a long time now.
I think this is what everyone has been waiting for for a long time now.
Now they just need replays :D
As i said in the other thread: Seems that riot took some notes out of valve's handbook, and i really am happy to see companies take good ideas from eachother like that. But i still feel it's lacking some.
But still, about time.
Isn't this what the patch thread is for?
So uhh, I guess you just want a combat log then? Which due to the whole ability to slow down, rewind, and speed up fights is a rather pointless addition to the spec mode for LoL. I dunno, I think other than not actually having the ability to record said games, this system is really pineappleing good. And I'm assuming that replays will be added in soon enough if they already have rewind, slow mode, and fast forward.
I'm not sure what you'd expect out of a gold graph. Team gold and individual gold can be seen, and for the most part I don't think we really need a graph to see what's going on in pro games.
Combat log I agree with.
Player perspective is only appreciated by a minority, and I'm not sure Riot actually has the tech for that. Even if it's not a priority item though, it certainly can't hurt, especially when replays come along.
The last one is already in spectator mode. Unless they cut that out.
Gee, i didn't know that what I feel lacks is somehow decided by you?
A gold and exp graph is extremely useful and can tell you a lot about a game along with having things such a towers being destroyed and kills along the x-axis(and time of course) with gold/exp up and down the Y-axes.
Pro players as well as pub players in DotA2 love the exp/gold graph because of how much information it can give you about the progress of a game and because of what it can be used for.
And player perspective shows you everything a player does, you see the game from his perspective, it's incredibly nice to have and let's you learn a lot.
And if being able to toggle fog of war already exists, then i am sorry, he just did not mention it at all.
And a gold graph as i already mentioned gives you a LOT OF INFORMATION, believe me. It is useful and I feel it lacks, note that it's what I feel.
And i disagree strongly with that player perspective is only appreciated by a minority, people LOVE the thing in DotA2 and are literally all over the feature, it's useful and gives you a lot of useful insight.
And those are just some of the things I feel are lacking.
Exactly what useful insight are you going to get? Maybe it's helpful for new players, but for most other players it's going to be the same old stuff. Well, maybe some pro players can shock others by playing with locked camera, but that's about it.
And yes, I've watched DotA 2 streams on occasion, read up on champions and items, and took a look at some of their stuff. The gold graph is convenient, but in LoL, you're not going to get as much of a dynamic as you are going to in DotA 2 that isn't already apparent in the amount of turrets/dragons/barons taken (imo dragon/baron kills tracker needs to be implemented).
Gold graph shows you exactly how a fight changed the game, exactly how far behind/ahead someone got over the course of a period of something specific going on, and how much farm a team loses if for example someone is forced to recall.
It also shows you by what rate a team is outfarming the team and comparing it to the exp graph you can see how teams stand in gold and exp, which isn't always the same, having one team with more gold and one team with more exp isn't uncommon in DotA and with the new way exp is distributed in LoL i wouldn't be surprised if that was the case as well.
Professional DotA players will use both graphs as a way of measuring where in the game they had problems and what kind of problems they were, are they being outfarmed? outleveled? Is it equal while it theoretically should be in the other teams or your own favor?
And so on, i feel that it's useful and gives you information that looking at just the pure gold and exp earned doesn't quite give you, it gives you insight.
hooray now i canstalkwatch people on my friends list! I've been waiting for this for a while now. Drop-in spectator has been in the PBE for at least 5 months so I'm surprised it took this long. I guess they wanted to release the full package.
They can always go back and revise spectator mode if the public demands for it.
Just note, it does take a lot of time to refine Spectator Mode for technical glitches/adding additional features/quality of life updates/etc. Especially if the system was built from the ground up in the first place.
I won't mind waiting for Spectator Mode for that long. If Riot put a lot of time on perfecting Spectator Mode and I see that kickass quality when I start using it next patch, its well worth the wait.
idk, ive never wanted a gold graph before... except for my very last ranked game where i mysteriously acquired more gold than my enemy counterpart who i lost lane to. but i sort of already know... ashe outfarms another ranged ad on the same cs from e (not that i was even), my team gave me a niiiiice triple, and we had a couple dragons and baron and several towers
there really hasnt been another time ive wanted a gold graph, in 2k+ games and lots of stream watching... and even now i dont really care
also, for player perspective, just watch streams. you get commentary too. its really much better than a players perspective in spectator. (scarras great, guardsmanbob doesnt comment as much nowadays, nhat nguyen is great, ranged ads dont have too much to comment on so pick your poison, and oddone is ok at saying whats hes thinking but not analyzing.. voyboy and dyrus are more dedicated tops than gbob but they dont comment much either.)